Originally posted by Krangthebrain
In the immortal words of your lover, Jake Plummer, who gives a rat's ass if Dungy was a Green disciple or not? Maybe you do, but the rest of us care that he made the right hire.
And again, you impotent, sad old man, well up yours too little boy! That attack is entirely uncalled for. you haven't given a lick of proof, by showing even a single incident of an assistant turning down a head coaching job. Not one.
Substantiate it. If it were true, you would have some proof of it. I didn't make that silly comment, so it isn't my job to proof it.
Wrong.....I did give one. Dave McGinnis. You just prove my point about only selective attention or focusing. Obviously you are pimping Green as much as some of you accuse me of doing the same with Fassel.
The fact is: Denny Green has had a lot of success in the NFL. He had 8 winning seasons out of 10. He hired successful assistants that went on to head coaching positions (two have had a lot of success: Billick and Dungy).
Yes...by your own admission 2. And that's "giving" you Dungy. In 10 years I don't call that a "model" by any means. As I have stated before, I beleive some of you may be "reaching" far more than any claims I have made.. So we disagree on whom we feel is best qualified between the two. I'm not trying to convince you to change YOUR mind. Give it a freaking rest !!!!
There's no need for your personal attacks.
Your coaching lines articles (which I actually enjoyed) has deluded your thinking. It doesn't matter if Dungy learned from Knoll, from Schottenheimer, or hell, Peter Pan. What matters is that Green had the knowledge to make a great hire, something that our previous coach lacked.