Had a dream, last night, and in it I was allowed into the Cardinals' War Room and a look (30 seconds) at their Big Board. This is what I saw and was told that there were no QB's.
1. Young, Edge
2. Simmons, LB
3. Okudah, CB
4. Brown, DT
5. Thomas, OT
6. Lamb, WR
7. Kinlaw, DT
8. Becton, OT
9. Ruggs, WR
10.Wills, OT
And SK told me (speaking through a mask) that he expected the top three to be gone, along with three QB's by the time Carolina makes their pick, but we should be able to get our fourth or fifth rated player. And when I woke up a couple of things became clear to me. One, DL is our greatest position of need. And two when drafting in the Top Ten ALWAYS go LT over RT. When the Season ended most experts had Thomas as the top rated OT, but that changed with the Combine. But, I'm glad to know, not for my Cardinals.
So, with the eighth pick, Arizona selects ........ .
Unfortunately, SK asked me not to say.