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Good analysis, Eric. That must have taken some time.
Thanks -- I can't program, so I need to find excuses to build up some Excel skills.
As I haven't watched the lottery drawing in some time, do they still announce the teams in reverse order, from 14 to 1? Or do they just reveal the whole thing at once since it isn't being drawn live?
Last year, they revealed from 14 to 4, then took a commercial break before getting to the top 3. I think it's been that way for a while, but I don't know what they are doing this year.
If you're a feast-or-famine type, you want to see teams move up. That increases the Suns' chances for #4, but also increases their chances for #1 if they survive #4. This is because it will have been relatively easier for a longshot team to move up to #2 or #3 if the Suns, as the biggest hitter, got #1 and took themselves out of the running. It's less likely that a longshot team beats out the Suns for #1 and then the Suns recover for #2.
If you're a minimize-the-damage type, you want to see no movement, even if that means there's less to be excited about should the Suns clear the #4 hurdle.
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