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  1. H

    Website Help??

    swd, do you have any links to any sites you have created? I'd like to take a look at them
  2. H

    Official "The Passion" review thread

    Makes no sense historically? I'll leave that one alone. It really was a fantastic movie. And I saw no hint of anti-Semitism.
  3. H

    American History X

    Not yet. It's time for me to add to my DVD collection, and I'm waiting for Kill Bill to come out as a dual pack, so I think I'll be watching it this week.
  4. H

    Microsoft Excel Certification Programs

    You might be able to just take a test and get your certification without taking a class. I'm not sure. I know you can do it for other languages. Just do a google search.
  5. H


    He had nothing to do with the actual movie. He only paid for it to be distributed in the United States. Or something like that. His name has been attached to it for promotional reasons, but he didn't write it or direct it.
  6. H

    Star Wars question

    Since they're going to ruin the movies with all the changes in the DVDs anyway, here are a few I would like to see: SPOILERS (since there are people like Kate who haven't seen these yet ;)) At the end of the third one, Darth Vader picks up the Emperor and tosses him into the core of the...
  7. H

    Last Comic Standing 3: Season 1 vs. Season 2

    I;m kind of surprised that Dat Phan brought his ethnicity into a joke... :rolleyes: (Sorry, I was never a big fan of the fat comics who tell all fat jokes, the gay comics who tell exclusively gay jokes, etc)
  8. H

    The Official X-Files Thread

    If I remember correctly, there was one episode of the Lone Gunman where a plot to fly a plane by remote control into the World Trade Center was thwarted by the stars of the show. Eerie coincidence. It's kind of like the Seinfeld episode where Jerry states that he hasn't thrown up in 13 years...
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    Lucas to make Episode 7,8,9?

    Joseph Campbell was a professor at Saint Lawerence colllege in New York and an avid disciple of Carl Jung. He wrote a series of books about the "hero myth", which were basically an explanation of how every culture's myths and legends follow a similar pattern. He used Jung's archetypes of the...
  10. H

    Lucas to make Episode 7,8,9?

    Have you ever read The Hero of 1000 Faces?
  11. H

    Lucas to make Episode 7,8,9?

    He didn't think up either the characters or the storyline. Luke Skywalker = Frodo Baggins Han Solo = Aragorn Obi Wan Kenobi = Gandalf Princess Leia = Sam (in a way / Frodo's good side) Darth Vader = combination Gollum and Saruman The Emperor = Sauron The Force = The Ring First Death...
  12. H

    We Suck

    1) Preseason football means absolutely nothing. Nothing at all. No other way to put it. 2) We're all Cardinal fans here, so we can admit something...we've sucked for 75 years now. That's why I believe being a Cardinal fan is better than any $125 bucks an hour therapy. Nothing else gets you down!
  13. H

    American History X

    Never seen it, but since you list two of my favorites as your other favorites, I will be renting it this week. I've heard a lot of good things.
  14. H

    Favorite movie ever?

    Gotta go with gnomad here, Pulp Fiction is, hands-down, the best movie ever. The butt sex appears at the end of the movie, if it was put chronologically, it actually appears about 2/3 of the way through, towards the end of the Bruce Willis story. And there's actually a very good reason for...
  15. H

    LOTR question

    Yep. The Eagles would have been overtaken by the Nazgul had they tried to fly Frodo there. When they picked up Gandalf (in the book) he said something to the effect of, 'we will have to outfly the Nazgul' Fortunately for Frodo and Sam, the Nazgul perished when the ring was destroyed.
  16. H

    So WAYWARDFAN...Why didn't you like Shawshank Redemption?! :)

    A great movie! I'm not sure why Wayward would not like it, I'm even less sure why he refuses to elaborate. I'd have to say it was my second favorite movie ever, but I can't exactly say it got screwed out of the Best Picture Oscar. Pulp Fiction is the best movie ever. An interesting point from...
  17. H

    Simpson's Character to come out of closet

    Rod and/or Todd? We know they get there eventually... Disco Stu? Kodos? The possibilities are endless. But I think Ryan is right; Smithers is too obvious.
  18. H

    Simpson's Character to come out of closet

    I just read it on they had a link. At first I thought they were referring to the 3D episode, where Marge suggested Homer might be in the linen closet. "I'm in some place where I don't know where I am."
  19. H

    Simpson's Character to come out of closet

    Ned? Would make for an interesting twist since the episode is going to focus on the town legalizing gay marriage.
  20. H

    LOTR ROTK Special Edition

    Did they even film Saruman's death? I know they didn't do the Scouring, so how would they do that? How about Frodo and Sam's capture and march with the orcs?
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    King Arthur

    Which is enough to make it a good movie. :devil:
  22. H

    Breaking news: Ricky Williams retired

    Couple of points: 1) Ricky's decision is very selfish if he didn't at least warn the team a few months in advance. However, Prisco's article, IMO, displays the two things that, IMO, are wrong with our society: the belief that more money = better life and that some reporters are really...
  23. H

    Al Pedrique is worse than Brenley

    The team is 2-19 since Pedrique took over. If the team had kept Brenly, they'd be 0-21, maybe, IF THEY WERE LUCKY, 1-20 in that span. Pedrique has made a difference. [/sarcasm] FIRE JOE JR!
  24. H

    Our closer should be . . .

    Dessens might not get the opportunity because the save rule stipulates that the man must enter the game whil his team has a lead. That may be tough to do. :confused:
  25. H

    Remember these guys?

    Cummings scored the tying run in the ninth inning of game 7 of the 2001 World Series.

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