ASFN Addict
Powdered Lemon Creme Doughnuts
Beef Tripe
Ginger Snaps
Black Licorice
Goats Head Cheese
Please feel free to add your own disgusting foods, or defend one listed.
Beef Tripe can be really tasty, but at the end of the day, I have a hard time with the texture of it. I have eaten some really good tripe though. I just wont order it at a restaurant or anything.
Goats Head Cheese? Do you mean the meat loaf known as head chees but made from goat? Or do you mean goat cheese, the creamy delicious delicacy? I did braise a pigs head this past week and pick the face meat and roll it all up with jowl fat in its skin, then chill it, slice it into rounds, bread it pan fry it and serve it with congee made from the broth the head cooked in. Now THAT was effin delicious.
Dijonaise just saves a step in making my sammie, dude. I put dijon and mayo on every sammie I make, I just dont buy the product cause I use the two components individually too much to bother
Dont like Beets, but Borscht is awesome. And I hate black licorice.