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  1. M

    Nash wins PotW

    This is unbelivable. Only thing I can say right now is: domination! :)
  2. M

    New Here - True Suns Fan

    During the registration I was listening to the Method Man. :)
  3. M

    New Here - True Suns Fan

    It was really strange. Everbody knew that he is the best player in this team but our coach (total moron, he was fired some time ago anyway) said someting like 'Lampe effect this team too much' and he didn't use him on the court. When we lost our qualifications and our coach lost his confidence...
  4. M

    New Here - True Suns Fan

    Polish national team sucks anyway. This year in qualifications they showed awful basketball.
  5. M

    New Here - True Suns Fan

    Poland. Home of Maciej Lampe. :)
  6. M

    VUJANIC, MILOS stats

    Fabricio Oberto was playnig for TAU three years ago. Then he singed with other Spanish team Pamesa Valencia. He is 28. Last year he played in euroleague but this year his team didn't qualify to euroleague so they are playing in Uleb cup (second best competition in europe). In ACB (Spanish...
  7. M

    New Here - True Suns Fan

    Hello, new guy on board Hi. Im also a new guy here. I'm from europe and english is not my native language, so I'm very sorry for all the mistakes I'll probably make. I've been a great fan of Phoenix Suns sine 90s, still KJ is my favourite player. I hope this year is beginig of the new era for...

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