Be careful what you wish for...

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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cly2tw said:
Is Amare gonna be healthy as he was? If yes, we'd win it all even if we just dumped Marion's contract for the cap, as long as we keep others on the team including TT. If we get any of the players of Pierce, Desmond Mason, Iguadala, Dalembert, Deng/Songaila, etc. We'd be even more of a lock.

If Amare failed to regain his dominance, then the team would be again without a reliable go-to scorer, with the highest paid player Marion easily to be game-planned out as in years past. We might win it all still, despite of him though as we have been close the last couple years. Yet, say with Pierce replacing Marion, we'd be the favorite to win it all even if Amare is only 1/2 the player he was, because our offense wouldn't be shut down as it was in this year's WCFs. Marion's defender could slack off him to put a lot more pressure on the other 4 suns players and wear them down over the course of games. Our offense became gradually stagnant consequently.

Hypothetically, if he was only making 8mil while we could have Mason for the other 7mil from the cap his contract occupies, we might be OK again. See, it's the combination of how he plays the game and how much he makes that suggests that it's the best for the Suns to trade him for other assets, in order to maximize both short and long term perspective of team success.

We would win even if we dump Marion??? Right because last year when Amare and Marion played together that was enough right? Because, if we lose more rebounding and defense, that is enough right? That makes no sense.

What is more important to you guys? Cap relief now or a championship next year? The Diamondbacks practically hurt themselves for a few years because they went for it all. It paid off and they won a championship. Did it hurt the team in the long run? Yep and I wouldn't trade that championship for the world.

If the Suns have a chance then you have to take it. Even if that hurts the team sometime down the road. This team has a better chance to win a championship with Marion then without. That is assuming we don't get KG.

So lets assume we don't. None of the players mentioned above are even equal players to Marion. So, the team is worse next year then last. So for the sake of salary we get no shot at a title.

Our defense was not there in the playoffs because our two biggest post defenders (Amare and Kurt) were not there. My gosh, lets see what Amare, Kurt and Marion can do together before we start thinking about salary cap relief. If you think about that now then your giving up on a champship run. Period.


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
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Ummmm...I guess why Marion trades keep getting brought up by us and the media is there must be some solid reasons behind it or it wouldnt persist....right? It must make sense on some level. We just dont know the exact deal that could trigger a trade. If the Suns trade Marion there must be a very good reason behind it so therefore I'll probably be for it. The Suns arnt going to dump Marion just for cap space...thats rediculous. They'll get pieces back and other benefits to be sure.

If Marion stays or goes I really dont care because he's not our whole team.

Evil Ash

Henchman Supreme
Jun 26, 2003
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On a flying cocoon
pokerface said:
Ummmm...I guess why Marion trades keep getting brought up by us and the media is there must be some solid reasons behind it or it wouldnt persist....right?

The ONLY media source that has given the "Marion wants to be traded" any time at all since the season ended is hoopsworld. Coach D'Antoni said they weren't going to trade him, the East Valley Trib and AZ Republic have not hinted at anything involving a Marion trade this offseason, and even ESPN insider said he wouldn't be traded until after next season at the earliest.

I don't know how internet messageboard rumors and hoopsworld have gotten more credibility then reporters that cover the team on a regular basis and our coach/GM ... some people have very selective memories I guess.
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Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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Treesquid said:
You never want to get rid of a player so late that you handicap your team for years, but you have to evalaute the risk, most teams that change out ther stars are struggling francises that need a change in direction the risk is low. If the Suns were an average team like the Pigbury years or Kidd years I would agree, a change might do some good, but the Suns are on the brink of a title removing Marion with all his shortcommings at this time would be amazingly foolish. There are always options and oppourtunities to move dead weight contracts at the end of the season, I say explore those then.

