Can McCown have a Drew Brees type year??


Apr 16, 2004
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Could you please make it more clear what you are referring to in reference to me? I guess I want to know. Though on the other hand if it a slam of me I would just as soon not understand your reference to me,lol.


R U gonna B My Girl
Oct 21, 2002
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Chandler AZ.
Is there

a drop in the genetic pool here or did we revert to childish name calling for a reason? McClowns? Absolutely brilliant!
Look, IF Green has done anything, he has proven he will do the uncoventional, and, his pride will get in the way in some decision making.
Sometimes, last year, McCown looked like it may just happen for him. At other times, he was a dismal disappointment. (big gulp here).
i don't know if he's in a position to make the move back up the depth chart, but if he proves his salt, I would hope Rowan and Green do the right thing.
There's nothing but disrespect in your post. However, I would agree with Stout also, but knowing, I could just have a real gem on my hands if the abilities ever pan out into FOOTBALL instincts.
It's kinda of like a fighter who has alll the tools but gets in the ring and keeps losing by decision. Then one day the light goes on and he moves up into the upper echelon of pugilists. Will he ever be the best? Doubt it. Can he be really good? Yea. I think so.


Unregistered User
Mar 11, 2003
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Hicktown, AKA Buckeye, AZ
CronosCard said:
C'Mon Shecter!!
and do any of you McClowns remember the difference between having tremendous physical numbers...and turning them into QB FOOTBALL skills? The kid is a damn good athlete, I'll grant you McClowns that, but the "Members of the Cardinal's organization" Shecter's article talks about are the window washerman :thumbup: , and the carpet steamcleaner man ;) .
BigRedMo- you know where this stems from.. All of us diehard Cardinals' fans[I feel embarrassed saying that, since while itis the truth, for me, I wanted an expansion team, BUT since 1988I'veBledCardinalRed like the best of you.] I have been a CardinalBleeder 17+- years but alot of the gentlemen and ladies I presume on this board have been true most or all of their lives.. It's why I like this posting board so much. I digress.. But us Die Hards want so desperately for McCown to succeed as the underdog as we want the Cardinals to succeed... :notworthy
Anywhooo, Stout hits it right in the Frickin' GRILL when he says that raw ability can not translate proportionately to FOOTBALL ABILITY, FB instincts/smarts, and some of the other things Warner just "has", because, McClowns, as he so vividly exhibited repeatedly last year, Josh just does not have them..
No disrespect, but I believe Josh McCown will be a valuable backup QB/injury starter this year, but will never lead Dennis Green/Coach Rowan's offense to where it will reside in the near future, and for years to come..By the way, the interview with Coach Rowan-read it McClowns, you will see we need far more than Josh McCown has to offer, and I'm afraid, more than the 2005 Kurt Warner has to offer as well to QB us into the second decade of the 21st century.
That would make a good thread.. Will Green pursue a current player, or look to the draft to find his franchise QB? He made do without a "franchise" QB until Culpepper, how might HE have thrived in DG/KR's offensive philosophy described in today's article by Coach Rowan.. :wave:

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. :sarcasm:

Crimson Warrior

Dangerous Murray Zealot
Oct 27, 2002
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Home of the Thunder
BigRedMO said:
Hell no. McCown was the most clueless looking QB I had seen in a long time that got so many starts. He does not have the tools to complete passes over 10 yards on a consistent basis. I have my doubts about Warner too. Someday when this team has a real QB again to make real comparisons of what an NFL QB can do people will look back at Mccown and probably Warner and wonder what the team ever saw in them.

I'm definitely a "put the best guy on the field" type. I have no allegiance to specific players, only to the team.

With that said, I still want to say that the statement in bold above is flat out not true. I think during the 04' Atlanta game, he completed 77% of his passess. 20-26.

McCown's 2004 QB rating of 70-something was unspectacular. Also, he needed to do better than 70-something to be "the man" going into 2005. Finally, the overall QB situation has been handled well in 2005. I'm cool with the idea of Warner starting. Kind of excited about it actually.

Nevertheless, I still firmly believe that McCown, at minimum, could win seven or eight games with the squad as it stands today. And maybe, he could get the team to the playoffs.

The book is not closed on Josh McCown (no matter what you guys say).

Metcalf Rules

Hall of Famer
Jan 18, 2004
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Great Falls, MT
I don't know if McCown can have a Drew Brees type year, but I wouldn't mind seeing the Cardinals have a Chargers type year.


Cap Casualty
Aug 12, 2003
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McCown will see playing time this year, I'd put money on it. Warner will get banged up this year. If Warner starts I bet he starts around 12-13 games and misses a few due to injuries. That said, I hope Josh does have a hell of a year, because he will be a starter for at least a while, and we can't have a drop off in production if that happens.

Obviously, I'm assuming that Warner will be productive when healthy.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
Stout said:
Because McCown sucks real bad. Frickin' ********! *Napoleon Dynamite voice*

He can't even throw that ball over them mountains.

