Bring on the Forty Whiners


LD @ F.O.H.
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
The Vortex!
Troll, lol. Get something new....Like a winning season.

WOW, your retort is really well thought out.
I'm impressed.
You went out of your way to jump all over me for typos, yet you make one and then come back at me with get a "winning season"!


You just exposed yourself for what you really are.

Do I really need to say it?

Yeah, I think so.


May 30, 2007
Reaction score
Hmm...San Fransisco...Arizona. Which has a bigger market?

What he made while being a Cardinal he would've made even more as a 49er. Any of the Cali teams, Dallas, New York teams or NE would give him many more opps to sell his jerseys and chunky soup or what not.

On the bright side Arizona maybe better than Jacksonville for endorsements.

Right now SF has the bigger market, but not for long.

Phoenix will pass SF around the year 2010, if not sooner, and will be a top
10 market between the years 2010-2020. So obviously, Phoenix is a better place for Leinart because he is playing in a market that keeps on growing.

Plus, the last time I looked, SF was the 14th largest city in the US, even lower that Indianapolis, Jacksonville, and San Jose. Maybe I will call the SF market the San Jose market from now on, because San Jose is the biggest city in that area.

One more thing, if Leinart played with a Cali. team, would his jersey sell more? Maybe, maybe not, but Luis Gonzalez plays for the LA Dodgers and I don't see his jersey flying of shelves in LA as it did here in Phoenix. If Leinart leads the Cards to the playoffs and (gasp) the Super Bowl, his jersey, and other Cards player jerseys, will fly off the shelves here faster than a cat pouncing on a mouse.


Not Always The Best Moderator
Super Moderator
Supporting Member
Sep 14, 2002
Reaction score
Scottsdale, Az
I really expect Cardinals fans to show more class than this on the board. Gay jokes? Seriously?

49er fans, I will not hesitate to remove those of you that begin taunting.

Talk football not smack. If you want to talk smack I suggest you take it to the smack shack.

The Dude

Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score

Please excuse the users Utah49er, SeanJohn, Genus49. They all stem from the mecca of football retardation(and all sports for that matter) that is the 49erswebzone, don't take anything they say seriously. But here is the long and short of it. Both the Cards and 49ers have incredible amount of young talent with veteran leadership. The Cards have one of the most potent offenses in the league and will only get better with Lienart's progression and steady offensive line improvement. They have a rookie head coach who has quite the resume early in his career looks ready to take the cards to the next level. Defensively there are some bright spots (Wilson, Branch, Dansby) but the Cards were in the bottom tier of the league giving up an average of 350 YPG. It's only a matter of time before the Card's explode into a powerhouse. But non the less you guys have a hell of team on your hands and it would be tough to not have a winning season with young group of talent. Now to my 49ers which undoubtedly taken some criticism from you guys, which is well deserved. Last season we saw a lot of things, some good, some bad. We saw the emergence of Frank Gore and his run for the NFC rushing title, we witnessed very inconsistent play from our young QB Alex Smith and our pathetic core of wide receivers but he made inline progressions that gives me a little faith. The loss of Norv Turner in my opinion wont be as drastic as many people think, anyone who knows what kind of system Norv ran it is incredibly simple(as in comparison like if were too start running a new system) and we are going to continue running it for Alex's development, so he has a 2nd year into this system. Now before we all call him a bust i want to put this into consideration. There is going to be Lienart to Smith comparisons no doubt and i just want to throw this out there. Last year Alex had the worst supporting cast in the NFC West, with the exception Frank Gore we had virtually nobody. Unless you are a Seahawks, Rams or Cards i doubt anyone has heard of Arnaz Battle, Bryan Gilmore, Taylor Jacobs or Antonio Bryant. Alex doesn't have the luxury of having two perennial pro bowl Receivers in Larry fitzgerald and Anquan Boldin or even Bryant Johnson who was probably better than anyone of our receivers last year and lets not forget you still have edge who can and will make a play if given the opportunity. We showed some progress on offense and we bolstered our WR core with lots of incoming talent that Alex can hopefully make plays with(also vernon davis is going to be a major part in our offense this year so watch out for him) Now lets look at our defense. We were on our way to being the worst defense in the history of the nfl but we changed our tune mid-season with a coaching change and started to play at an adequate level for the rest of the season. But there are some things to look forward too. We did have one of the best off-seasons in the league with an awesome Free Agent and Draft Class. Here is the jist of it, we both have young talented teams that are poised and ready to establish themselves as a powerhouse in this league. The Ram's and Seahawk's are on the downfall, and its the perfect time for Cards and 49ers to take over. I am not going to make a prediction for the Monday night game but i will say that it is shaping up to be an awesome game. And again i apologize for the webzone retards, these aren't the people i like to see representing the 49ers on forums.


