Damp hasn't heard much from Phx


Jul 7, 2004
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I sent him an email, asking if Phoenix was one of the teams he was interested in, and he said "I have not heard too much from the Phoenix Suns. I think that the primary player they were looking at was Steve Nash and with the signing of him, they improved their team tremendously. We will just have to wait and see how things play out with my situation."



Hall of Famer
Jul 9, 2004
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pretty cool that he replies to your emails, no wonder the suns arnt talking to him, he wants way too much!

Joe Mama

Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
That's pretty cool. Thanks for posting that.

I've been saying for awhile that I didn't think the Suns actually had much interest in Dampier. He may be better than some of these other second and third rate centers that are getting big money, but he wants even more than them. I think if Quentin Richardson is matched and Divac is still on the table they will push hard for him. This not only helps the Suns, but it hurts a team like the Lakers or the Kings.

Joe Mama


Jul 7, 2004
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I have been hoping that the Suns would go after a legitimate center, rather than just plug a hole. From what I remember of Dampier, if he played anywhere near the level he played at last year, we'd be a much better team...especially if we could keep Jake and Lampe.

I'm not sure why people are against getting this guy. Sure, you run the risk that he played well only in his contract year, but that tells me at least what he's capable of. Our other options (Ostertag?) are not capable.


sly fly

Devil Me This
Jun 12, 2002
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N. Phx
Maximus said:
I have been hoping that the Suns would go after a legitimate center, rather than just plug a hole. From what I remember of Dampier, if he played anywhere near the level he played at last year, we'd be a much better team...especially if we could keep Jake and Lampe.

I'm not sure why people are against getting this guy. Sure, you run the risk that he played well only in his contract year, but that tells me at least what he's capable of. Our other options (Ostertag?) are not capable.


If you have the opportunity to get an E. Dampier... you do it.

I don't care if this was his contract year.

Players his size, length, and athleticism don't come around very often. And, it looks like he's a late bloomer. He threw up some sick numbers on the boards last year.

Amare would salivate at having that kind of protection. And, I'm sure they would push each other to new levels.

Marion and CJ in a sign and trade. Do it.


Say Vandelay!
Oct 21, 2002
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sly fly said:
If you have the opportunity to get an E. Dampier... you do it.

I don't care if this was his contract year.

Players his size, length, and athleticism don't come around very often. And, it looks like he's a late bloomer. He threw up some sick numbers on the boards last year.

Amare would salivate at having that kind of protection. And, I'm sure they would push each other to new levels.

Marion and CJ in a sign and trade. Do it.



edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Marion and CJ in a sign and trade. Do it.

I was with you until there. That price is too high. I'm on the fence about a possible swap of Marion for Dampier and Dunleavy -- that seems like about the right talent balance to me.


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Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
Not to mention, Marion and CJ would be about 12 million in salary.

If we keep Q, and are at the cap limit, we would have to give Damp a starting salary of 10-10.5 million to make it work.

I would have to think real hard about a Marion for Damp/Dunleavy swap....

Dunleavy showed some real promise in the beginning of last year.

sly fly

Devil Me This
Jun 12, 2002
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N. Phx
WastedFate said:

And, your master plan is???

Listen, PHX gets Dampier... what team in the Western Conference is going to match up with Amare at the 4 and Dampier at the 5????

JJ, Nash, and hopefully Q would be a beautiful complement to those two.

Who knows, maybe only Marion would get this deal done. If CJ stays, then PHX stays strong on the perimeter for a long time.

The bench begins to look formidable and athletic... Barbosa, CJ, Voskuhl, Zarko, and Traylor.

And, your master plan is????

sly fly

Devil Me This
Jun 12, 2002
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N. Phx
thegrahamcrackr said:
Not to mention, Marion and CJ would be about 12 million in salary.

If we keep Q, and are at the cap limit, we would have to give Damp a starting salary of 10-10.5 million to make it work.

I would have to think real hard about a Marion for Damp/Dunleavy swap....

Dunleavy showed some real promise in the beginning of last year.

Has there been talk about GS unloading Dunleavy?


Welcome to Amareca
Jun 28, 2002
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Hannover - Germany
Marion for just Dampier is a stupid idea. You don't give up a more valueable player in a sign and trade for a player with lots of question marks.

If we sign and trade for Dampier it would better be Eisley, Zarko, Milos (or Casey in some sort of bigger package) and Chicago's pick or Eisley and Johnson.

sly fly

Devil Me This
Jun 12, 2002
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N. Phx
slinslin said:
Marion for just Dampier is a stupid idea. You don't give up a more valueable player in a sign and trade for a player with lots of question marks.

Marion has question marks.


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Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
sly fly said:
Has there been talk about GS unloading Dunleavy?

Not that I have seen. Doesn't mean the Suns shouldn't ask for him.

Slin is right. You don't trade a player of Marion's caliber, no matter your opinion on how overpaid he is, for a player like Damp straight up.

