That's enough. You've had your fun.
Your #2 doesn't make any sense, since Ben was having a conversation with Jacob before Locke went to leave.
it does if he was faking it. it would be more unsettling for ben if he had been able to speak with jacob in the past and is not able to do so now, and then Locke comes along and communicate with jacob.
And that is also why they wanted Walt...When Batmanuel finds Ben as a child in the jungle he seems taken aback that he's seen his dead mother. He seems to think he's "special," ...reminiscent of how they're treating Locke.
I think those that can see/communicate with the dead are important to the Natives because of their ability to communicate with Jacob (who I suspect is/was the patriarch of the Black rock ship). They thought Ben was their guy, but they're coming to the conclusion that he's not--Locke is.
Watching the Lost preview for Wednesday I noticed a quick shot of a couple Losties on the beach--it was extremely fast, but I could have sworn I saw Rose in the shot. Anybody have it on TIVO and is able to tell?
that is great news - i've missed those two characters.
Juliette, Ethan and Ben...and that's just off the top of my head.Question: Has Richard conversed with anyone except Locke? Maybe there is a little Sixth Sense action going on.
Those are definitely two of the best X-Files episodes.
Any ideas on the black powdery substance surrounding Jacob's shack?
I don't buy into the idea that Ben shot Locke because he heard Jacobs speak, and Ben never had. Instead I think that Ben does not want to "share" the ability to see/hear Jacob with Locke. Perhaps he realizes that many of the others are looking for somebody else to lead them.
We don't know Juliette lied...she was told the hatch was flooded. Ben could have lied, I wouldn't put it past him![]()
I thought tonight's episode was sort of a let-down after the break-neck pace it's been going at the last few weeks.
I liked the development of Charlie--was their a common thread through his top 5 moments? At first I thought it was liquid--the rain and the booze that they made a point of showing them guzzling, but that didn't maintain through the last one.
Also, why not cut the cable instead of sending someone on a suicide mission into the Looking Glass?
Lastly, Desmond is always so worried that things have to happen just so so that his visions come true, but then he also knows everything is inevitable. So, why not just let things happen as they will? What made me think of this is that I think he was manipulating Charlie to get him to go to the Looking Glass---I think he knew he'd run into some Others down there.
Sayid, while looking at the schematics, said that hatch was powered by the of the people i watch the show with regularly made the same comment about "cutting the cable" - but who is to say that cutting the cable would fix the issue? if you don't know what the purpose of the cable is, cutting it probably isn't going to do much for you.