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
I don't know about the other 12 pages of posts but I am psyched.

Bring on the Niners.

Unfortunately, I cannot see the game till Wednesday.

But I am ready to go none the less.

Edit - HA, I guess there was a Niners fan on the board. hahahahahahaha. Great AND he is banned. Probably still talking about Jerry Rice, etc., etc. And how they are the "new pick" out of the NFC west. I would just ask them who there #1 reciever and NT are.
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young tone

Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
The Bay
Hey whats up Cards fans? Wanting to know what you thought of the upcoming game between 49ers and Cardinals...I come in peace lol ....I wanted to break down the game and talk some football with some Card fans. You guys have our number the last two years and our D cant seem to stop your offense from moving the ball (especially on 3rd down) and this year we improved our secondary but the secondary is only as good as your pass rush and us Niner fans have to wait and see how Banta Cain and Franklin contribute to the pass rush....

young tone

Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
The Bay
The Dude: you ever go on Class act Faithfuls on there (I dont go on webzone) .....


Jan 16, 2007
Reaction score
annapolis, md
Please excuse the users Utah49er, SeanJohn, Genus49. They all stem from the mecca of football retardation(and all sports for that matter) that is the 49erswebzone, don't take anything they say seriously. But here is the long and short of it. Both the Cards and 49ers have incredible amount of young talent with veteran leadership. The Cards have one of the most potent offenses in the league and will only get better with Lienart's progression and steady offensive line improvement. They have a rookie head coach who has quite the resume early in his career looks ready to take the cards to the next level. Defensively there are some bright spots (Wilson, Branch, Dansby) but the Cards were in the bottom tier of the league giving up an average of 350 YPG. It's only a matter of time before the Card's explode into a powerhouse. But non the less you guys have a hell of team on your hands and it would be tough to not have a winning season with young group of talent. Now to my 49ers which undoubtedly taken some criticism from you guys, which is well deserved. Last season we saw a lot of things, some good, some bad. We saw the emergence of Frank Gore and his run for the NFC rushing title, we witnessed very inconsistent play from our young QB Alex Smith and our pathetic core of wide receivers but he made inline progressions that gives me a little faith. The loss of Norv Turner in my opinion wont be as drastic as many people think, anyone who knows what kind of system Norv ran it is incredibly simple(as in comparison like if were too start running a new system) and we are going to continue running it for Alex's development, so he has a 2nd year into this system. Now before we all call him a bust i want to put this into consideration. There is going to be Lienart to Smith comparisons no doubt and i just want to throw this out there. Last year Alex had the worst supporting cast in the NFC West, with the exception Frank Gore we had virtually nobody. Unless you are a Seahawks, Rams or Cards i doubt anyone has heard of Arnaz Battle, Bryan Gilmore, Taylor Jacobs or Antonio Bryant. Alex doesn't have the luxury of having two perennial pro bowl Receivers in Larry fitzgerald and Anquan Boldin or even Bryant Johnson who was probably better than anyone of our receivers last year and lets not forget you still have edge who can and will make a play if given the opportunity. We showed some progress on offense and we bolstered our WR core with lots of incoming talent that Alex can hopefully make plays with(also vernon davis is going to be a major part in our offense this year so watch out for him) Now lets look at our defense. We were on our way to being the worst defense in the history of the nfl but we changed our tune mid-season with a coaching change and started to play at an adequate level for the rest of the season. But there are some things to look forward too. We did have one of the best off-seasons in the league with an awesome Free Agent and Draft Class. Here is the jist of it, we both have young talented teams that are poised and ready to establish themselves as a powerhouse in this league. The Ram's and Seahawk's are on the downfall, and its the perfect time for Cards and 49ers to take over. I am not going to make a prediction for the Monday night game but i will say that it is shaping up to be an awesome game. And again i apologize for the webzone retards, these aren't the people i like to see representing the 49ers on forums.

