you guys don't understand how the league, and rules, work, do you? now i'll admit that i didn't get to watch the game. but if amare threw an intentional elbow, even in retaliation, there's a good chance he can get suspended. you usually don't expended for a hard foul, but you do for flagrantly elbowing or throwing a punch. they are pretty clear rules. so even if amare was getting the wrong end of the stick he's gotta know the ramifications of his actions (sheesh, you'd think he learned already about the league trying to stick to the letter of the law rather than the spirit with the off-the-bench suspension), and thus he's gotta keep his cool.
i understand that's easier said than done. i almost got into a fight in a coed two-hand touch beach football game last week. but i'm not getting paid millions of dollars to play. i'm not a professional. amare has to be MORE cognizant of the outcomes of his actions.
from what i'm reading i don't think he'll be suspended. and i certainly don't want that to happen. we're rolling with good mojo right now. but i also wish amare was smarter than he seems to be.