Wow, that like 13 and a half cents a day, you'll be rolling in it
For someone without a job, saving over 100 bucks and 50 after that is pretty good.
Wow, that like 13 and a half cents a day, you'll be rolling in it
It's just good to not hear you bashing the Wii anymore.
Dude, you are 100 in the hole just by buying the PS3. And since the PS3 has no catalog of games, you will be paying 60 bucks minimum for every 360 copied PS3 game that comes out. Its funny that they had a big release day for Rainbow 6 Vegas and Fight Night 3 a year after 360 owners were playing it. What will they release next? FIFA World Cup 2006? There is no GTA3 to save this one. This console is DOA. Save your receipt for the price cut.For someone without a job, saving over 100 bucks and 50 after that is pretty good.
So if you take away Gears and Halo, don't use Xbox Live at all, would you still take the Xbox? What other exclusive games does that Xbox have besides M rated shooters?
You still didn't answer my question. If you take away Gears and Halo and online gaming is is better and what other good exclusive titles besides rated M shooters does it have? The only way I can play online is wirelessly and I'm not spending over 100 bucks the first year to get live so can you answer my first question and not keep talking about how amazing live is please?
And you will have to live with it. Good luck with the trade credit when you take it to EB Games.I've made my choice.
I'm going to get one when I can find it for under $400.
I've been keeping an eye on Craigslist for a PS3. You can actually find a few 20gb versions for $300-400. I even saw a 60gb version for $250 yesterday. It HAD to be stolen or something.
BTW, how was your Craigslist experience? I've been thinking of selling a few things around here, but don't like the idea of meeting some random person in a parking lot.
The Wii isn't better, it's just so much cheaper than both systems so many people buy it as a 2nd system. And also some of the many, many Asian Nintendo addicts, like my friends, would bye it. Nintendo won't ever be better than Xbox and Playstation. It's always fun to play Mario though I guess, but I would never choose it over a PS3. It's not the Gamecube or worse, it's the 2nd best system out there and not by a huge amount.
Again: PS3 has/will have better graphics, I'll get the same games for both, I save money every year(never played online so anything is a plus), most of my friends have it so I can play online with them, has the bluray player...there's no reason for me to get an Xbox 360. PS3 is better for me and it's not far behind the Xbox either. It's really not that overpriced at all, the $600 one is, but you pretty much get what you need for $500.
So I don't care if the 360 is a little better, because it is. I know the PS3 is the best thing for me to get right now until 6 years from now when they bring out new systems.
Actually it is about 10 million consoles sold ahead and available games aren't close. To say it is far ahead is an understatement. The future of the 360 and Wii are bright. The soon to die PS3 is the only console currently in the news for punchlines, disappointment and failure. Read the links about the great and powerful PS3. People losing jobs, Sony losing out on games, and this could be the first and only year for Madden on the console. Good luck with it.
You still didn't answer my question. If you take away Gears and Halo and online gaming is is better and what other good exclusive titles besides rated M shooters does it have? The only way I can play online is wirelessly and I'm not spending over 100 bucks the first year to get live so can you answer my first question and not keep talking about how amazing live is please?
A buddy of mine just picked up a PS3 and I've been thinking of selling my 360 and grabbing a cheap PS3. I love my 360, but the hardware reliability scares me a bit. (His ate his discs, and my roomates just red ringed.) Mine has been flawless since December, though. And I just picked up Forza which is fun as hell.
Your post is making me think twice. I honestly can't justify the switch aside from the hardware issue.
My machine red ringed last October and I was ultra pissed, but I went through the process, they gave me a new machine for free and 3 games and the system has been flawless since. I think that was a major problem at launch but it seems to have passed. With the new warranty its not as big of an issue. Download some HD DVD and Blu-Ray ripped HD Windows Media files off newsgroup sites and the machine is even better, not that I would know, I've just heard you can do that.....
You can buy a year card of Xbox live for about $30. You shouldn't game wirelessly anyway. The amount of packet loss you get with wireless, while gaming, is not suitable. For casual web browsing, sure, but not gaming.
now that isn't a correct statement. If you know what your doing in setting up your network you shouldn't see any difference in a wired/wireless configuration. I game on a wireless network all the time and I never have any problems.
A wireless network doesn't lose packets
Not true. Almost every wireless network has packet loss. The acceptable range of packet loss is 1-2%. Some FPS games and others can be affected by a 2% packet loss.
If you have plenty of repeaters, and do not have any interference, etc you can come close to 0 packet loss.
Error is small but non-zero The error condition requires the PLCP header to be corrupted in a specific way, without altering the parity bit, and then for that error to cause a condition beyond the capability of the retransmion mechanism - which adds up to a small probability. "It's extremely small, around .001 percent, but it's never zero," Veriwave chief technology officer Tom Alexander told Unstrung. "That's not what the protocol says; the loss should be zero."