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  1. S

    Early Opinions on Aaron Brooks.

    the irony in it all is that what you saw lowry do yesterday is what brooks did all season last year, especially when they got martin and he didn't have to play with 3 offensively inept players in the starting lineup. Lowry's FG% was in the high 30s and low 20% from 3. he was not known for...
  2. S

    Rockets @ Suns, 03/08/2011

    Rockets fan here... the irony in it all is that what you saw lowry do yesterday is what brooks did all season last year, especially when they got martin and he didn't have to play with 3 offensively inept players in the starting lineup. Lowry's FG% was in the high 30s and low 20% from 3. he...