The Suns have essetially been in rebuilding mode since the mid 1990's please tell me where this has worked in terms of titles? Thinking ahead is always dandy but sometimes you just need to sack it up and go for it, this is one of those times. I think it's time to keep the core this year and make a run at the title in 2006-2007.

Now this is an excellent counter-point and one i agree with to a certain extent.

Good post Tree:thumbup:

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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AZ Finest:

$$$$$. By that rationale, Kevin Garnett isn’t worth the contract he has. Are you saying Garnett is a role player? Check their numbers. – Is Garnett a role player? Are you kidding? See this is another thrilling case study of perceived value vs reality. Because KG has missed the playoffs two years in a row, he is now considered a player on his down side. The reality is that the last time he had two capable guys around him, he carried the team to the WCF and won the MVP. Compare the teams Cassell had around him in LA this year (ridiculous talent) and in Minny two years ago (pretty much an older Spree and KG) and you then start to realize how good Garnett is in getting that team as far as he did – they lost to the best team of the last decade for gods sakes, it was not a complete failure. KG’s biggest weakness is his inability to carry the load at the end of the game and by himself. But rather where shawn does not have the skills to do that, KG just isn’t say Michael Jordan and can do it all by himself. KG and Paul Pierce are both top ten players in the NBA (although our quick reflex society wouldn’t agree because of the last two seasons each player has had) and have shown that in flashes over the past seasons. They just have not had team success because their GM’s are idiots. That doesn’t make them less of players. Think NJ is glad they traded for Vince – on the risk he was not the same player anymore. Systems and situations matter more than people think. Bring KG over here and he would equal Amare’s numbers. KG and Marion are not even comparable- not even on the same planet in terms of basketball skills, determination and physical means. So it’s a cost benefit to answer your question. Yes I would rather pay KG 21 million than Marion 16 million because I believe for that 21 million we get a championship. That’s not as sure a thing with Marion and likely just as possible with adding a couple cheaper players……

Replaceable? I’ll go down the list of names you gave:
- Richard Jefferson. Has he played through a full season w/o being seriously injured? Ummm does that make him less of a player? I’m hoping my UA boy can avoid that tag for much longer…
- Iguadola. Perhaps. But, don’t ask him to lean on Lamar Odom or Elton Brand… which Marion was asked to do. – OK but can I lean on him to be a better passer, improving shooter, and better at creating his own shot? At 1/8 the cost? Yes I can.
- JR Smith. I’ll pretend you didn’t even list him here. – I feel bad for both the Smiths (Josh and JR) because once again, they are players not good enough to overcome the poor coaching and tutoring they receive from their respective teams. Just like Boris, it think one of these high flyers would come here, take a couple years to mature (both guys are 20) and then be flying around dunking and rebounding by the time they are 22. I really believe in the Suns development and system that much. I think Marion has benefited from that – while these other guys would excel in our up and down system and then their “perceived value” would only go up. Its fascinating because Suns players have “inflated” value in the league (which I think is the case with Marion and I don’t think he would put close to the same numbers depending on the team) because of the extra possessions and running style.
- Kyle Korver. See above. – I would NEVER want Korver to replace Marion. EVER. Korver would be a good weapon for the Suns off the bench. Not as a starter. That would be WAYYY to significant a loss of talent – even if Korver made 100 bucks a year it wouldn’t be worth it.

Complains too much? Come on. You have to take what Marion says with a grain of salt. Half the time I don’t think he knows what he’s saying. – I think you guys give him way to much of a free pass when it comes to this. You can say that the media distorts his words but c’mon this happens every three months. And its not like he is subtle. Now he plays better with that chip on his shoulder so I am sure its partially motivation but as a fan, teammate, and coach at one point you have to look around and say “What more does this guy want – hes maximizing his potential – he’s never going to be Dominique Wilkins or anything- Is he more concerned with his recognition and stats or winning” I’m not saying it this big distraction or anything but like joemama said, I have heard enough sound bites from D’Antoni through time to know he gets fed-up. I can’t understand why more people don think he is the spoiled athlete personified?

