AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! So damn exicted...


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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about the future of this team! I keep reading all these articles about Amare and while they aren't telling me anything I odn't already know - it still just pumps me up - we FINALLY have that guy - WE FINALLY HAVE THAT FRANCHISE PLAYER - and THAT my friends is why we will FINALLY win a title in the near future. Ot's not Charles at the end of his prime - it's not KJ -who was special but never one of the all-time all time greats - it's not Jason Kidd who NEVER was as good as either one of those guys - it's a SHAQ, A DUNCAN, A JORDAN, AN OLAJUWON - it's an absolute STUD who's desire to win is only matched by his ridiculous athleticism. JUst seeing his game raise to levels I didn't think was possible for at least another two years - and something I didn't want to comment on during the playoffs for fear of jinxing him - but even his damn FT shooting was 5 points higher than during the regular season.

I BELIEVE IN HIM - I BELIEVE HIM when he says he will focus on his defense - I BELIEVE him when he says he will work on his rebounding and you better believe I BELIEVE Duncan when he said this was only the beginning.

I can't wait for that glorious day when Amare is holidng the trophy over his head - screaming at the crowd, probably in tears screaming for more - it's coming guys - it's coming and when it does - it's gonna be hear to stay for our first dynasty.

Treesquid PhD

Pardon my Engrish
Apr 12, 2005
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It's nice to have that were going to be really really good for a 12 more years feeling.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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I too am excited Cheesebeef.

I believe that Stoudemire is that franchise inside player the Suns have always dreamed about and that JJ is rising the ladder to stardom as well. However, Nash is still the straw (star) that stirs the drink.

My concern now is how do we get the quality bench we need. I sure wish the Suns had some more draft picks. I still believe that the Suns need some quality bigs to surround these players and a back-up PG. In the playoffs against the Spurs, Stoudemire was pretty much our front court. He will need some help.

I also would feel very uncomfortable going into next year without a quality back-up PG for Nash that would free JJ of these duties and let Barbosa find his niche (whatever or wherever that may be). I know that he has the talent to become a good NBA player. I'm just not sure yet how he is going to fit in with the Suns.

I've been a huge Marion fan, however, if it would take trading him to fill in some of these holes I would consider it. I just do not know what to make of his performance offensively and defensively against San Antonio. I would like to think it was a just an off series for him, but I'm afraid it's much more.
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Registered User
Feb 18, 2003
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Cave Creek
I BELIEVE IN HIM - I BELIEVE HIM when he says he will focus on his defense - I BELIEVE him when he says he will work on his rebounding and you better believe I BELIEVE Duncan when he said this was only the beginning.

I can't wait for that glorious day when Amare is holidng the trophy over his head - screaming at the crowd, probably in tears screaming for more - it's coming guys - it's coming and when it does - it's gonna be hear to stay for our first dynasty.

We have GOT to get orange and purple kool-aid smileys before next season. :biglaugh:

I'm with you Cheesebeef - and when Amare says he loves Arizona, loves the fans - makes your feet float right off the ground. Damn - I want to send him a valentine!


The Cardinal Smiles
Dec 6, 2002
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I cant wait!

I truly believe the Suns would have been able to give the Spurs a longer series (not sure who would win) if JJ had never gotten hurt.

I cant wait for next season.



Selfless Service
Feb 23, 2004
Reaction score
Bay Area
alright, you can't get me so hyped up for something that won't start for 6 months! i'm bouncin off walls already! a 62 win team in its first year and looking to get better. i don't want to get ahead of myself, especially with injury possibilities, but i wanted to be the first to get it out there: 70.

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Sun City
One good thing about getting deep into the playoffs. There is less of wait until next season starts. :thumbup:


Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
And another thing that makes having Amare special. He is the kind of talent that cannot be duplicated. We have a guy that can do things other players just cannot do. It is hard to find players with the God-given talent, good size, great attitude.