/Uncle Rico

Jetstream Green

Kool Aid with a touch of vodka
Feb 5, 2003
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San Antonio, Texas
On ability

Anyone who thinks Brees has more physical talent than McCown has some evaluation problems. Brees cannot throw the ball farther or run faster ect... What seperates Brees from Josh is that Brees' light finally came on and he understood what to do in the Charger system. Its all in the brain guys, if Josh ever figures out coverages and the rest (and that is a big 'if')-he would be a far surperior QB to Brees.


Apr 19, 2005
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"..And in this corner.."

BigRedMo! :eek: "Fan since Sweet Don Coryell" says it all to me. All I meant is that as Cardiac Cards fans, we've been through so many ups, and MOSTLY downs, it is natural to really root inside for a big, rawboned athletically raw but gifted athlete/not signal-caller like Josh, and thereby miss the forest for the trees about what is the best situation for the future and the now, as in the future is now, for the Cardinal's offense and its growth/maturity..
You seem to see that some posters are doing this in regards to Josh McCown, NOT putting words or inferences in anybody's mouth.
GoCards!!! Playoffs 2005!!! :thumbup:


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
Jetstream Green said:
Anyone who thinks Brees has more physical talent than McCown has some evaluation problems. Brees cannot throw the ball farther or run faster ect... What seperates Brees from Josh is that Brees' light finally came on and he understood what to do in the Charger system. Its all in the brain guys, if Josh ever figures out coverages and the rest (and that is a big 'if')-he would be a far surperior QB to Brees.

Yeah, but give someone a penny for every QB that had plenty of physical talent but sucked in the NFL and that would be a rich person. Until Josh shows he CAN do that (and he hasn't come CLOSE to showing a glimmer of hope that the light is coming on), he's worthless. And he had a whole lot of chances last year, and showed a whole lot of nothing.


Apr 16, 2004
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I stand by my comment regarding Mccown not being able to throw downfield CONSISTENTLY. One game (Atlanta) proves nothing in regards to CONSISTENCY. CONSISTENCY means to be able to complete downfield passes on a regular basis in MULTIPLE GAMES.

Even lousy QBs can have good games. Todd Marinovich leaps to mind. You dont get to the HOF based on one game.

I am tired of seeing Mccown identify the open receiver downfield too slowly and then not lead the reciver so that by the time the pass gets to the receiver the defensive back has made up the ground so as to be able to defend the pass.
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Apr 19, 2005
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"..And in this corner.."

JUST LOSE IT!!!Come now people, are these Holier Than Thou Attitudes dusted off for this occasion, or are you saying my references to what I'll say are the supporters of Josh McCown as McClowns was in some way motivated by some deviant-uprooting reason? Disrespect is a little harsh wouldn't you say? :confused:
I actually thought of "McClowns" watching a MacDonald's commercial on ASFN..Pretty Grusome stuff.. No one on this posting site has the right, THE RIGHT, to spit disrespect into another person's face about their comments..Justadevil, have you heard the phrase "The Pot Calling The Kettle Black"? Just wondered, son.. Probably not, judging by your first sentence. :biglaugh: Also, there is nothing BUT respect for "old-school" Cardinals' fans in that post of mine, but I realize it was coming from a personal angle, not objectively stated, therefore open to misunderstanding the content's intent. :thud: :shrug:
Well we got some blood boiling one way t'or the other, and as one of us [or they] said, and I agree with, At Least we now are sure that with Dennis Green the players will play that earn the right to play.. ;) Can't we just all get along?
If I offended any Mc's or Mac's I meant no ethnic disrespect whatsoever.. [I surprised my self with that sentence, but some of the readers of these posts seem to be reading something completely different from what I am..]
I can't let all the Brilliant, just Brilliant :sarcasm: go without one more token effort at reconciliation,,,...JUST LOSE IT!!!
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R U gonna B My Girl
Oct 21, 2002
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Chandler AZ.

cliches aren't worth much and an insult to boot with it. There's that disrespect I alluded to.
Don't call me son, my father was a much bigger man, than I get the likes of you will ever be, so is his son.
Grow up. When you throw something at people they're bound to throw it back.
My point was, you can make your point without insults, the insults are the easy part. Ask Stout.
If McCown does get a shot and the light does go on, and we win, everyone will be happier than pigs in doo.
No one is not supporting Warner, just hoping if McCown gets a shot he does well with it.
What is it that makes a Cards fan "old school? I have to get in that club.
Not one of us isn't behind Green, just question some moves now and then.
The question is could McCown, if given the chance, light it up as Brees did last year? I say yes he could. Will he? I don't know. But, see my analogy to the fighter.
You'll find me to be a very civil poster, if you hang around long enough. Die hard Cards fan no matter what. Loyal to them to a fault. And familiar with some of them, so I don't take kindly to people goofing on them. Especially when they're in the NFL and we're not.


Apr 19, 2005
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"..And in this corner.."