Doesn’t fit into D’Antoni’s system? You mean the system in which Marion was playing near MVP levels for most of the year? – Running up and down the floor is going to work wonders for a players stats, yes I agree. Does that change the fact that D’Antoni values spacing and shooters in his 1-3 positions? I’m not saying that a player like Marion can’t be successful in this system and doesn’t even serve as the engine for the offense from time to time. But I now D’Antoni’s system and he wants shooters – big time. If Marion ever does get traded watch what the primary skill will be of the player who takes over that position. And please, please stop the Top 10 MVP talk. He’s good. He ain’t that good.

His value has peaked? Yeah, and there are teams out there who are wanting to fleece the Suns… and make us pay for the next 5 years. Like I said, “Be careful for what you wish for”. – Sure take on a player who relies on his athleticism as he begins to creep into his 30’s and can’t be counted on to carry a team for any period longer than a couple games and can’t create his own shot. Plus is you want to maximize his production, you are going to have to completely revamp the half court offense you currently have. Oh and on more thing: He’s owed something like 34 million dollars over the next two years. Fleece away boys. I’m not saying he’s not a great/valuable member to this team. But his value is at an all time high. That’s a fact.

He doesn’t play that good of defense. Defense isn’t all about staying in front of your man. It’s the intangibles. Tipped balls, running the break after a steal, help D, etc . Not a lock-dock down defender, but better than most small forwards. – So what the hell are we exactly paying him 16 million dollars for again?

If Marion end up beng dealt, you will see why he was so important over the long-stretch of a season. Why mess with a good thing? Hell, let's see what happens with this core group all healthy. This team will be favored to win the title next year, provided Amare is back to form. What more could we ask for?

I agree with this last paragraph. This is my feeling as well. But it’s not a completely stupid move to consider getting what you can for him now and no matter what the team says – I guarantee you they are at least listening to offers. Ok so here’s a trade I have though about that doesn’t really help us salary wise but I think makes us a better team overall. I think the salaries are close enough and while I am sure the powers that be want cap space – this might make us just as solid a team next year.

Sonics get:
Suns #27 pick in 2006 draft

Suns get:
Rashard Lewis
Luke Ridnour

I can already hear everybody: Rashard Lewis? He’s half the player Marion is. Listen I am no Lewis fans as I find him soft. He makes a lot of money too. But people who watch NBA basketball cannot deny one thing. His skills are made for this Suns team. He wouldn’t be as good a defender or rebounder as Marion but he would provide size and I bet you he would shoot 45% from three on this team. Plus he can go to the rack much better than Marion. If you guys like Tim Thomas - this kid is three times as talented as TT. I honestly believe he would come to this team and average 22 and 10 a game. He would complement the guys we have already and he is a far superior basketball player (the italicized area is important) and would fit right in. To me the key to the deal though is Luke Ridnour. I have watched a lot of this kid in college and the pros. Now he’s not quite as good as Kirk Hinrich but he has the potential to be better offensively. I look at his learning curve and see a very similar one to Steve Nash. Learning under Nash would be the best thing that ever happened to him and he has played enough where he would be a solid back up next year as well. I’m telling you – go back to the year he won Pac-10 player of the year at Oregon and watch the games. Kid can play. Seattle is just a bad fit for him. He gets to run out here in the desert and you might be looking at a kid who two years down the road can be our replacement for Nash.

So for all those guys out there who think that no Marion trade could improve our title viability next year – I think the above trade could do that.
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Standing Tall And Traded
Sep 22, 2002
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Boise, ID
I don't think the sonics would do that trade, but I would consider it if I were the suns.