Other teams are not going to be able to go out and get another Amare. It's like Shaq, there just aren't those kinds of guys out there. Big guys with skills are hard enough to find. Look how long we've been trying to get one.

We should be set for awhile. We can easily get the other parts we need during the long time we will have Amare here.

There isn't a roster in the NBA I would trade ours for. None.
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Oct 24, 2002
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I just hate the idea of having to wait through an entire 82 game season, before we can start the playoffs again.


Say Vandelay!
Oct 21, 2002
Reaction score
Mainstreet said:
I too am excited Cheesebeef.

I believe that Stoudemire is that franchise inside player the Suns have always dreamed about and that JJ is rising the ladder to stardom as well. However, Nash is still the straw (star) that stirs the drink.

My concern now is how to we get the quality bench we need. I sure wish the Suns had some more draft picks. I still believe that the Suns need some quality bigs to surround these players and a back-up PG. In the playoffs against the Spurs, Stoudemire was pretty much our front court. He will need some help.

I also would feel very uncomfortable going into next year without a quality back-up PG for Nash that would free JJ of these duties and let Barbosa find his niche (whatever or wherever that may be). I know that he has the talent to become a good NBA player. I'm just not sure yet how he is going to fit in with the Suns.

I've been a huge Marion fan, however, if it would take trading him to fill in some of these wholes I would consider it. I just do not know what to make of his performance offensively and defensively against San Antonio. I would like to think it was a just an off series for him, but I'm afraid it's much more.

I really dont like saying this, but the time to unload Marion is NOW. He cannot create on his own, and good 1 on 1 defenders will eat him up for lunch. Plus, his freak athletic talent is going to start fading away in a few years as he ages.

Giving up Marion for something along the lines of Dalembert and Korver would improve this team IMO. Amare would finally get that center he has always wanted, not to mention we'd have a freak 3 point shooter coming off the bench in Korver. Dalembert would instantly solitify our front line, and Korver would help our bench x50.

This would also give JJ his chance to shine. JJ is the ultimate 1 on 1 player, and with Marion out of the way he becomes the #2 option.


? Hunter ?

(misc bench scrubs.)

I am actually against messing with the team, but if there was any possibly way Korver + Dalembert was offered for Marion..I think the Suns would be nuts to reject it.

That being said, it doesnt seem to work numbers my dream will probably never come true. :biglaugh:


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Round Rock, TX
Are you KIDDING me??

Korver and Dalembert for Marion? That is so lopsided it's not even funny. I HATE the fact that our best regular season player has a bad playoff series and all of a sudden he's only worth Kyle Korver and Samuel Dalembert? :shrug:


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Chaplin said:
Are you KIDDING me??

Korver and Dalembert for Marion? That is so lopsided it's not even funny. I HATE the fact that our best regular season player has a bad playoff series and all of a sudden he's only worth Kyle Korver and Samuel Dalembert? :shrug:

don't you mean to say "I HATE that MY FAVORITE PLAYER... - best regular season player? Yeah - he was better than the MVP and the best Center in the game this year. Come on Chap. I've got no problme being against that trade, but saying Shawn was the best player in the regular season is ridiculous.


Say Vandelay!
Oct 21, 2002
Reaction score
Chaplin said:
Are you KIDDING me??

Korver and Dalembert for Marion? That is so lopsided it's not even funny. I HATE the fact that our best regular season player has a bad playoff series and all of a sudden he's only worth Kyle Korver and Samuel Dalembert? :shrug:

Hey, I knew I'd take some crap for even mentioning the trade. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. :thumbup:

It is my opinion though, that Marion is going to be the #4 next season, behind Amare, JJ, and Nash. Marion is an athletic freak, but he dissapears in big games. (Yes, I know. He was huge in Dallas. But look who was defending him.)

Bowen shuts down Marion like nothing. And eventually, Marion is going to slow down. Then what? You'll have a #4 player with decent athletic ability and a max contract. Amare + Dalembert would be flat out SCARY. Dalembert can run, and Amare would finally be happy. Not to mention you'd get a very solid young player who can hit the three with the best of them. (Something that the Suns seem to go nuts over.)

