Woody Paige's lame reply


ASFN Addict
May 28, 2002
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This regards the Woody Paige article I'm sure many of your read. Where he trumpeted Plummer as Elway. Said Cardinal fans don't know what a good QB is, and THAT WE HAVE NO CLUE OUR OWNER IS BAD. Is this guy off or what?

I don't know if he couldn't answer my questions, felt stupid, or just sent a form response.

Woody Paige
in this country i am allowed to have an OPINION. thank you for choosing to read my column. woody paige

I bet he got a hundred emails just like this. Did anyone else get a different response?

Here is what I wrote him

"As a journalist, it is your job to promote your viewpoint. You get paid
for it. However, I must point out a few things, so that your viewpoint
is a little more truthful, and your perspective is a bit more clarified.

"They can't even recognize that the Cardinals have one of the worst
owners in sports. (Wait until they get a load of the Cardinals' new

What are you talking about? Everyone here knows how 'bad' of an owner he
has been, since he brought his team here. I was 10 at the time, and you
know what, I knew it then. EVERYONE in Arizona knows who and what
Bidwill stands for; to protect his own pocketbook, and to throw us a
bone once in a while to keep us interested. To spend a certain amount, a
certain way, and whatever the team's record is, is what it is.

You must seem to forget the night and day differences between him and
Jerry Colangelo. We experience both sides of the owner spectrum, every
year here in Phoenix. Just remember that.

That would be like saying, the Denver people cannot tell between a good
basketball player and a bad basketball player. Does that make much
sense? NO. Neither do your comments in this regards. Just look at your

Now on to Jake. You take a shot on our offensive line. That's fine. But
remember, that the game you mentioned was with 4 of 5 of our starting
lineman INJURED. I hope you would do your homework, but that's okay.

Oh yeah. Look at the stats, and our starting ol as individuals. It IS
one of the biggest, and best in the league when healthy. So the only
misinterpretation of skills on a position is you and the ol, not us and

Your viewpoint on Jake is that of, 'The Grass Is Greener on the Other
Side." Well let me tell you something, grass doesn't grow here to well
in Arizona. Realistically, and metaphorically about Jake.

He has regressed since he was at ASU, and his first year or two in the
NFL. Do not forget, we have watched him for 10 years. We have seen him
on a great teams, decent teams and bad teams.

The only thing Plummer never really had here, was a good running game.
Although at times, it did fair decently. Do not forget that your rushing
attack has been uncharacteristically good considering the shuffling of
the players. However, this past year, we gave him a running attack as

He had GREAT receivers throughout the years. David Boston, and Rob Moore
in his prime are good examples. He had a GREAT ol the past couple of
years. The Cardinals organization also gave him a good TE this past year
in Freddie Jones.

The funny thing is, has been the nationwide OVERESTIMATION of his
skills. First I'll acknowledge his real skills, those that are not
overestimated. He is durable, except I believe, but am not certain, his
thumb never really returned to form after his injury. It may not hurt,
but I still believe it isn't what it used to be. His running ability,
his elusiveness, his ability to turn a broken play into a positive. The
latter is one point you did mention correctly.

However, here is where there is an overestimation of his skills by
Denver, and the Nation. He cannot read defenses. He reads them as well
as a first grader would read Shakespeare. He makes way too many mental
mistakes. He has been up front about it, every year, and just about
every game for 4 plus years. He always said this is something he had to
work on.

I tell you what, I don't see that changing. In fact, at the end of last
year, the offensive coordinator told Plummer, JUST LOOK AT ONE HALF OF
THE FIELD so that you can make better reads. He still did terribly.

I ask you, is that what a good QB does? Is that what a $40 million
Quarterback does?

We brought in offensive coordinators for him, we brought in qb coaches
for him, we did EVERYTHING under the sun, do make him a winner. I don't
see how a couple more weapons, will suddenly make him a 'winner.'