Mad Psyentist

Feb 9, 2004
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I think you guys give him way to much of a free pass when it comes to this. You can say that the media distorts his words but c’mon this happens every three months. And its not like he is subtle. Now he plays better with that chip on his shoulder so I am sure its partially motivation but as a fan, teammate, and coach at one point you have to look around and say “What more does this guy want – hes maximizing his potential – he’s never going to be Dominique Wilkins or anything- Is he more concerned with his recognition and stats or winning” I’m not saying it this big distraction or anything but like joemama said, I have heard enough sound bites from D’Antoni through time to know he gets fed-up. I can’t understand why more people don think he is the spoiled athlete personified?

If its not a big distraction, then who cares? I feel like this complaint on marion is trying to make him out to be some sort of malcontent. I mean, has he ever dissed his teammates? has he ever badmouthed the team/organization? has he ever stated he wants to be traded? has any of his comments affected his game or the chemistry of this team?

If anything, stuff Amare says or does like his on-the-court push-ups and such piss me off more than anything marion has ever said, but i still love him on this team.

I feel like we do read too much into it cuz some of us want to find more ammo against him to trade him. Watching him play, youd never think he was some sort of malcontent cuz i always see him playing his heart out even when he was hurt.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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Shawn Marion is absolutely right... he gets no respect... except for some knowing posters.

He is a SF being asked to play the PF position and the go-to player inside at 6'7."

IMO, Shawn would continue to get his 20/10 for almost any team in the NBA. Match Shawn with a dominant inside player (like a healthy Amare) and return him to the SF position where he can roam and then the Suns could really be scary. I think if the Suns had the players to man the 4/5 positions consistently, he would be absolutely awesome.

I certainly would not trade Shawn unless the Suns could upgrade the team. Almost every player is tradeable and every coach will be fired. However, never trade value without getting near equal value in return, especially if another area of vital team need is not filled.

Shawn's skills are vastly underrated because he is playing out of position.
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Plucky Comic Relief
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Jul 2, 2004
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Mainstreet said:
He is a SF being asked to play the PF position and the go-to player inside at 6'7."

This goes both ways. He has two steps on pretty much any PF in the league, and gets a lot of stats because he can run circles around his defender. He is less of a stat monster at SF, IMO, and was one of the reasons he was moved to PF to begin with. His disadantages on defense are his advantages on his offense.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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Gaddabout said:
This goes both ways. He has two steps on pretty much any PF in the league, and gets a lot of stats because he can run circles around his defender. He is less of a stat monster at SF, IMO, and was one of the reasons he was moved to PF to begin with. His disadantages on defense are his advantages on his offense.

Agreed there are advantages for Shawn to play PF, but there are disadvantages as well, such as he is undersized at 6'7" (and must constantly play both offensively and defensively against taller players), takes a continual pounding on defense guarding these larger players, and generally must exert much more energy to generate the 20/10 stats he puts up. Also Shawn often takes the blame when he cannot contain such larger players defensively such as a Dirk Nowitzki. Shawn also has problems scoring against taller opponents inside when he cannot get out and run.

See Shawn's stats at the links below. They are amazing since his second year in Phoenix and he just turned 28 in May.

I think if his stats are analyzed impartially, he would be a very difficult player to replace for any team. Also his durability for his 7 years with the Suns must be given some weight.

In short, I'm trying to say, Shawn has played exceedingly well for Phoenix even before he was needed to play PF the past few years. If he could return to the SF position, the Suns frontline would be just that much stronger.

Please forgive me if I sound like I'm on a Shawn Marion band wagon because I'm really not. If the right deal came along I would consider all legitimate trade offers if they could make the Suns better. However, I give credit where credit is due and Shawn Marion is not chopped liver. :)
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ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
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I'm very very careful what I wish for.

sly fly said:
I read all this mumbo jumbo about dealing Marion.

Dealing a 20/12 player in his prime, who RARELY gets hurt and/or misses any time... is potentially franchise suicide.

For all his little quirks that piss people off (especially come playoff time when thise quirks tend to stand out even more)... this guy is a rare breed whose positves far outweigh his negatives.