I apologize to whichever Josh McCown supporters took offense at my calling them "McClowns". I further re read my original post, and saw that right off the bat when I referred to "Any of you McClowns" and thought that perhaps some of the people reading this thread thought I was referring to all the readers of this thread. That would of course make me the #1 "McClown", since I am on this thread also. To the 2-3 people who took particular umbrage at what I said, again I am sorry, and meant no ill will towards any of you.
The bottom line is that we are in the beginning of the Glory Times for the Cardinals, in my opinion and regardless of how we start, we are progressing.. We can begin to see how certain "Flippant" some of us thought, decisions made by Dennis Green were actually well-thought out moves with far-reaching ramifications[ie. the signing of Carl Hargraves as a Special Assistant[wasn't it?]last year, etc, DG putting the framework that his Coaching Staff sees together, when some of us [me included] sometimes wondered if anyone up to Bidwill Sr knew what was going on... Gratifying to see some of those ideas and forms take shape.
I have to say I was extremely impressed with Coach Rowan's "interview"
and I would say in my heart of hearts that he will be every bit the OC that CPendergast is as DC.. I can't wait to hear more about our offensive and defensive philosophies...Peace


Don't touch my tail!
Mar 28, 2003
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So Cal
CronosCard said:
We can begin to see how certain "Flippant" some of us thought, decisions made by Dennis Green were actually well-thought out moves with far-reaching ramifications[ie. the signing of Carl Hargraves as a Special Assistant[wasn't it?]last year, etc, DG putting the framework that his Coaching Staff sees together, when some of us [me included] sometimes wondered if anyone up to Bidwill Sr knew what was going on... Gratifying to see some of those ideas and forms take shape.

... I can't wait to hear more about our offensive and defensive philosophies...Peace


Having not been sold on DG early in his hiring I have to say "the big picture", while having not been tested yet, sure does appear to be a promising one... Not overly optimistic but indeed getting more excited about the season as days go by...

As far as McCown goes I do think he is an awesome athlete and probably a fairly intelligent kid, but I just don’t see him having what it takes between the ears to get the job done… It is my opinion that the more talent we get on offense and the more complex the plays get, the more problems Josh will have. Perhaps with Warner in there, and maybe some successful games Josh can learn more of what it will take to get the job done, he never really had the opportunity to work behind a good veteran QB, I believe…


ASFN Lifer
Mar 24, 2005
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i was a big supporter on signing kurt warner, because the cardinals qb play was awful. mccown couldn't find the open reciever. he lock in on one target and that was it. he turn the ball over all the time. that was why he was ranked 30th among qb last season. truthfully i don't care who is the starting qb, as long as the cardinals are winning. i am pretty sure the rest of you feel the same way.


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
Crimson Warrior said:
With that said, I still want to say that the statement in bold above is flat out not true. I think during the 04' Atlanta game, he completed 77% of his passess. 20-26.

You're kidding here, right? 20-26 for 198 yards, 0 TDs, 0 INTs. And you know what also goes along with that number? THREE FUMBLES. Oh, and he got benched in the fourth quarter. Did you even watch this game? No one walked away from this game saying, "Well, it was a loss, but it really looks like McCown is starting to put it together." :rolleyes:


Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ.
Stats, stats, stats. The fact remains that the Cards played almost .500 ball with McCown in charge and if I'm not mistaken, it's wins that count. Maybe Josh didn't have the best year, but it wasn't from lack of trying and he did manage to win almost as many games as he lost. If you are going to beat him up for the loses, you have to give him credit for the wins.

If you think about it, we should have won both SF games, but the D didn't hold up. That would have put McCown's W/L record at 8 and 5. Not bad for a first year starter.

Josh is still on this team and may end up having to start this year. If this is the kind of support he's going to get, it'll make it that much tougher for him.


Registered User
Sep 12, 2004
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No, People acually thought Drew Breese was gonna be a good NFL QB, he had the skills, thats why SD drafted him in the 1st. McCown was no John Elway coming out of Texas Christian or Sam Houston where-ever we got him from. Josh's best days are behind him. It was just another wasted pick by Mac, Josh projected to be a late 5th rounder but Mac had to pick him in the third.

john h

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Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
AzWins23 said:
Cardinals | Could McCown Win the Starting Job? - from
Fri, 20 May 2005 18:13:39 -0700

Adam Schefter, reports for, some members of the Arizona Cardinals organization feel QB Josh McCown could wind up beating out QB Kurt Warner for the starting quarterback job. After watching the players through the early part of offseason drills, some believe McCown's determination and talents will prevail over Warner's abilities.

It kinda seems like the same thing what happened in SanDiego...

No chance McCown starts at the begining of the season unless Warner is injured. I would not even mention McCowns name in the same breath as Drew Brees.

john h

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Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Not a chance in hell. I would be shocked to see McCown start anywhere for the rest of his career. He's always been considered a "practice warrior". Unfortunately, it doesn't translate into games...

McCown is no newbe. He has been around for a while and shown zip. I sure hope our future is not in his hands.


Registered User
Aug 10, 2004
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Comeon Sport,40 is right on this one.San Diego got him in the 2nd.I will not condem any Cardinal player while they are still a Cardinal.

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