Remember Marc Trestman, the Raiders OC, was his OC before. Plummer was
at his worst then. So, seeing that you run a version of the West Coast
offense as well, watch out.

Plummer has so many QB come from behind victories, because HE put us
there. Had the Cardinals had a better QB over the past few years, they
would have been a better team. Not a good team, but a decent one.

Plummer cannot throw a spiral consistently. Most of his passes are
wobbly. Worse yet, if he tries to throw deep, which for him is anything
over 30 to 35 yards, the ball is a wounded duck 50-60% of the time.
Which leads to underthrows, and guess what INT's. He does not have good
accuracy throwing the ball.

I hope you realize that in many of his incompletion's and interceptions
were on plays where AT LEAST 1 Cardinals WR was WIDE OPEN, either deep
for a touchdown, or over the middle, or whatnot.

Plummer locks in on his receivers, and guess what, the RAIDERS ALWAYS
INT HIM. So have fun in those 2 games. Just watch out for that out
route. INT for a TD time and time again.

You see, Jake has been the X factor for the past few seasons. If he
would have done well, the Cards would have done well. He hasn't, and the
Cardinals haven't.

The Cardinals built their whole offense around him. Look at the cap
numbers on offense compared to defense the past few years. MOST of our
cap was spent on providing him with the tools to succeed, and he
couldn't. Our defense suffered because him, in a sense.

We, the Cardinal fans, want him to leave, we have seen enough bonehead
plays for a lifetime. We are cheerful, and giddy at the chance to start
over. Even if we have to have a stop gap of a QB for a while. Like a
Kordell Stewart, who is just about the same skill level as Plummer,
except a little faster.

We don't want him either, but if cheaper, and is for the short-term, we
can learn to accept it.

So when you write your opinions about Phoenix fans, remember this, we
aren't the ones buying into his potential 'upside'. We are not the ones
that signed him to a salary cap albatross of a contract this season. We
are not rewarding mediocrity...if that, and seeing with rose colored
glasses a superstar QB, on a bad team. You are. So in my opinion, you
opinion will come to an about face.

You will be eating crow, very soon. Just wait and see. I have nothing
against the Broncos, their fans, or their ownership. You are in the AFC,
so many times I have been rooting for your team to beat my friends
Raiders. Good luck, you Broncos WILL need it."

I just wonder what his reaction to his 'deluge of emails' will be in his next article.


Formerly azcardsfan1616
May 13, 2002
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Rhode Island
I dont think he cares about what you write to him or anyone else. He gets millions of e-mails or letters like that your lucky you even got a response.


Hall of Famer
May 9, 2002
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Cherry Hill, N.J.
Originally posted by green machine
Passing opinion off as the truth is not allowed as a journalist, however...
If it's an opinion column, which it was, then he is allowed to use his opinion. You just can't use opinion in a news story.


Formerly azcardsfan1616
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Rhode Island
Originally posted by green machine
Passing opinion off as the truth is not allowed as a journalist, however...

When did he pass it off as the truth? Did he say it is a proven fact that plummer is elway?

green machine

I rule at posting
Sep 4, 2002
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ

You're right, it is an opnion column. I did not pickup on that, and that is my mistake. However, for that lame-ass response just saying that he has a right to his opinion is a terrible excuse for gross-misinformation.

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ASFN Addict
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
However, for that lame-ass response just saying that he has a right to his opinion is a terrible excuse for gross-misinformation.


It is funny how off he was. He obviously isn't one to do his homework before writing.

Fans don't think bidwill is a bad owner = Saddamm for next papal ascension

You just can't get too much further off.

I guarentee you a whole bunch of people made that clear to him.

I wouldn't be surprised if he says or maybe retracts (i know opinion....but opinions can be rethought) what he said in his next article. Maybe not, if he was smart he would let it die.

At least I know why he calls himself woody.

Because it's what his head is made out of. A big block of wood.

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