ASFN Lifer
Yes, we are.Originally posted by Chaplin
Same with you. But hey, we're all human, aren't we?
Which part of your posts didn't I understand rightly?
Yes, we are.Originally posted by Chaplin
Same with you. But hey, we're all human, aren't we?
Chaplin, my point was (as already some posters pointed out) that it doesn't make to much sense to debate who is SG and SF among Bowen and Jackson.Originally posted by Chaplin
This is the only thing I disputed. The first part of his sentence is correct, the second is not.
elindholm, I couldn't agree more.Originally posted by elindholm
but if we really are trying to discuss something, we owe it to one another to pay attention to what the other guy wrote, rather than make assumptions.
Thank you, elindholm.
Hcsilla criticized me for misunderstanding him in a trade thread a week or so ago, and once I read things over again, I saw that he was correct. No harm done.
And by the way, a lot of people here could learn something from hcsilla's command of English. Occasionally he gets a verb tense wrong or something like that, but overall, he's one of the more articulate posters on this board. And for someone for whom English is not a native language, that's pretty impressive. I've often been tempted to recommend that certain other posters here spend some time in Hungary, so that maybe their English will improve.
Originally posted by hcsilla
Chaplin, my point was (as already some posters pointed out) that it doesn't make to much sense to debate who is SG and SF among Bowen and Jackson.
The point is that Spurs' SG/SF combo IS Jackson/Bowen or Bowen/Jackson it doesn't really matter who do you put at SG and SF.
But SweetD wrote that Jackson is their starting SF and Smith is their starting SG which I think is wrong not because of Jackson but because of Smith.
So if we are saying that Jackson is their starting SG then Bowen HAS TO BE their starting SG.
That was only my point (and again I explained at least 3 times and you just didn't (or didn't want) get it) and you started a (I think) senseless debate (with huh) if Bowen is a SG or not.
Originally posted by hcsilla
I know that my English is terrible and I apologize for it.
Maybe my logic is a bit better (not a big deal) than my English command.
Originally posted by Chaplin
This I disagree with. Against the Suns, which I have stated repeatedly, Bowen is not a shooting guard. He will guard Shawn when in the game, when not, he will guard JJ when Penny and Steph are in the backcourt.
I edited my post and it's rightly "So if we are saying that Jackson is their starting SF then Bowen HAS TO BE their starting SG".
I ask you one more time: Which part of your posts didn't I understand rightly?
You say that I don't understand what you're writing, but maybe you should look at the opposite--you obviously don't understand what I'M writing.
Originally posted by hcsilla
For God's sake, the starting point is that SweetD wrote that Jackson is their starting SF.
A simple question:Originally posted by Chaplin
That is TRUE. AFTER SweetD posted that, you came back and talked about how Bowen is a shooting guard.
Originally posted by hcsilla
A simple question:
If Jackson and Bowen are covering the SG and SF spots of Spurs and Jackson is a SF then who does play SG for the Spurs?
Answer the question, please!Originally posted by Chaplin
UGH! Jackson is the SG, not the SF!!!! Bruce Bowen is the SF!
Originally posted by hcsilla
Answer the question, please!
OK,I give up.Originally posted by Chaplin
The question itself is WRONG--so there is nothing to answer.
Originally posted by hcsilla
OK,I give up.
You are either too vain or more ******** than I thought.
Originally posted by Joe Mama
Okay guys, let's stop the personal insults. I don't think any of us expect that we are always going to agree. That would make for a pretty damn boring message board. But there's no reason to call anybody ********.
Frankly anymore it's almost impossible to argue whether somebody is a small forward or shooting guard or whether they or a small forward or power forward. There's no sense getting upset about these things.
Joe Mama
Originally posted by elindholm
Frankly anymore it's almost impossible to argue whether somebody is a small forward or shooting guard or whether they or a small forward or power forward.
No offense, Joe Mama, but I think we've seen that it's actually extremely easy to argue these things ...
Oh, and I shouldn't have called anyone "********." I should have said "acting ********," which is obviously much less offensive.![]()
I changed my mind and I continue the debate ( I assume that Joe Mama is really happy because of that).Originally posted by Chaplin
Very mature. Too bad you can't simply disagree.
Originally posted by hcsilla
Anyway I don't want to debate what are Jackson's and Bowen's positions (I would say both are swingmen) my point was just that it's wrong to put Steve Smith instead of Bowen into the matchup of PHO's and SAS's starting lineups.
I agree.That was the reason why I replied to SweetD's post.Originally posted by Chaplin
I don't think Steve Smith should even be talked about since he's just a 3rd stringer anyway...![]()
Originally posted by hcsilla
I agree.That was the reason why I replied to SweetD's post.
But then one more time what do you debate with me about?