Finally, a decent 49er fan. Glad to see you here. I aggree that both teams have a bunch of talent that needsmto be developed, but that they could both make a run into the playoffs this year, but I think that is al we could agree on.

Please understand I am really just trying to help you out when I say this. There is no sense in trying to compare Smith to Leinart. Not even close. I live in Md, so I am not influenced by any Cardinals when I say that NOBODY outside of SF thinks Smith is any good. Honestly I would take the Redskin's Jason Campbell over him in a heartbeat.

Next subject. Our line was way worse than yours last year IMO. They got absolutely ZERO push off the line when we were trying to run the ball and Matt couldn't even get into his drops before he was getting pressured for the most part.

Third, we do know about Gilmore and crappy recievers, trust me. Darrell Jackson was no upgrade BTW. The niners shoulda knew better than to make that deal, the man is made outta plastic. Vernon Davis has the talent though to be the naxt Gates. He is really your only player that scares me. We did a good job of handling Gore last year because we knew Smith could never beat us, but thusfar in the preseason it looks as though Smith and Davis are developing some chemistry there. I dont like it one bit.

PS----As long as Stephen Jackson is in St. Louis I wont sleep on the Rams, and the Seahawks have owned this division for a few years. They may not be what they have been, but those games wont be a walk in the park either. If Torry Holt's recovery from knee surgery is really as bad as he has made it out to be then they will get way worse very fast, be I think he is bluffing about the whole thing. S. Alexander's foot is still a question too I guess.


I'm saying you ARE stuck in Wichita
Mar 20, 2003
Reaction score
Hey whats up Cards fans? Wanting to know what you thought of the upcoming game between 49ers and Cardinals...I come in peace lol ....I wanted to break down the game and talk some football with some Card fans. You guys have our number the last two years and our D cant seem to stop your offense from moving the ball (especially on 3rd down) and this year we improved our secondary but the secondary is only as good as your pass rush and us Niner fans have to wait and see how Banta Cain and Franklin contribute to the pass rush....

Well the jury is out on our D. In the pre-season we didn't show much but then again they weren't showing any stunts, blitzes, so honestly, we really don't know what we'll get. The one thing that sacres me is Gore, even with his injury, he was a mack truck last year. Our Offense couldbe really good or mediocre. I think it's gonna be fun to watch.


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
I will me...hmmmm not sure what you are saying.

Maybe we can get together and bang rocks on walls? Will that thelp you communicate better?

I will be there, we would all love to further your education.

2 years 4 meaningless wins. The record of both of our teams is completely irrelevant over the last 4 years, as neither has made the playoffs. Need any mroe education Cardinal?

Thanks for also making your stupid, ancient super bowls meaningless as well. They were in the past and mean absolutely nothing to today's 49er team, so you 49er fans can stop using them as a crutch in this debate.
Jetstream Green

Jetstream Green

Kool Aid with a touch of vodka
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
San Antonio, Texas
my bad...

sorry Mods. just wanted a little good humor smack for the sake of starting the season off. After what happened against the Bears nationally on Monday night last season, I think the Cardinals actually want this game more than the Niners or anyone might realize. It stinks when you have followed a team for years and every time we have had studs on one side of the ball, well the other side has been lacking and hence a 500. team at best. Across the board, I have never really ever seen a Cardinal team with this much talent and its young talent which has actually come from the drafts regardless of who picked them in the organization at the time. Gore does not scare me, and Jackson of the Rams does not scare me since they have never really been a factor against us for one reason or another. I remember when Jackson had a whopping 7 yards rushing against us. Alexander is the only back in the division which has really hurt us and that is the reason I have much more fear of the Seahawks. Till the Niners can beat us on a regular basis like we have owned them of late, they do not concern me on the schedule. I live in the here and now, and they won't be showing a replay of a Walsh coached team on Monday night.

As far as Gore's injuries, I was rooting hard for him before the draft because he came out early not only because of the real possiblity of more injuries and his stock then dropping in college but his mom was really sick and he need to find a way to help the family financially for the difficult future to come. The football reality is that he is unfortunately a injury waiting to happen after all the major college injuries. I have been in two fantasy football drafts here in Cowboy country and have friends also in drafts and from the regular fans point of view- Leinart was selected early in most or for sure in the mid rounds while Alex Smith was not selected at all which gives some indication of what people across the board think of him.