Quit talking about him being overrated on D. Quit talking about his funny release. Quit bagging on him for "complaining" about r-e-s-p-e-c-t.

Why? Because Marion is a ballplayer. A man w/o a position. A guy who goes out and delivers 95% of the time he's on the floor.

Some of you would be glad to see him leave for a bag of peanuts and a Toronto-player-to-be-named-later. Big mistake.

Short of landing Kevin Garnett, all Suns fans better hope Marion isn't going anywhere.

I keep reading all this munbo jumbo about keeping Marion at all costs and I'm getting sick of it. Give me Diaw plus 6 mill a year saved on Marions salary (after we resign Diaw and trade Marion) and a good draft pick plus a player and I'm cool with that.

Keeping a player making a bloated 15+ mill a year when we have to resign other key players can be potential suicide for our future.

For all of Marions attributes he can be made up for by our other players. KT, Amare, and Diaw can grab enough boards. Virtually the whole team can score in bunches. Plus anything we're lacking after that can be had by dealing Marion for players and picks. Plus we'll be able to afford TT as well more easily.

Give Diaw more R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Give him the minutes he deserves. He put up equivilant numbers to Marion in the playoffs. Why pay Marion when Diaw can put up similar big stats for a lot less money.

Why? Because Diaw is a ballplayer. A man w/o a position. A guy who goes out and delivers the majority of the time he's on the floor.

Some of you would be glad to see Diaw leave to a team that can pay a few bucks more than we can afford just to keep Marion who's getting older and more expensive all the time. Big mistake.

All Suns fans better hope Diaw isn't going anywhere...He's the future of the Suns with Amare.

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sly fly

sly fly

Devil Me This
Jun 12, 2002
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N. Phx
pokerface said:
I keep reading all this munbo jumbo about keeping Marion at all costs and I'm getting sick of it. Give me Diaw plus 6 mill a year saved on Marions salary (after we resign Diaw and trade Marion) and a good draft pick plus a player and I'm cool with that.

Keeping a player making a bloated 15+ mill a year when we have to resign other key players can be potential suicide for our future.

For all of Marions attributes he can be made up for by our other players. KT, Amare, and Diaw can grab enough boards. Virtually the whole team can score in bunches. Plus anything we're lacking after that can be had by dealing Marion for players and picks. Plus we'll be able to afford TT as well more easily.

Give Diaw more R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Give him the minutes he deserves. He put up equivilant numbers to Marion in the playoffs. Why pay Marion when Diaw can put up similar big stats for a lot less money.

Why? Because Diaw is a ballplayer. A man w/o a position. A guy who goes out and delivers the majority of the time he's on the floor.

Some of you would be glad to see Diaw leave to a team that can pay a few bucks more than we can afford just to keep Marion who's getting older and more expensive all the time. Big mistake.

All Suns fans better hope Diaw isn't going anywhere...He's the future of the Suns with Amare.

Once again, thoughts like this, give me thanks that someone like you isn't running this organization.

Hugh D'Man

Jun 13, 2006
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And the beat goes on ... so here is two cents from a new pauper and peasant.

How could you NOT trade Shawn for one of the top picks in this draft ? Especially if it acheives sal cap relief.

So much depends on the actual and # of offer(s) and I don't think we are shopping him like with KT... But I'd send him packin for #3 and BKnight. That Seattle deal is interesting , but both Lewis and Riddenour are signed only through next yr...(correction...Ridnour is through 06/07...and Lewis has player option for 07/08) Theoretically, it could be Shawn for naught. I would much rather get a very high draft pick where we can get a certain contributor. (would Morrison on the wing space the floor ?...would TyThomas soaring side byside Amare NOT be a Dunkfest?...Would this kid Bargnani immediately command 20-25 minutes with his offensive skill set? ... could Rodney Brewer solve two needs, Back up to both Nash AND Raja?)

