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  1. H

    Back on Board!

    I dont know how ya all do it. I mean Im in a division with Denver so Im used to this. But you Cards fans really dont have to claim him. It seems to me he is having drug flashbacks.
  2. H

    A Wierd Thing Happened Monday

    Wow. Thats really graspin a bit dont ya think?
  3. H

    Greetings All Arizona Fans And all are welcome.
  4. H

    Not Ready To Give Up!!!

    Never boring over there. Believe me Of all people I know. ANd besides isnt this what these sites are for? Ive been rootin for the Cards for years. Now first and fore most Im a Chiefs fan. ANd Im pupmed to get a look at your new stadium. You know the Cards were the first team ever to play...
  5. H

    Greetings All Arizona Fans

    There ya go! Thats the spirit! Keep up the good work. ANd we are so ready for an ass whupping! Note: You never did say whos ass was gonna get whupped!;)
  6. H

    I, for one, am looking forward to next week.

    According to Herms press conference. (He aint happy). He is on them he said the CHiefs still have alot of work to do and it was lucky that everything just fell into place against the 49rs. He is focused on this game we must improve. We must play harder. He is not gonna let the team get full...
  7. H

    Greetings All Arizona Fans

    Dick Vermeil was a nice guy who was loyal to his people he had in the past. He was offensive minded. His loyalty could not be questioned. A couple years ago he was forced tro let our Defensive Coordinater go. ANd he was forced to take in Gunther Cunningham. Dick didnt like to do it...
  8. H

    Greetings All Arizona Fans

    Soooooo any team news to share? ANy injurys? concerns? I just cant believe that with the talent you guys have on offense that you cant get it going. This is the first time I have visited a board and have not been told that my team was gonna get their tails whooped. Rise up Card fans. Stand...
  9. H

    Not Ready To Give Up!!!

    Thats the SPIRIT! just remember. We both have the same amount of wins so basically we are even. And we thankyou for the offer of a freindly crowd. That normally only happens to us at Arrowhead. And we Chief fans will stand behind you Cardinal fans as you breakout and start kicking some...
  10. H

    Greetings All Arizona Fans

    Uh ....Yeah. All most forgot that part. LOL. I do come in piece.
  11. H

    Greetings All Arizona Fans

    A big howdy, hello, and howareya? From KC. Just dropped in for a quick visit since it is our week to face off agianst one another. If its smack, I am happy to oblige. Intelligent conversation, Great! Bring it on. Questions, I will do my best. I have I have read some of the threads to...