THat's actually a really good point it could very well have been nick. You'd think they'd have something in their contract that prevents them from doing stuff when they leave the house that could impact the game, but maybe not?
I did notice on his way out America's Player telling him you didn't deserve this blah blah, maybe he saw through that and decided to out the guy?
They might have a clause like that in their contract but that wouldn't prevent a
Nick didn't seem overly upset about the America's player thing and seemed OK with being considered a threat, though it did work out to be the dumbest mistake Dick and Danielle have made so far. I honestly don't think that Nick would have even strategically put Danielle in a bad position (which of course she will have work out with the boyfriend when BB ends---you are right there are many ways to 'cheat' though boyfriend doesn't seem like a strong personality anyway). Its her loss, she should have stood up for what she wanted.
In all truth those that ousted Nick should have all been on his list, they allowed themselves to be led around by the nose by a mere suggestion made by one player.
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