I think it will come down to a few things...

How bad D'Ant and co want a particular player ?
What if any offers we have for KT?
What true interest from the league is there for Capt Versatile?
More anti-Spew from Marion.

As someone has said, we can't really lose. I'd prefer to keep Marion, but to say we would be monumentally worse off with out him is short sited and not seeing both sides of the coin.
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Registered User
Oct 3, 2002
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Some of you do not relaize that the drafts are hyped and many of the top 10 picks will be out of the league in a few years, or will never become all-stars. Shawn Marion is an all-star and that is very hard to replace.

IF you have the time, you can take a look at the last few years drafts, and you will see that a lot of those players are not playing anymore.

Usually the top 3-5 picks make it and are all-stars, but not always, and that takes 3-4 years.

Kwame Brown, and many others just never turn out.

The Suns are not in a rebuilding mode, they are already one of the best treams in the league, and next year could be their year to win it all, and even a couple more years after that.

You only trade a player like Marion when you are absolutely forced to do so and not before. If possible, you trade someone else instead of him.

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
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Sun City
pokerface said:
I keep reading all this munbo jumbo about keeping Marion at all costs and I'm getting sick of it. :

That's simply silly. "at all costs".? Gimme a break. Give a real proposal that the other team might reasonably make and we can evaluate it.

Most trade proposals are simply fatally flawed. They fall into several categories:

1. Don't account for the 125% salary matching.

2. Involve the other team giving up emerging stars with under market contracts.

3. Grossly over overestimate the value of the people desired.

ALL trade proposals are treated with extreme skepticism, not just dump Marion proposals. I'm sorry if this makes you sick, but remember: this is not only a game but a game about a game. Lighten up.
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Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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sunsfn said:
Some of you do not relaize that the drafts are hyped and many of the top 10 picks will be out of the league in a few years, or will never become all-stars. Shawn Marion is an all-star and that is very hard to replace.

IF you have the time, you can take a look at the last few years drafts, and you will see that a lot of those players are not playing anymore.

Usually the top 3-5 picks make it and are all-stars, but not always, and that takes 3-4 years.

Kwame Brown, and many others just never turn out.

The Suns are not in a rebuilding mode, they are already one of the best treams in the league, and next year could be their year to win it all, and even a couple more years after that.

You only trade a player like Marion when you are absolutely forced to do so and not before. If possible, you trade someone else instead of him.

Well said Sunsfn.

I really like Shawn Marion and what he brings to the Suns. However, if Shawn could really be traded in a deal that would improve the Suns, I certainly would want the Suns to consider it.

I guess what bothers me is some posters think Shawn can be so easily replaced after 7 solid years with the Suns and are willing to roll the dice on some unknowns or salary cap relief. If the Suns traded Shawn I would want at least one solid proven player in return plus more if fair value is not there.

It's hard to argue against the Suns trading Shawn for a player like Kevin Garnett because as the adage goes... you can't teach height. However, I think Minnesota would want much more for a player that really hasn't done much more. He certainly has not shown the ability to carry the Wolves into Championship contention. Also is Kevin Garnett worth the money?

I really, really, really like Diaw, but he has only played well for one season in the NBA. Amare and KT are coming off injury and even Nash has a cracked vertebrae (and is showing signs of wearing down). One could make the argument that Shawn may be the most dependable player the Suns have on the roster going into next season.

However, I'm still banking on Steve Nash if the Suns give him some supporting help. :)

Again I'm not making the argument that Shawn is not tradeable, only that his value is too easily dismissed. Sometimes you don't miss a good thing until it's gone. I like to look at the glass as half full, but I always like to look at the worse case scenarios as well.


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
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Evil Ash said:
The ONLY media source that has given the "Marion wants to be traded" any time at all since the season ended is hoopsworld. Coach D'Antoni said they weren't going to trade him, the East Valley Trib and AZ Republic have not hinted at anything involving a Marion trade this offseason, and even ESPN insider said he wouldn't be traded until after next season at the earliest.