Its not a bad deal, imo. But again, we're all entitled to our own opinions. :)
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STAT man
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
I would do

4th pick



Ahead of that previous one but It is not that bad a deal. Sammy D is going to be a really good center in the future. He can defend and block shots too which always helps. He averaged a double double on the Pistons in the playoffs.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Amare32 said:
I would do

4th pick

I would make that deal IN A HEARTBEAT - but no way is Shawn Marion worth that much. Maybe if we swapped 1st rounders it could work, but I doubt it - that's a pipe-dream.

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Sun City
Why do we go through this silly process. Marion isn't going anywhere because his salary is high and his skills are uniquely suited to the Suns style. Marion is an amazing open court player who finishes as well as anyone in the NBA on a team that runs. He's not a one on one make his own shot player and most teams don't want to pay his kind of money for what he offers.

I don't know how good Dalembert is going to be. He's had some good games, but it isn't like he he's turn the Sixers into a top team. In any case, he's a restricted free agent with all the limits of BYC etc. that makes trades very difficult. My guess is that he will get a lot more than MLE, but even if he was available for MLE, I'm not sure he could run with the Suns.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2002
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George O'Brien said:
Why do we go through this silly process. Marion isn't going anywhere because his salary is high and his skills are uniquely suited to the Suns style. Marion is an amazing open court player who finishes as well as anyone in the NBA on a team that runs. He's not a one on one make his own shot player and most teams don't want to pay his kind of money for what he offers.

I don't know how good Dalembert is going to be. He's had some good games, but it isn't like he he's turn the Sixers into a top team. In any case, he's a restricted free agent with all the limits of BYC etc. that makes trades very difficult. My guess is that he will get a lot more than MLE, but even if he was available for MLE, I'm not sure he could run with the Suns.

I agree,,,,,,,,,,
Marion is not going anywhere. During the season he was absolutely great for this team.
He was doing great in the playoffs until the spurs games, and if JJ had not been injured I think Marion would have had better games against the spurs.


Fashion Police
May 31, 2005
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The Suns are one of the few teams in the league with a super bright outlook on the future...not a whole lot of other teams have such a young core with a great future...

Reading all the articles I'm happy to hear the guys have sucha positive outlook on the future...they know they'll have plenty of opportunities still in the future...they DID get all the way to the WCF...thats nothing to sneeze at...I know I'm proud of them...

There's gonna be some more good basketball to come folks...yay! :D


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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sunsfn said:
I agree,,,,,,,,,,
Marion is not going anywhere. During the season he was absolutely great for this team.
He was doing great in the playoffs until the spurs games, and if JJ had not been injured I think Marion would have had better games against the spurs.

why - historically he's always been less than average against the Spurs. He had one GREAT game against them earlier this season when both teams were healthy, but besides that he went 2-11 with 6 points and 8 rebounds - on par with every game we played in the series. His average for his career against them is 15 points and 8 boards - both under his career averages.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
Reaction score
L.A. area
I don't like the proposed trade, but I agree with WastedFate's general point. Marion's value is at its peak now and it will only go down over time. He'll still be a very good player, and he'll still be an important part of the Suns' fast-break offense. No one is saying that he sucks or that he wasn't crucial to the Suns' success this year.

The thing is, even though Marion put up good numbers against Dallas, the Suns' running game wasn't that much of a factor in the playoffs. They were forced into half-court execution a lot more often, and what they discovered was that they can still be very effective with Stoudemire being the focal point. That's the future of the offensive attack. Marion still has a role to play, certainly, but he's no longer the perfect fit that he was this regular season.

