Sorry I think your wrong. I here former players and coaches talk about it all the time. These players have been learning fundamentals about tackling from multiple coaches their whole lives before they even make it to the NFL. Every player in the NFL knows how to make a proper tackle. When players miss tackles in the NFL its because they just don't want to or care to. Its because they are free lancing or out of position, its because they just don't want to hit someone, its because they are on national TV and would rather deliver a blow to get them on ESPN rather then make the tackle. At the NFL level tackling is not a coaching issue one bit, its a player issue. Its like the Suns with Amare, the coaches can teach him defense and consistent rebound till they are blue in the face but it is up to him to do it and have the will to do it. Even if he doesn't do it they aren't going to bench him, just like we are not going to bench the likes Wilson, Rolle, Dansby, DRC for them missing all of their tackles, and we aren't going to bench Abdulah either becuase there is no one to bench him for.