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  1. P

    From a Steelers fan...

    We are all hoping that Alex Mack falls to us. If not i beleive we would trade down. The ones worth noting : Bryon Leftwich QB ,Chris Kemoauto G , Bryant McFadden CB, Marvel Smith T , Max Starks T , Nate Washington WR Ya we are taking a beat'n with the O-line and free agency so hopefully...
  2. P

    From a Steelers fan...

    I actually would love to see the Cards become an Elite team in the NFC. We are in a transition time fore the NFL. The Golden Boy Tom Brady went down and we don't know how good he is going to be. The Colts lost Dungy, the Bucs lost gruden, the Broncos lost Shannahan, and the Ravens lost the...
  3. P

    Tomlin is an ass

    This thread is totally unnecessary. When have you ever seen a coach on the podium receiving the trophy talk about the other team. You should feel the need for Tomlin to vindicate that your team was beyond great. The Cardinals did that by themselves. I just don't understand the attack on Tomlin...
  4. P

    You guys have a long way to go yet

    Don't let it get to you guys. I actually would like to see the Cards become an Elite team in the NFC. We are in a transition time fore the NFL. The Golden Boy Tom Brady went down and we dont know how good he is going to be. The Colts lost Dungy, the Bucs lost gruden, the Broncos los Shannahan...
  5. P

    Refs....Total BS

    I was discouraged to see that happening. It is really frustrating to see every tick tack penalty called. But seriously I would have said this if we lost, great game guys, the Cards played incredible and did indeed shock the world!
  6. P

    Steelers fan stopping to say-- What a game.. good job.

    Another Steelers fan stopping in to say great game and keep your heads up! The Cardinals more then deserved to be there! Hell they already shocked the world. Fitz is by far the greatest WR in teh game right now. Absolutely incredible. I beleive that this is not the end for this franchise...
  7. P

    Cards vs Steelers

    you have to prepare for the unpredictable!! which is Ben. Everytime i watch the ben its usually go somethign like this, "yaaa, noo, yaa, noo, get rid of it , NICE!!" Can be kind of nerve reckin some times
  8. P

    Cards vs Steelers

    I think this might be the first real representation of a true offensive team vs a true defensive team. It will be exciting to watch. Although our offense is that bad either. If our rookie wide out decides to catch the ball *cough* sweed
  9. P

    Kurt Warner is better the Peyton Manning...

    Ya my opinion is completely bias on that subject, like I said i hate the Giants haha.
  10. P

    Cards vs Steelers

    Ya what i saw exactly in the first half of the Eagles game that they over purseud .The second half it seemed that they re-adjusted to more coverage. The thing that worries me is that they have the athletic DT to do that. We have Casey " Big Snack" Hampton. LOL who is an ACE on run stopping, but...
  11. P

    Cards vs Steelers

    Well come on now, Cardgrad you no know we all don't think that way. You my friend started on the wrong foot. I am here to talk football not talk about fans. Now my biggest concern as a steelers fan is the dump off screen to one of RBs. Since our boys Harrison and Woodley like to over pursue...
  12. P

    Kurt Warner is better the Peyton Manning...

    Tell the Giants fan that. haha they could have been riding with Warner but they got stuck with Eli "Notgoodatallwithoutplaxico" Manning. Just My opinion of course. PS I hate the giants
  13. P

    Collinsworth tries to remove foot from mouth

    Collinsworthless always has something stupid to say. I don't know how he got his commentating job. Or the lead for Madden 09. Ugh he is annoying.
  14. P

    Couple of thoughts about the "run"

    I think the ace in the hole for you guys is going to be Edge. He might have some unfinished business from the Colts game awhile back.
  15. P

    Super Bowl MVP?

    Ed Hoccoli hahaha
  16. P

    Cards vs Steelers

    Hey guys Steelers Fan here, Just wanted to say Congrats to the AZ Cardinals for getting this far and breaking all predictions. You can't be mad at a Cinderella story. Your team deserves to be here, and there is no doubt in my mind that it is going to be one of the best Superbowls ever. We had...