Bender is much more like Tskitishvili IMO, during the draft, many said he was Dirk, but with MORE skill. He will be playing in Lebanon in 5-8 years, because Euro players are soft, they all play bench roles for "elite" teams. Reality is that Dirk was a contested choice, he worked out and is the model now. Remember the Suns turned down Dirk for Pat Garity. We have Foamy as the owner, Foamy will never get it correct, he would force RYAN to draft the quick fix "Bender" over the better player. As long as Foamy is the D, The Suns are RC Cola. Gingers are usually like this, mainly because they get rejected by women who do not find red head men attractive, Foamy has money so he is as attractive as a brown person with a minor job. Yeah girls don't really like gingers unless they can pay for stuff. And believe me, Ginger's wife is hitting a real man with real hair, skin tone etc..Ginger, gets mad and signs the closest thing to a ginger - Euro boy.
Suns Draft Bender. bank it