It's fair that you don't agree, but nice to call it B.S. The offense may require 3-5 reads, i don't know the exact calls provided to him. But i see him struggle every single time beyond the second read, which is a major red flag for any college QB. They need to show they can go beyond the second confidently and those that can go beyond the third and keep the mechanics of the first have a shot at greatness in NFL. Offense may require one thing, execution is something totally different. He is very bad in anything beyond the first read.
He misses open recievers too often, and that is my problem with Anderson as well as with Skelton with much less degree though. That is a major red flag there as well, when you can't hit open guys, you are inaccurate. It's not just that, it's his inability to place the ball with touch deep that is also showing reflections of inaccuracy.
He may be viewed as top 10, but so have many busts almost every year.
He can become a player (anyone can with hard work). He just won't be any good early on, unless he complete changes his game.
His mechanics are not that bad at all, there is something to work with there, and he is mobile. But two most important things are completely lacking, reading a college defense and accuracy. They are not even there at college level, yet alone NFL.