I don't think the Suns will trade Marion this summer. I do think they will trade him within the next couple of years. Probably they will wait until his value is lower and they can't get as much for him. That will be okay, because he will have helped the team a lot in the meantime. It would take tremendous courage to trade him now, and the Suns would have to find someone willing to give up real quality in return. That means not Dalembert and Korver.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
cheesebeef said:
don't you mean to say "I HATE that MY FAVORITE PLAYER... - best regular season player? Yeah - he was better than the MVP and the best Center in the game this year. Come on Chap. I've got no problme being against that trade, but saying Shawn was the best player in the regular season is ridiculous.

I've had it with you--if you can't be objective, then PLEASE stop responding to my posts. It will make all our lives a lot easier.

If Shawn Marion had not been on the Phoenix Suns this year, Steve Nash WOULD NOT have won the MVP. Print THAT.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2002
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Los Angeles area
The question is whether a downgrade in talent(which is honestly the only way Marion could possibly be traded, barring a meltdown by another GM) is worth building a more conventional lineup. Do the Suns have a better chance at a title, in the end, with a real center, even if it means an overall talent downgrade? I can't say for sure. Unfortunately, by the time we find out, it'll be too late do do anything about it one way or the other.

My main thought is, trading Marion could make us a lot worse. Keeping him won't. Is it worth theh risk for the slight possibility of a higher ceiling? I'm not so sure it is(and feel free to point out the seeming change in opinion from an earlier thread. The moral of the story is, I don't have any answers. No big surprise there).


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Chaplin said:
I've had it with you--if you can't be objective, then PLEASE stop responding to my posts. It will make all our lives a lot easier.

If Shawn Marion had not been on the Phoenix Suns this year, Steve Nash WOULD NOT have won the MVP. Print THAT.

and if Nash had not been on this team - Shawn Marion would have just been another stats player on a bad team - LIKE LAST YEAR.

And you're talking OBJECTIVITY - Shawn Marion - the BEST REGULAR SEASON PLAYER? Sorry - but you ADMITTED to me and Ouchie that he was your favorite player - correct? Doesn't that mean that you CAN'T BE OBJECTUVE about him? As far as my "objectivity" is concerned, sorry - but just because you show up in the regular season and not the WCF doesn't ELEVATE your regular season above the guys that were able to do it in BOTH. Where am I not being objective here Chap? By saying Marion wasn't as good as Amare (2nd team all NBA) or Nash (the MVP) - yeah - really out on a limb and subjective on that one.

sorry for making your life harder - but if you lived in a world of reality and didn't post such ridiculous statements, it might make your life a lot easier - sometimes change is needed from within to realize why we're frustrated Chap.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Round Rock, TX
cheesebeef said:
and if Nash had not been on this team - Shawn Marion would have just been another stats player on a bad team - LIKE LAST YEAR.

And you're talking OBJECTIVITY - Shawn Marion - the BEST REGULAR SEASON PLAYER? Sorry - but you ADMITTED to me and Ouchie that he was your favorite player - correct? Doesn't that mean that you CAN'T BE OBJECTUVE about him? As far as my "objectivity" is concerned, sorry - but just because you show up in the regular season and not the WCF doesn't ELEVATE your regular season above the guys that were able to do it in BOTH. Where am I not being objective here Chap? By saying Marion wasn't as good as Amare (2nd team all NBA) or Nash (the MVP) - yeah - really out on a limb and subjective on that one.

sorry for making your life harder - but if you lived in a world of reality and didn't post such ridiculous statements, it might make your life a lot easier - sometimes change is needed from within to realize why we're frustrated Chap.

You have no freaking CLUE what I'm talking about! You see me mention the word "Marion" and you AUTOMATICALLY assume I'm saying something stupid based on my fictitious unrealistic view of him.

He has earned his money as the most underrated player in the NBA, and all you can think about is how good it would be to trade the guy for freaking Kyle Korver and Samuel Dalembert! Besides, if we wanted to do that, we'd have to make sure Dalembert is signed to a near-max contract. And I know a lot of people on this board love the guy, but he isn't worth a near-max contract.
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