They can be the principle players, but the Suns need a lot more compensation that just Dampier to make it close to fair.


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Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
sly fly said:
Marion has question marks.

Not really. You know what you get with Marion, year in year out. He may have parts of his game that are undesireable (like his tendancy to float around the 3 point line, and his inability to create a shot), but you know about them going in.

You know Marion will give you 80-82 games, at any amount of minutes you need him. You know he will average near 20 and 10 with 2 steals every year.

With Dampier, you know nothing. He could give you 82 games and 35 mpg per. He could give you 65 games with 20 mpg per.

He could give you 14 rbg and 15 points. He could give you 6rpg and 5 points. He could push Amare into being a better player. He could create chaos in an extremely good locker room. (He clashed with Jamison and Arenas a lot)

He could continue his great play after a contract year. Or he could do what he did last time, and instantly become an overpaid punk once he inks a long term deal.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
If we sign and trade for Dampier it would better be Eisley, Zarko, Milos (or Casey in some sort of bigger package) and Chicago's pick or Eisley and Johnson.

Of course there is no way Golden State would accept this. You can make up any reason you want for why they might, but it's nonsense. I'm sure they have already turned down much better offers.

Marion's question marks are that he is fundamentally flawed, hasn't improved since maybe his sophomore year, and lies entirely on his athleticism, which won't be around forever.

I don't think that the Warriors have talked about moving Dunleavy, but I bet they'd consider it if the Suns offered Marion. Teams often trade players they like when a good offer comes along.


Say Vandelay!
Oct 21, 2002
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I just dont know what has gotten into everyone here lately. Seriously, as much as everyone hates to admit it Marion is a top 3 SF right now. With Nash on board he should be even better. Why are we trading Marion AND Casey (#9 in 3pt % last season) for a guy with a questionable work ethic?

Dampier has had ONE good year, it happened to be his contract year, and it didnt happen until he was 30. That makes me scratch my head a bit. Everyone always ******* about the team being blown up every single year, yet, once the offseason hits we get crazy trades like this. STOP MESSING WITH THE TEAM! They added Nash and while in theory he isnt even as good as Marbury (debatable, actually) but he FITS. This team is going to be fun to watch!

I dont want to see them deal Marion because his game is tailored towards Nash's style, and that could lead to an amazing year for him. Plus you also want to give up our best 3pt shooter? All of this for a questionable big man.

People, you are forgetting that Marion is an All-Star, and Casey fits in perfectly. You can never have enough deadly 3pt shooters. Let 'em play together for a season, and sign Traylor. He hasnt had an opportunity to prove himself and phoenix would be the PERFECT situation for him.

Look at it like this:

Marion, Casey, and Traylor

Last edited:


Welcome to Amareca
Jun 28, 2002
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Hannover - Germany
elindholm said:
Marion's question marks are that he is fundamentally flawed, hasn't improved since maybe his sophomore year, and lies entirely on his athleticism, which won't be around forever.

Marion has improved many aspects of his game since his sophomore season.

And the biggest knock on him the last year was that he didn't use his athleticism as much anymore.

His shooting and halfcourt game is much much better than it was early in his career when everyone said he could only dunk and Jason Kidd made him look good.
With Steve Nash bringing the fastbreak game back to the Suns, Marion should be so much better next season...


Say Vandelay!
Oct 21, 2002
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thegrahamcrackr said:
Not really. You know what you get with Marion, year in year out. He may have parts of his game that are undesireable (like his tendancy to float around the 3 point line, and his inability to create a shot), but you know about them going in.

You know Marion will give you 80-82 games, at any amount of minutes you need him. You know he will average near 20 and 10 with 2 steals every year.

With Dampier, you know nothing. He could give you 82 games and 35 mpg per. He could give you 65 games with 20 mpg per.

He could give you 14 rbg and 15 points. He could give you 6rpg and 5 points. He could push Amare into being a better player. He could create chaos in an extremely good locker room. (He clashed with Jamison and Arenas a lot)

He could continue his great play after a contract year. Or he could do what he did last time, and instantly become an overpaid punk once he inks a long term deal.

EXACTLY! :thumbup:

sly fly

Devil Me This
Jun 12, 2002
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N. Phx
slinslin said:
Marion has improved many aspects of his game since his sophomore season.

And the biggest knock on him the last year was that he didn't use his athleticism as much anymore.

His shooting and halfcourt game is much much better than it was early in his career when everyone said he could only dunk and Jason Kidd made him look good.
With Steve Nash bringing the fastbreak game back to the Suns, Marion should be so much better next season...

Marion is "dainty" when it comes to contact. He does not finish like he used to. I was shocked when I saw it time after time.

Here we go. Stats to back up Marion. Every time he's judged, it's the same 20/10 argument.

