Late 90's home game against Dallas - 6-6 regulation - Dallas missed an extra point. Cards boot a FG to win in OT. Most painful and AWFUL cards victory I ever saw.
Sure, buddy.
My issue is "portion to foundation"
I guess if people are stupid enough to fall for his schtick it's on them.
He just comes off so "holy".
"a portion" - what portion? If this guy is the "christian" he claims to be, shouldn't ALL of that $$$ go to his foundation?
Wait - "his" foundation - Is he the director? Is he paying himself?
He seems like a turd to me.
John Twelve Hawks - "The Traveller", "Dark River", and 1/2 way through "Golden City".
Fantasy/Sci Fi with very real "Panopticon", "Total Surveillance" background - very topical - and resistance to the total control of Scientific Tyranny/Technocracy.
Not quite - The Cards will play The 1st place teams in the NFC East and NFC North. SF will play the 2nd place teams, SEA the 3rd place, STL the 4th place teams.
I know it's only 2 games out of 16, but that's still 12% of the schedule.
Going to the games is LESS enjoyable than when the Cards sucked.
Now stupid corporate crap takes up space on the great lawn, it feels crowded in the stadium.
I actually miss the 1/2 full SDS days.
In fact - I'm giving away my last 2 reg season tix to a couple friends that have never been to...
Things that are wrecking my enjoyment of the NFL include Tom Brady yelling for "Brady Rule" roughing penalty when barely touched, loooong commercial breaks in national games, and corporate BS invading MY tailgate all rank above sitting a concussed player player for a game.
Add to that the coaches rolling him out to the right - instead of to the left where he can easily throw to any east/west point. Rolling him to the right limits him to about half the field.