Colangelo only hires family GM's Why?


Registered User
Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
Dave64 said:
My original point was simply to make a judgment on BC's talent as a GM. I don't even care how he compares to others. The Suns took a serious turn for the worse soon after JC gave the reigns to BC. I think the Suns would probably be better off with Keer as GM.

The only way to measure a GM is im comparison to his peers. If the entire league makes stupid decisions, but BC makes less, then he is good for the team. You have to have SOMETHING to base a person's performance on.

The suns did no take a serious turn for the worse. They went to the playoffs all but 2 of the last 3 years. The had 2 devestating injuries on max contract players. Did BC overpay? Yes, but that was the trend in the late 90s. He should have had reservations about Penny, but you can't fault him for Googs.

Even with TWO starters out, he built 50 win teams. Plus he has a great track record for drafts.

So you don't like how JC hires family friends, but you want Sarver to do the EXACT thing by hiring Kerr? Don't kid yourself, Kerr is part of this team because of his relationship to Sarver. Anyways, what leads you to believe Kerr would be better than Bryan? Especially since the two of them, along with about 5 or 6 other people, orchestrate deals.

This isn't a solo act buddy.

Btw, thanks SunsTzu for bringing that point out, saves me the trouble.


Aug 27, 2003
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BC has done a good job, even last year--when you consider that his main goal was to get the Suns under the cap, he managed to recover nicely enough, and he held on to most of the team's talent and future prospects.

My problem is with the owner who told BC to get the Suns under the cap at any cost. :mad:


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Sep 24, 2002
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I don't know how anyone can claim that BC is a passable GM as far as putting together teams, which includes hiring coaches - as apsect of the job at which BC is a complete bungler. And he's not much better at putting groups of players together which fit as a team. When we had the premier 'running' PG in the league, he didn't assemble a team to run with him. After trading him for the best penetrating PG in the league, and hailing it as a new direction, he messed it up just as badly. First there was a go at a 'motion offense' which was a predictable disaster then it was 'run, run, run' for which Marbs was a misfit, to no one's surprise. The ballyhooed 'new direction' was not new at all - it was just more bumbling around at random.

The running game still seems to be the general idea but for that to work in the NBA you need a backbone of stellar defense and rebounding - and the Suns are showing no signs of even being aware of that, much less getting the troops to carry it out. True, Nash is a good fit for that game offensively but without the D we'll be another version of the Mavs, who've been a resounding failure in the playoffs. I guess I should give BC some credit, he used a whole second round pick beefing up the front line!

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