It is what it is, and ifs ands and buts do not change the situtation. I think the Cardinals have a very good change of beating the Niners again. And by the way. I feel very good with Edge at the HB position as much as I gush over our WRs. Adrian Wilson is what the Niners once had in Tim McDonald. Dansby is prime for a great year. Leinart looked great for a rookie and will only be better. Our line under Grimm so far looks a lot better. Berry is a veteran I would much rather have than Chiki if I had to choose which player to have over the two. Dockett still could be a beast. And Hood was a better pickup than most suspect and was picked up with mininal effect to our cap space. Hayes reminds me a lot of young Ronald McKinnon who was solid for us for years. Heck, Holt means we actually now have a FS with some coverage ability. And we finally have a coach that is willing to guide the team for four whole quarters and make adjustments. Ya', bring the Niners on.
Jetstream Green

Jetstream Green

Kool Aid with a touch of vodka
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
San Antonio, Texas
my bad...

sorry Mods. just wanted a little good humor smack for the sake of starting the season off. After what happened against the Bears nationally on Monday night last season, I think the Cardinals actually want this game more than the Niners or anyone might realize. It stinks when you have followed a team for years and every time we have had studs on one side of the ball, well the other side has been lacking and hence a 500. team at best. Across the board, I have never really ever seen a Cardinal team with this much talent and its young talent which has actually come from the drafts regardless of who picked them in the organization at the time. Gore does not scare me, and Jackson of the Rams does not scare me since they have never really been a factor against us for one reason or another. I remember when Jackson had a whopping 7 yards rushing against us. Alexander is the only back in the division which has really hurt us and that is the reason I have much more fear of the Seahawks. Till the Niners can beat us on a regular basis like we have owned them of late, they do not concern me on the schedule. I live in the here and now, and they won't be showing a replay of a Walsh coached team on Monday night.

As far as Gore's injuries, I was rooting hard for him before the draft because he came out early not only because of the real possiblity of more injuries and his stock then dropping in college but his mom was really sick and he needed to find a way to help the family financially for the difficult future to come. The football reality is that he is unfortunately a injury waiting to happen after all the major college injuries. I have been in two fantasy football drafts here in Cowboy country and have friends also in drafts and from the regular fans point of view- Leinart was selected early in most or for sure in the mid rounds while Alex Smith was not selected at all which gives some indication of what people across the nation think of him.

It is what it is, and ifs ands and buts do not change the situtation. I think the Cardinals have a very good chance of beating the Niners again. And by the way. I feel very good with Edge at the HB position as much as I gush over our WRs. Adrian Wilson is what the Niners once had in Tim McDonald. Dansby is prime for a great year. Leinart looked great for a rookie and will only be better. Our line under Grimm so far looks a lot better. Berry is a veteran I would much rather have than Chiki if I had to choose which player to have over the two. Dockett still could be a beast. And Hood was a better pickup than most suspect and was picked up with mininal effect to our cap space. Hayes reminds me a lot of young Ronald McKinnon who was solid for us for years. Heck, Holt means we actually now have a FS with some coverage ability. And we finally have a coach that is willing to guide the team for four whole quarters and make adjustments. Ya', bring the Niners on.
Last edited:


Grey haired old Bird
Supporting Member
May 9, 2002
Reaction score
Sun City, AZ
Alex Smith is underrated and under-appreciated by most Cards fans and by many other NFL fans around the nation. I like him and I think he'll be a good, but not great, QB for many years.

Frank Gore is a beast and Vernon Davis sure looked good against us here last year. Arnaz Battle has developed into a clutch WR and Darrell Jackson is a proven Cards killer.

Nolan is a superior coach and is steadily improving his talent base. I fear he may beat us twice this year. By next year, I expect the niners to win the NFCW.

Whisenhunt will steadily improve our team as his system takes hold, in my opinion.

Both Alex Smith and Matt Leinart have upside but have proven nothing yet. They were both drafted by poor teams and have suffered growing pains.

I doubt SF can stop our offense but may control it enough to beat us by 7 to 10 points.

