I know you guys probably could care less but as a gemstone collector for over 30+ years,you have to know the quality of ring you are getting if it only costs 699.00 is scary.
I mean Gold itself is 1065.00 an oz. as of today and most of the NFL rings are made very bold and gawdy and have well over an oz. of gold in them.I know its 14 or 10k gold for hardness but still you have to know the price and labor to set each stone.
I have'nt even mentioned stones.Cubic zurconia is the best you'll get probably.Those are'nt even real.They are man made.Zircons are real and come in every color of the rainbow and are very expensive.As well as rare.I have many.
I also noticed when the player that sold his ring had it up for auction the appraisal came with the ring and it was for 9,900.00 and that also explained the quality of the diamonds that were in the ring and it also told of the clarity of the stones too.Neither were of any quality to speak of.
The diamonds were of the yellow tinge variety in the players rings as color starts with D and goes from almost blue-white to G which is where the stone is still all white and starting at letter H the stone starts to get yellow and I believe the diamonds Bidwill used were I-J in color and had many inclusions or impurities in the stones that keep it from showing brillance the more you have.
Maybe you've seen a diamond before in a store that looked like it had spider webs in it? Well the stones used in the players rings not only were small but were low rated in clarity.
So for a ring of quality you guys want one for 699.00? I don't think you're gonna be too happy with it for very long. If ever.Even the actual thing was'nt that sharp to begin with.Even though it had just over 3 carots of diamond weight in many,many small stones.There were no rubies but enamel (I hope) if not painted red.
You need to find you a guy who will build you a ring for yourself with the stones ya'll pick out together.Its gonna cost you an arm and a leg but it will be worth it.
Especially with everyone not thinking we have a chance to get back to the Superbowl again anytime soon.I personally have'nt given up one iota.I think we can break the curse.Then Bidwill will have to really spend on the real deal as winners of the SB.He would'nt want to look cheap.
Shame we have an embargo with Myanmar and you can't bring in any stones from Burma legally anymore.Burma rubies have gone through the roof.The CARDINAL needs to be made of the finest rubies.Not just the lead filled ones from Africa.