There is a grieving process to this.
Sunday--Just stunned and speechless, mostly
Monday--Filled with total rage.
Tuesday--Try to ignore the problem
Wednesday--You finally stop cussing when the Cards are brought up
Thursday--Realize there is another game on Sunday
Friday--make ridiculous predictions that the Cards will win
Saturday--brag to all your friends that we will win
Sunday--Be tortured.....repeat for 16 weeks
This is me the week of an away game before a home game:
Sunday- go mow the grass at halftime
Monday- remind everyone on the board that the team is cursed.
Tuesday - review replay so I'll be able to make half way informed posts.
Wednesday - Tell my kids they have to remain Cards fans or they'll be grounded all week.
Thursday - check to see what's on the menu for the tailgate.
Friday - tell all my friends about the great Arizona golf course I'll be playing Saturday.
Saturday - make prediction based soley on 25+ years of Cardinal history.
Sunday - have a few adult beverages and argue with the rest of the tailgaters as to why the Cards always play the same every year.