I don't know how internet messageboard rumors and hoopsworld have gotten more credibility then reporters that cover the team on a regular basis and our coach/GM ... some people have very selective memories I guess.

Marion rumors have been ongoing throughout the year. Remember they were talking about MArion for KG just before the trade deadline? There is almost always some speculation about dealing Shawn. Hoopshype is just the latest one.

The rumors are there because....

1) Suns have abundant talent playerwise (plus assets such as draft picks and part of a Trade Exception) to make Marion somewhat expendable.

2) Marions huge salary makes him a target. Especially when other Suns players have to be resigned at some point.

3) A lot of other teams want Marion. Shawn could be plugged into a lot of systems. If a team needs more points, rebounds, steals, or defense Shawn could fill some of those needs.
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Long time Phoenician!
Sep 16, 2002
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NE Phoenix
sunsfn said:
Shawn Marion is an all-star and that is very hard to replace.
I'm curious if anyone on this Board believes that The Matrix will be a 20-10 all-star Forward next season, with the return of Amare and being out-performed by Boris Diaw during the playoffs.

I appreciate the stats Shawn put up, the defense he played and the multi positions he covered. But Amare, Steve, Boris and Raja each hold more of a key to our Championship hopes than Shawn in 06-07.


Not Always The Best Moderator
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Sep 14, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
BC867 said:
I'm curious if anyone on this Board believes that The Matrix will be a 20-10 all-star Forward next season, with the return of Amare and being out-performed by Boris Diaw during the playoffs.

I appreciate the stats Shawn put up, the defense he played and the multi positions he covered. But Amare, Steve, Boris and Raja each hold more of a key to our Championship hopes than Shawn in 06-07.

I am willing to guess that Marion will do what he did when we had Joe Johnson, Q, Amare, and Nash all eating up shot attempts. How soon we forget just two years ago when Q was a black hole on court and JJ was putting up a good number of shots.

So those stats would be 19 and 11. Marion's worse season as a starter is his second year with 17 and 10. I am fairly certain he would be somewhere between 21-17 points and 13-9 rebounds. Those are just the ranges of his career stats. Even 17 and 9 is fantastic.

If Amare is healthy and we keep our team together, we can win a championship. Why gamble that away?

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
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Sun City
BC867 said:
I'm curious if anyone on this Board believes that The Matrix will be a 20-10 all-star Forward next season, with the return of Amare and being out-performed by Boris Diaw during the playoffs.

I appreciate the stats Shawn put up, the defense he played and the multi positions he covered. But Amare, Steve, Boris and Raja each hold more of a key to our Championship hopes than Shawn in 06-07.

Boris and Shawn are so radically different kinds of players that I find comparisons to be pointless.

Advantage Boris:

- Ball handling (dribbling, catching the ball, vision)
- Passing (huge number of assists)
- Outside shooting (only starting to show three point range)

Advantage Shawn:

- Rebounding (one of the best in the NBA)
- Defending the perimeter (he can actually defend against fairly quick players)
- Speed (such as for breakaways on fast breaks)
- Leaping (for tip ins and the alley oop)

I didn't get much support for my plan of using Boris as a backup point guard, but the main argument was that he wouldn't be able to defend well enough. My contention is that compared to Shawn, the same situation on defense would be true with Boris at SF.

I'm not saying he wouldn't be able to play, just that we'd lose a lot of defense and rebounding compared to Marion. On a team that is defensively challenged, that concerns me.

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
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Sun City
MaoTosiFanClub said:
Question -

If the rumors are true and Marion does want out, should we accomodate him?

Probably not. Obviously if it effected how hard he played or if he became a lockerroom cancer, then sure. But if it is just that's he gets grumpy - no way.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
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Oct 19, 2003
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MaoTosiFanClub said:
Question -

If the rumors are true and Marion does want out, should we accomodate him?

