You're grasping at straws because you want to make a change (any change) in the Big Red's karma.
It's not a matter of young coach or experienced coach. It's choosing the right coach for a particular team at that particular moment. And that can vary.
- I'm beginning to wonder if Parcells (whom I admire) was right for the Dallas Football Zoo.
- Despite all the recent bickering, I like Coughlin's fit with the Giants - the personality of both coach and team seem to mesh well.
- I think Jim Fassell can win with the right franchise, but not with the Giants (who traditionally profile as more of a big, physical team best suited for Nov/Dec weather in the northeast).
- Sometimes a certain type of coaching personality is perfect for a specific phase in a team's development. Maybe a team needs a discipliarian. So you bring in a Buddy Ryan type to clean things up. But those guys only have a few years before their rap begins to get old and the players tune them out.
- Also, what about the front office? It might be OK to bring in a young guy if he has the support of solidly-grounded team management. But what happens if you bring a bright, new guy in who's over his head trying to cope with all the "big picture" (non X's & O's) aspects of coaching - i.e. recruiting FA's, baby-sitting "high maintenance stars, the cap, dealing with the media etc. If he has to "lead" management, he'll struggle (or even worse, implode).
My point: There are no rules. Management just needs to determine (a) what's needed and (b) who would be best to fill those needs.