Originally posted by Chaplin
I actually agree with you guys when you say that Carmello looks to be the better player in this year's draft. However, I am against overrating him, which all of you are doing.
To me, he needs to earn his accolades in the NBA. He was an awesome college player, but again, that doesn't always translate when they move to the pros. I say just give him some time, THEN make your snap judgements.
Funny how everyone is against overrating James, yet have no problem overrating Carmello.
Now I'm totally lost. Because Carmelo hasn't played in the NBA anybody saying he'll be better than LeBron or Darko(who also haven't played in the NBA) NEXT year is wrong? We're projecting all 3 guys for next year only, NONE have played in the NBA.
When you consider level they've played at it's Darko, Carmelo, LeBron in that order.
You can't say we're overrating him because he hasn't played in the NBA yet without applying that to every player in the draft.
I would take James because if I didn't, I'd be fired. But I think Carmelo is a better player than LeBron RIGHT now and probably for the next year or two. At that point it's anybody's guess who improves more, the freakishly developed(for his age) athlete in James, or the good not great but improving athlete with the fundamentals(Anthony).
THere are NBA Gm's who think Darko will be better than either, I've never seen him play I have no clue. I don't agree wtih the title of this thread anthony could easily go 3rd and Cleveland and Detroit won't be crazy. But he could very well turn out to be the best player in this draft and that's simply not being said very much because LeBron is such a ESPN/Internet hero that people are going off the deep end with him.