While I don't agree that if we Land SAR and Finley, KT will not Start, I think he can SHOULD start... HEre is how I see the minutes honestly working out..
PG: Nash(30) Barbs(12) Bell(6)
SG: Finley(30) Bell(18)
SF: Marion(35) JJax(13)
PF: Amare(25) SAR (23)
C: Thomas (30) Amare(10) SAR(8)
I think Padgett, Burke, Tishcer, Ect... WOn't get very much PT, but SAR still gets his 30-32 Minutes a game, same with Finley...Also no one would have to play 40 minutes a game, thus keep us fresh all season, which there is a lot to be said about that.....
This is a TOUGH lineup, and I really think it is feasable for the suns... I REALLY do!
And SAR does have a coice in the matter, because a deal isn't completed untill they pass a physical, and then everything is signed, thats why you always here "the trade is done PENDING A PHYSICAL"
Now SAR says no, I don't want to go anymore, then he doesn't has to..... And assuming the deal goes through, I believe if the suns aggressively go after SAR, There is a good chance he ends up here, IMO, and then we would be set! (ofcourse thats also assuming we land Finley...I know Im getting greedy, but hey, I can't help it)