Redheart said:and no-one even mentioned the shock of cutting Kendrick Rogers!
If I was Kendrick and reading this thread, I would be going "Hey...guys...they just cut ME, you know!"
Kendrick Rogers was one of the most consistent players last year when he got in there. I am shocked. I can't believe they would release him at this point. Why not June 1st?Redheart said:and no-one even mentioned the shock of cutting Kendrick Rogers!
If I was Kendrick and reading this thread, I would be going "Hey...guys...they just cut ME, you know!"
AZCB34 said:Sounds good to me. It will save alot of broken hearts and anger down the road. I said it before, I will say it again. When Green leaves this team in the shambles he will leave it in, we will all look back fondly on the Buddy Ryan era.
Explain to me for one moment, since you are so sure of things, how this cut makes ANY sense when he is placing a rookie at the most inportant position on the OL?
kerouac9 said:I understand what you're saing, 11, but how often do you really think that we're going to be jamming it up the middle in the new offense?
We're going to a 3WR base offense. Both guards and the center are going to be asked to pull a lot. We've moved the least mobile pieces of the O-line now. Davis was moved to LT and Kendall (who is all right going forward but no longer has the mobility to get out in space) is off the team. We have Three guys with good feet in the middle of the line.
Kendall was/is way overrated on this board. This team will be better for this move, and healthier on the ledger sheet.
AZCB34 said:Sorry but C is most important whether they are paid like it or not. C makes all the call to protect the QB from EVERY angle not just what the LT sees.
Best of luck to the OL now. Hope it works out. I still think Green f-ed this up.
Ouchie-Z-Clown said:uh maybe 'cuz kendall has been overrated for years. i lauded his signing, but never really saw him become the top-notch olineman i expected and NEVER saw his GREATNESS at center. if the rookie can play, by all means, throw him into the fire. what else does this team have to lose? 4 more games? whoopie.
I totally agree.Ouchie-Z-Clown said:you're playing with semantics. the center has to be the smartest player on the line. but he can be the least physically talented player.
Shane H said:Oh my god call im the marching band!
Ouchie and Cheesy agree yet again.![]()
Do you guys have seperate minds/thoughts?
MadCardDisease said:I totally agree.
Shane H said:Oh my god call im the marching band!
Ouchie and Cheesy agree yet again.![]()
Do you guys have seperate minds/thoughts?
Tangodnzr said:The main thing that sticks in my craw, is once again....with Denny/Graves/ it was done.
Shane H said:Oh my god call im the marching band!
Ouchie and Cheesy agree yet again.![]()
Do you guys have seperate minds/thoughts?
cheesebeef said:great minds think a like Shane - what can we say?
Shane H said:Cheesy you know me by now. I like you two. A lot in fact.
I was trying to be funny but I can see how it can come across offensive.
Shane H said:Cheesy you know me by now. I like you two. A lot in fact.
I was trying to be funny but I can see how it can come across offensive.
Ouchie-Z-Clown said:what do you want? we're brothers. we watch every game together. we discuss everything that happens both on and off the board. is it so uncommon then for us to have similar opinions. you'd get the same from our third bro and my pops too i'm sure. we just tend to agree 'cuz we're usually right. can't fault us for that.
azsports said:I am beginning to think Buddy Ryan is back in town.
Ouchie-Z-Clown said:i think it's hilarious that this divides down darkside/koolaid lines yet again, but only in the reverse! seems all the darksiders are okay with this move while all the koolaiders are freaking the hell outta dodge.
this team has stunk for a long time. dg has a great amount of credibility tied up in his record alone. he knows more about building a football team than do any of us, more than mac, and probably more than anyone in the cards organization. the team that's stunk for so long needed to be blown up. that's what dg is doing. he's building a team in his image. if that image is winning football, so be it. i'd prefer for us to a classy organization, but who can afford class when you're piling up 4 wins a season and not making money? i say, out with the overrated pete kendalls and in with the potential rookie!
Us realists are pretty pleased with this as well. After 4-12, change is likely to be a good thingOuchie-Z-Clown said:i think it's hilarious that this divides down darkside/koolaid lines yet again, but only in the reverse! seems all the darksiders are okay with this move while all the koolaiders are freaking the hell outta dodge.
cheesebeef said:it is pretty scary sometimes how quickly we react considering we are miles apart and usually not even aware the other is on here.