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  1. K

    5 Favorite Cards ever?

    This one's tough, but here we go.... Jim Hart Jackie Smith Larry Centers Ricky Proehl Pat Tillman......Tillman rocked! Honorable mention Chuck Cecil, loved watching him level somebody!
  2. K

    Question: Obtaining a Media Guide

    W0W, it's that easy, thanks
  3. K

    Question: Obtaining a Media Guide

    How do you guys get your cardinals media guides, can you order them or what. The last few years I've had to rely on e-bay to get them. Being a die hard Cardinals fan in Kansas, I feel like I'm out of the loop some times. Any help is appreciated.
  4. K

    Griesen update

    Thanks for the reply, I thought they had to be with an NFL team
  5. K

    Griesen update

    Which NFL team sent him to Europe? If the Cardinals cut him, who picked him up? This may sound like a dumb question, but I've been out of the loop for a while.
  6. K

    For REAL Cardinal fans

    16 and 0, or 0 and 16, been a Cardinal fan all my life, and will be till I'm 6 foot in the ground!
  7. K

    Are there any other Cardinal Fans in Oklahoma?

    How about one in the state right above you:wave:
  8. K

    Hall of Famer Larry Wilson Announces NFL Retirement

    Thanks for the memories Larry, you were one of my favorites!
  9. K

    Met Jim Hart!

    yep thats him, Paul Krause, he was a nice guy too!
  10. K

    Met Jim Hart!

    OK guys, I'm new to this board, but have been a Cardinals fan since 1979, and just wanted to share a story with those of you who are interested. Went to a Sports Memorabilia show and Autograph session the other day to meet Jim Hart. We got there about a half hour before he was to start signing...
  11. K

    At Least One Emmit Jersey Sold!

    Where do you guys order your jerseys from? Getting cardinals jerseys in my part of the woods is like finding uranium!