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  1. F

    Congrats on a great season!

    "an Eagle fan with brain is a rare find" Kinda a left-handed compliment there Nidan! :) Why the Eagles won only once? Maybe THEY lacked the drive/experience then. But they DID win the LAST time there and THIS time there are no "unbeatable" teams in the way.
  2. F

    Congrats on a great season!

    "Fred, go post somewhere else!:mulli:" Ok, I'll post HERE! Just to clarify things: I am NOT the person who said the Cards had no shot. 2) I am not saying the Cards don't want it, I'm just saying that the Eagles are an older group of players who have played together as a team for several years...
  3. F

    My experience with "Eagle fan"

    "I'm sorry but in terms of suffering, if that is the gauge of who deserves this game more, then we're good to go because we're not in the same league as Eagles fans." Except one thing my friend, MOST fans do not follow just one sport. Most of us are phillies fans. Until this year the D Backs...
  4. F

    why does this forum tell me i can't post because I'm not logged in ,

    Well I don't need all the elaorate trusses to cheer for the Es. Well, after they lose maybe....
  5. F

    My experience with "Eagle fan"

    Cliches are only useful up to the point they become stereotypes; then they become substitutes for thought and reasoning. Iam an Eagle's fan. I'm 6' 180, have a FULL beard and would never, EVER wear any player's jersey, retro or not. I've always wanted to walk up to an overweight, short...
  6. F

    why does this forum tell me i can't post because I'm not logged in ,

    now that I've logged in THREE times now?
  7. F

    Congrats on a great season!

    Yes, after I arrange my elaborate system of trusses, I settle down to a beer and Eagles football. Hey! "Member when the Cards were in the NFC East wit' us? Seems like 20 years ago!
  8. F

    Congrats on a great season!

    But I think the Eagles team are too motivated and inspired to lose to this good,but inexperienced (in the play-offs) Cardinals team. Too many of our guys know that this may be their last shot at the SB. Guys like Dawkins, Thomas, and Runyan want that ring!
  9. F

    can i do this

    didn't post last time
  10. F

    Post Quotes of Disrespect

    And your clip of him doing this to the Eagles on Thanksgiving is WHERE? Hey, we know he's dangerous, just trying to get a RISE!

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