I too, dislike taunting and insult-trading behavior between opposing teams fans on this board. We have a Smack forum for that. The mods will continue to ban visiting trolls but well-behaved visitors are welcome.

1usctrojan, please tone down your taunting behavior. It encourages retorts in kind. This is not like you.

Did that ugly USC struggle this weekend drive you to drink? :) My Irish team was so pathetically boring, I think they set offensive football back 50 years. Ugh.


Open the Roof!
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Alex Smith is underrated and under-appreciated by most Cards fans and by many other NFL fans around the nation. I like him and I think he'll be a good, but not great, QB for many years.

Frank Gore is a beast and Vernon Davis sure looked good against us here last year. Arnaz Battle has developed into a clutch WR and Darrell Jackson is a proven Cards killer.

Nolan is a superior coach and is steadily improving his talent base. I fear he may beat us twice this year. By next year, I expect the niners to win the NFCW.

Whisenhunt will steadily improve our team as his system takes hold, in my opinion.

Both Alex Smith and Matt Leinart have upside but have proven nothing yet. They were both drafted by poor teams and have suffered growing pains.

I doubt SF can stop our offense but may control it enough to beat us by 7 to 10 points.

I too, dislike taunting and insult-trading behavior between opposing teams fans on this board. We have a Smack forum for that. The mods will continue to ban visiting trolls but well-behaved visitors are welcome.

1usctrojan, please tone down your taunting behavior. It encourages retorts in kind. This is not like you.

Did that ugly USC struggle this weekend drive you to drink? :) My Irish team was so pathetically boring, I think they set offensive football back 50 years. Ugh.[/quote]

I don't know. I thought the football they played was really offensive. :bang: They need to settle on a QB now!

The Dude

Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
Finally, a decent 49er fan. Glad to see you here. I aggree that both teams have a bunch of talent that needsmto be developed, but that they could both make a run into the playoffs this year, but I think that is al we could agree on.

Please understand I am really just trying to help you out when I say this. There is no sense in trying to compare Smith to Leinart. Not even close. I live in Md, so I am not influenced by any Cardinals when I say that NOBODY outside of SF thinks Smith is any good. Honestly I would take the Redskin's Jason Campbell over him in a heartbeat.

Next subject. Our line was way worse than yours last year IMO. They got absolutely ZERO push off the line when we were trying to run the ball and Matt couldn't even get into his drops before he was getting pressured for the most part.

Third, we do know about Gilmore and crappy recievers, trust me. Darrell Jackson was no upgrade BTW. The niners shoulda knew better than to make that deal, the man is made outta plastic. Vernon Davis has the talent though to be the naxt Gates. He is really your only player that scares me. We did a good job of handling Gore last year because we knew Smith could never beat us, but thusfar in the preseason it looks as though Smith and Davis are developing some chemistry there. I dont like it one bit.

PS----As long as Stephen Jackson is in St. Louis I wont sleep on the Rams, and the Seahawks have owned this division for a few years. They may not be what they have been, but those games wont be a walk in the park either. If Torry Holt's recovery from knee surgery is really as bad as he has made it out to be then they will get way worse very fast, be I think he is bluffing about the whole thing. S. Alexander's foot is still a question too I guess.

Alex Smith hasn't looked like the number 1. overall pick thus far in his career but i am still going to defend him. I think you are selling Alex a little bit short, as a die hard 49erfan and as a student of the game i have no problem picking at Alex's flaws which undoubtedly noticeable. But for every negative of Alex Smith there are positives. I watch 49er games going through every position over over and over to see there performance. This is how i feel about Smith: He has tremendous footwork and throwing mechanics. In the first three games of the season he showed he can definitely be a QB in this league posting three games of an 85% Passer Rating and throwing close to 250 YPG. After that he was very inconsistent with the ball but he did show up against Oakland (but i am not going to talk about that since just about everyone kicked the crap out of the raiders last year) posting a 120 Passer Rating, 78% PCT, and 3 TD's. Alex has the tools do make it in this league. Sure i can throw stats and this and that at you guys but one game that gives me faith in Alex is the Seattle game (which i was at! god i hate seahawk fans) After 3 quarters of uninspiring play of football we finally get things going late in the game and two Smith engineered drives resulted in a great 4th quarter comeback. Also i do want to put a little bit of the blame for Alex's shortcomings in Norv Turner's hands. Sure he is a great mentor for QB's and runs a great offensive system that is ran by a lot of teams. But Norv lacked creativity, his play-calling was some of the most vanilla play-calling in the league. Here is a run down of our play-calling

1st. Run
2nd. Run
3rd. Pass
4th Punt.