In my previous posts I have been supporting Shawn to the naysayers, however, I would have a slightly different take on this matter than George.

If Shawn came to the Suns and wanted to go somewhere he could shine, I would try to accomodate him. The reason I would try to do this is simple. Shawn has given the Suns 7 good years and he has proven his loyalty to this franchise. He has even played out of position the past few seasons.

However, I would only trade Shawn if the Suns got fair value in return. IMO, this is the key. Actually in some ways it would be similar to trading Joe Johnson to Atlanta. The Suns demanded and received fair compensation in return (Diaw, two first rounders and the TE that was created).

This would have to be the case with Shawn as well. The difference being that JJ demanded to be traded whereas I would consider trading Shawn out of respect for him as a person and what he has done for the Suns franchise.

Again, the Suns would have to receive quality in return. I think a lot of NBA teams would love to have Shawn on their roster including the Suns.

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
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Jan 27, 2005
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Hugh D'Man said:
How could you NOT trade Shawn for one of the top picks in this draft ? Especially if it acheives sal cap relief.

How bad D'Ant and co want a particular player ?
What if any offers we have for KT?
What true interest from the league is there for Capt Versatile?
More anti-Spew from Marion.

As someone has said, we can't really lose. I'd prefer to keep Marion, but to say we would be monumentally worse off with out him is short sited and not seeing both sides of the coin.

For starters, the draft is still a crap shoot. For starters if we don't replace his rebounding and defending, we just made the team worse for the sake of salary cap space. Meaning we have given up on the title in teh short term. Now that to me is monumentally short sited.

pokerface said:
I keep reading all this munbo jumbo about keeping Marion at all costs and I'm getting sick of it. Give me Diaw plus 6 mill a year saved on Marions salary (after we resign Diaw and trade Marion) and a good draft pick plus a player and I'm cool with that.

Keeping a player making a bloated 15+ mill a year when we have to resign other key players can be potential suicide for our future.

For all of Marions attributes he can be made up for by our other players. KT, Amare, and Diaw can grab enough boards. Virtually the whole team can score in bunches. Plus anything we're lacking after that can be had by dealing Marion for players and picks. Plus we'll be able to afford TT as well more easily.

Give Diaw more R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Give him the minutes he deserves. He put up equivilant numbers to Marion in the playoffs. Why pay Marion when Diaw can put up similar big stats for a lot less money.

Why? Because Diaw is a ballplayer. A man w/o a position. A guy who goes out and delivers the majority of the time he's on the floor.

Some of you would be glad to see Diaw leave to a team that can pay a few bucks more than we can afford just to keep Marion who's getting older and more expensive all the time. Big mistake.

All Suns fans better hope Diaw isn't going anywhere...He's the future of the Suns with Amare.

Give you diaw and basically some other player to make up for Marion??? Are you serious. First off Diaw will not get the easy buckets he did because the offense will run through Amare. Now factor in that Diaw's assignments will be different once Amare comes back. There is no way your going to make up Marions defense and rebounding with guys that don't do it very well (like Diaw and Tim Thomas).

That is alot of wishful thinking. If those guys don't make up the rebounding and defense, you just made the team worse for the sake of the future.

Give Diaw respect? How about giving Marion some respect? Diaw can't put up similar stats to Marion if he tried. Look at Diaw's overall stats, he doesn't show up in most of the categories that Marion does.

Would I be glad to see Diaw go? Ofcourse not, but I don't want the team to be thinking about the future when we have a shot at a title. Screw the future. If the Diamondbacks took that same approach they would never have one a championship.


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
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With Diaw in the lineup that helps AMARE. Amare is going to be the focal point....not Marion. I'd rather Diaw be dishing his sweet assists to Amare for high percentage shots than Marion taking his jumpers. With Diaw and Amare why is Shawn so necessary? He's not!

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