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  1. young tone

    Joe Buck is the stupidest man alive

    Im sorry give me Summerall any day imo....Buck should just go away from all sports
  2. young tone

    Carolina 27 Rams 13

    well niners and cards can both agree with being happy about the lambs losing....
  3. young tone

    Serious Illness in My Family

    Also my prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family. I cant imagine how you feel. Sorry to hear that....
  4. young tone

    Is The NFL Setting Us Up?

    Damn a first week bye?? That ruins a season no matter what team your on. Players need a break and the fans to sit and wait a whole other week while everyone else watching their team....Thats sucks, now they cant use that excuse since you guys got the new stadium. Shouldnt you guys open up at...
  5. young tone

    Is The NFL Setting Us Up?

    Well he stayed very close to the organization and talked to few people currently with the team....With the additions of wearing our old school uni's, would the players of today be emotional about it? I heard players took off training camp and watched the Walsh memorial on tv so who knows. I know...
  6. young tone

    Vernon Davis Article about Cards Game

    Thats right, I forgot about that....
  7. young tone

    Vernon Davis Article about Cards Game

    I cant stand Davis already. Maybe I got a sour taste of T.O.itis still but this kid hasnt proved anything to me yet. At least T.O. proved himself before turning to a cornholio. Davis is on my shitlist right now until he proves me otherwise.... I honestly dont mind someone to lay the wood on him...
  8. young tone

    Is The NFL Setting Us Up?

    yes R.I.P. Coach Walsh, not only the 49er family but sports fans in general lost a great man, very emotional at the Walsh tribute last month adn it is going to be VERY emotional this coming Monday night
  9. young tone

    The Monday Night Game

    Yeah I dont know why it is so late, its fine for me here in the Bay but all the east coast football watchers, they arent going to stay up to watch this....
  10. young tone

    A small reminder for Niners

    God I loved Tim McDonald, played great for us ......I cant wait either I'll be at the game...I would like to thank you Card fans for showing respect to me and letting me chat with you guys on here, you guys have alot of class ;)
  11. young tone

    I won't be watching the Cards on Monday

    Good luck on that and my thoughts and prayers go out to you, but go 49ers :thumbup:
  12. young tone

    Is The NFL Setting Us Up?

    Now was that rumor true about wanting a sure W with opening up against us last year? And whats up with the Cards never opening up at home? Curious....
  13. young tone

    Impose our will against the 9er's.

    Now what about Spencer? He's been getting burned all preseason, he doesnt look that good
  14. young tone

    Bring on the Forty Whiners

    Yeah it doesnt make us look good at all. Remember our old slogan "Winning with Class" , well some niner fans seem to forgot about that. Yeah I like this place too, I would have to visit the Suns talk and see what their talking about (Go Warriors btw).... I wonder how we are going to move the...
  15. young tone

    Impose our will against the 9er's.

    I can see Nate cover him but all Fitz needs is a lil time and he will break away (like most receivers do, the secondary can only cover for so long). If Lawson, Cain, Willis, Franklin, or Young, any of them dont get enough pressure, than it will be a long day for our secondary.
  16. young tone

    Bring on the Forty Whiners

    arizonacardinalssuck goniners is an embarrassment and on behalf of the "REAL" 49er Faithful, I would like to apologize to those who run this forum. Now with that, I just graduated High School and I show class and especially dont disrespect those in THEIR community. Show some class. Age shouldnt...
  17. young tone

    49er avatars?

    Us Niner fans and you Card fans can both agree on that one :thumbup:
  18. young tone

    Opponents Msg Boards

    IMO best 49er faithful forums is at site
  19. young tone

    I just got my tickets for Monday Night in SF.

    I also got my tickets too, man its my first MNF game ever (been to many Niner games but not a prime time game) ....How many Card fans coming? young "49er" tone sitting in sec. 13 row 8 ..... Best I could do now but oh well I'll be there and to see the Bill Walsh tribute, emotional night
  20. young tone

    Impose our will against the 9er's.

    They will all have a field day if we cannot get to Lienart. Yeah we buffed up our secondary but we need Manny Lawson and Banta Cain to rush the QB and get Lienart to make bad throws. Now with us double teaming and the Cards to run with Edge, we will have to see. I expect our run D to do pretty...
  21. young tone

    Bring on the Forty Whiners

    The Dude: you ever go on Class act Faithfuls on there (I dont go on webzone) .....
  22. young tone

    Bring on the Forty Whiners

    Hey whats up Cards fans? Wanting to know what you thought of the upcoming game between 49ers and Cardinals...I come in peace lol ....I wanted to break down the game and talk some football with some Card fans. You guys have our number the last two years and our D cant seem to stop your offense...

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