2nd series

1st. Pass
2nd. Pass.
3rd. Run.

Norv deserves credit for bringing his offense to our team and helping Alex progress, but he deserves a bit of the blame due to his lack of play-calling abilities. Alex is going to be the youngest starting QB in the league going into his 3rd year, i have faith that he can get it done but i am a realist and knowing Alex i am not asking for a miracle. Another thing i that erks me is that as a young QB your only as good as your supporting cast, some people think this is right, wrong who cares. But if you ask GM's around the league, for the most part they will tell you this is true. The goal as a GM in this instance is too surround your young QB with all the tools to succeed. We have failed miserably in doing so and it clearly shows in the play of our team untill now. Saying Darrell Jackson is made of plastic couldn't be farther than the truth. In his 7 year career he has only missed 16 games(which is just about normal), and he has played 4 season without missing a game. The fact of the matter is even when he isn't healthy he still put ups good numbers ie. 2002 missed three games still put up 800 yards with 4 TD's which isn't great but certainly not bad. 2005 missed most of the season put up 38 Rec's 480 Yards and 3 TD's in a six game span. 2006 Missed three games and still recorded 900 yards with 10 TD's (tied in the league for 3rd). Injuries are a part of the game and it happens to everyone. A healthy Darrell Jackson is good for atleast 900 Yards and 7 TD's. We also added one Ashley Lelie who has his ups and downs in the NFL but not long ago he had an amazing season with denver (1000 yards, 7 TD's 20 YPC). Ashley Lelie has the talent and his skill-set fits our offense perfectly. The Air Coryell or numbers system need receivers who have long speed that can stretch the field vertically. This system rely on the receivers to be deep threats and let me tell you what not only does Ashley Lelie posses this level of talent, his career average yards per catch is 17.5 yards. I don't think Lelie and Jackson are the most ideal weapons we would like to give Smith but they will suffice.
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Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Please excuse the users Utah49er, SeanJohn, Genus49. They all stem from the mecca of football retardation(and all sports for that matter) that is the 49erswebzone, don't take anything they say seriously. But here is the long and short of it. Both the Cards and 49ers have incredible amount of young talent with veteran leadership. The Cards have one of the most potent offenses in the league and will only get better with Lienart's progression and steady offensive line improvement. They have a rookie head coach who has quite the resume early in his career looks ready to take the cards to the next level. Defensively there are some bright spots (Wilson, Branch, Dansby) but the Cards were in the bottom tier of the league giving up an average of 350 YPG. It's only a matter of time before the Card's explode into a powerhouse. But non the less you guys have a hell of team on your hands and it would be tough to not have a winning season with young group of talent. Now to my 49ers which undoubtedly taken some criticism from you guys, which is well deserved. Last season we saw a lot of things, some good, some bad. We saw the emergence of Frank Gore and his run for the NFC rushing title, we witnessed very inconsistent play from our young QB Alex Smith and our pathetic core of wide receivers but he made inline progressions that gives me a little faith. The loss of Norv Turner in my opinion wont be as drastic as many people think, anyone who knows what kind of system Norv ran it is incredibly simple(as in comparison like if were too start running a new system) and we are going to continue running it for Alex's development, so he has a 2nd year into this system. Now before we all call him a bust i want to put this into consideration. There is going to be Lienart to Smith comparisons no doubt and i just want to throw this out there. Last year Alex had the worst supporting cast in the NFC West, with the exception Frank Gore we had virtually nobody. Unless you are a Seahawks, Rams or Cards i doubt anyone has heard of Arnaz Battle, Bryan Gilmore, Taylor Jacobs or Antonio Bryant. Alex doesn't have the luxury of having two perennial pro bowl Receivers in Larry fitzgerald and Anquan Boldin or even Bryant Johnson who was probably better than anyone of our receivers last year and lets not forget you still have edge who can and will make a play if given the opportunity. We showed some progress on offense and we bolstered our WR core with lots of incoming talent that Alex can hopefully make plays with(also vernon davis is going to be a major part in our offense this year so watch out for him) Now lets look at our defense. We were on our way to being the worst defense in the history of the nfl but we changed our tune mid-season with a coaching change and started to play at an adequate level for the rest of the season. But there are some things to look forward too. We did have one of the best off-seasons in the league with an awesome Free Agent and Draft Class. Here is the jist of it, we both have young talented teams that are poised and ready to establish themselves as a powerhouse in this league. The Ram's and Seahawk's are on the downfall, and its the perfect time for Cards and 49ers to take over. I am not going to make a prediction for the Monday night game but i will say that it is shaping up to be an awesome game. And again i apologize for the webzone retards, these aren't the people i like to see representing the 49ers on forums.

