So whats a "huge success" to you? On the mold of Brees, Brady, Rodgers, Rapistburger? All he can do is be a game manager and he'll get that contract. Trubisky played his role and led them to the top of his division, you CANNOT DISPUTE THAT. He has opened the door for one year college wonders to thrive in this league. KK will be his Nagy and McVeigh who will tailor the offense around Murray's strengths and weaknesses.
SO being in the HOF is being a success to you? Wow the goal posts you move to prove a point. Can you name the Falcons qb before Vick without googling it? What career he had?? How many wins he had? How many playoff berths he led his team too? You dont think Murray will learn the game over time? Just like Trubisky learned the hard knocks before him?