DID U GUYS WATCH ANY GAMES LAST YEAR? Am I crazy? Didn't this team suck? If Marion is the God of the 20/10... why didn't it lead to more wins? Like I've said before, some of you guys are infatuated with his rebounding numbers. Sure, his quick jumps get him more tips... but so what? They still lost.

When it counted... at the beginning of the year... the year in which expectations were extemely high for that team... Marion downright stunk. He took bad shot after bad shot after bad shot. He missed from 3, and he missed from his usual 15 footer. He game was lost. If you think I'm crazy, go back to this boards archives and look at the games.

Yes, I still like Marion. He's frustrated the hell out of me, though. And, I would like to see how playing with Nash is going to affect hs game. However, if this team has a chance to get big in a hurry... you have to do it. The other pieces are in place (or beginning to).


Say Vandelay!
Oct 21, 2002
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sly fly said:
Marion is "dainty" when it comes to contact. He does not finish like he used to. I was shocked when I saw it time after time.

Here we go. Stats to back up Marion. Every time he's judged, it's the same 20/10 argument.

DID U GUYS WATCH ANY GAMES LAST YEAR? Am I crazy? Didn't this team suck? If Marion is the God of the 20/10... why didn't it lead to more wins? Like I've said before, some of you guys are infatuated with his rebounding numbers. Sure, his quick jumps get him more tips... but so what? They still lost.

When it counted... at the beginning of the year... the year in which expectations were extemely high for that team... Marion downright stunk. He took bad shot after bad shot after bad shot. He missed from 3, and he missed from his usual 15 footer. He game was lost. If you think I'm crazy, go back to this boards archives and look at the games.

Yes, I still like Marion. He's frustrated the hell out of me, though. And, I would like to see how playing with Nash is going to affect hs game. However, if this team has a chance to get big in a hurry... you have to do it. The other pieces are in place (or beginning to).

You'd rather give up 27 points and 13 rebounds (Marion and Jacobsen combined) for Dampier, a guy who has only played ONE GOOD YEAR...in which it happened to be his contract year? And it wasnt even a GREAT year, it was just barely "good."


Registered User
Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
sly fly said:
Here we go. Stats to back up Marion. Every time he's judged, it's the same 20/10 argument.

DID U GUYS WATCH ANY GAMES LAST YEAR? Am I crazy? Didn't this team suck? If Marion is the God of the 20/10... why didn't it lead to more wins? Like I've said before, some of you guys are infatuated with his rebounding numbers. Sure, his quick jumps get him more tips... but so what? They still lost.

I never really understood how the 20/10 stat is something that people try and downplay. It is straight amazing for a SF to do. Whether or not it is exceptionally important (which I think it is, because of the manner it happens) doesn't take away from how impressive it is.

Now about loosing games last year, let me just kill this one right here.

1) Marion is one of the reason we won 29 games. Not one of the reasons we lost 53.

2) We lost so many games because of Amare's injury and a certain trade mid January.

3) The team again had no depth, and Marion was forced to play 40+ minutes.

4) Marion was also forced to play PF often in games. He is an undersized SF for god sakes.

Now, since we lost so many games, the Suns should be open to trading Marion. However, they shouldn't be pushing to move him. If a good deal comes up, he isn't untouchable obviously, but we don't need to throw him out the door.

Lastly, you talked about how good Marion's 20/10 did for the suns last year. Please remind me, how good did Dampier's best season ever help the Warriors? Oh wait, I forgot, they sucked too.


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Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
WastedFate said:
You'd rather give up 27 points and 13 rebounds (Marion and Jacobsen combined) for Dampier, a guy who has only played ONE GOOD YEAR...in which it happened to be his contract year? And it wasnt even a GREAT year, it was just barely "good."

Ok, I agree that it is a bad trade wastedfate, but you can't make claims like this.

You simply cannot add up stats for 2 players and compare them to 1 player. Someone else will do SOMETHING to take the place of the second player.

Especially when you figure those 27 points and 13 rebounds came in 67.1 minutes. Compare that to 12.3 boards and 12.3 points in less than half the time (32.5 mpg) for Damp.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
And it wasnt even a GREAT year, it was just barely "good."

Now you're just being silly. Make the "contract year" argument all you want, since there's no way to know what will be in Dampier's head. But he had an excellent year last year. He was #4 in the league in rebounds per game, #1 in the league in offensive rebounds per game, and in the top 15 for blocks. And while he was at it, he threw in better than 12 points per game on 53.5% shooting (which, while we're at it, was #3 in the league).

If the Suns had a center anywhere near that good, the regulars on this board would be crapping their pants on a nightly basis.


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Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
Dampier's career averages are great for a Phx center (around 9 ppg and 7rpg to go with over 1.5 bpg).

Of course he only player 25 mpg for his career.

I personally think Damp will average around 10/10/1.5 and about 30mpg for the next 3 or 4 years. Great fit for the team, but I wouldn't want it at 9 million a year. Not to mention having to deal with his attitude.