I'm not about to get into a pissing match with you on a cards board...but what exactly did I say that was ********? Don't apologize for me...i was talking football until people started saying comments that were dumb. I called them on it. Just cuz I post on the webzone time to time doesn't mean I follow the hurd over there.

Btw...try using some formatting on your posts. Nothing like reading a book.


Jan 16, 2007
Reaction score
annapolis, md
I'm not about to get into a pissing match with you on a cards board...but what exactly did I say that was ********? Don't apologize for me...i was talking football until people started saying comments that were dumb. I called them on it. Just cuz I post on the webzone time to time doesn't mean I follow the hurd over there.

Btw...try using some formatting on your posts. Nothing like reading a book.
What do you know, the Whiner is whining.


Feb 3, 2007
Reaction score
Ventura, California
1usctrojan, please tone down your taunting behavior. It encourages retorts in kind. This is not like you.

Did that ugly USC struggle this weekend drive you to drink? :) My Irish team was so pathetically boring, I think they set offensive football back 50 years. Ugh.

Oh please, I beg your forgiveness. I forget that taunting an obnoxious 49er fan is frowned upon, whereas posting unsubstantiated trash and pontificating on the moral character of someone you know absolutely nothing about, is celebrated with glee....I suppose I must swallow my life-long distaste for gossip, and those that spread it, to post on this message board.

And no Skkorp, nothing in this world would drive me to drink, I honor my father and his memory by only drinking an occasional half glass of wine with a special meal a few times a year.....certainly not by witnessing that boring game on Saturday. Thank goodness I attend enough practices and scrimmages at SC to know that the vanilla play-calling and the rotation of almost all our players (second and third string mixed in with a few starters) is not what will be on display in two weeks, I am more than confident that we shall see classic USC go-for-the-jugular football the rest of the season. But please, cling to that small hope that what you saw Saturday will continue throughout the season.


Grey haired old Bird
Supporting Member
May 9, 2002
Reaction score
Sun City, AZ

You are clearly not a Cards fan, just a Trojan follower. Since you've shown up here, you've reacted nastily when anyone, particularly me, has dared criticize your beloved USC players.

It has always been my policy to allow Cards posters free shots at me so nobody feels unfairly constricted.

In your case, your attacks on me have been so vicious, I simply won't allow you to pollute my board and my life any more. Every single moderator on ASFN would have banned you already if you had attacked any other poster in a similar matter.

You are not a Cards fan so I owe you nothing. Goodbye.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Oh please, I beg your forgiveness. I forget that taunting an obnoxious 49er fan is frowned upon, whereas posting unsubstantiated trash and pontificating on the moral character of someone you know absolutely nothing about, is celebrated with glee....I suppose I must swallow my life-long distaste for gossip, and those that spread it, to post on this message board.

And no Skkorp, nothing in this world would drive me to drink, I honor my father and his memory by only drinking an occasional half glass of wine with a special meal a few times a year.....certainly not by witnessing that boring game on Saturday. Thank goodness I attend enough practices and scrimmages at SC to know that the vanilla play-calling and the rotation of almost all our players (second and third string mixed in with a few starters) is not what will be on display in two weeks, I am more than confident that we shall see classic USC go-for-the-jugular football the rest of the season. But please, cling to that small hope that what you saw Saturday will continue throughout the season.

dude, you gotta ease up - you've been really obnoxious in this thread and then blew a gasket to what seemed like some friendly banter by Skkorp. Relax.

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