Draft delayed??

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Dec 29, 2003
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I think it would suck if the draft got delayed - it'll mess me up for my fantasy football team!


Provocateur aka Wallyburger
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Nov 17, 2003
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The urban swamp
40yearfan said:
What's the matter Wally. You can't answer my question? I'll ask it again. Do you think our troops went over to Iraq and murdered innocent civilians?
It's what you state in one of your posts.

:offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:

This is boring for the other people and I do not want to get censured by the moderator. If you want to PM me, go ahead.


In the league 20 years!
Mar 3, 2003
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40yearfan said:
What's the matter Wally. You can't answer my question? I'll ask it again. Do you think our troops went over to Iraq and murdered innocent civilians?
It's what you state in one of your posts.

I dont think American troops killed innocent civilians on purpose. But the cost of war will claim innocent lives. Thats a fact!

Of course you could be one of the people that believe that "They deserved it" as do some on this board. :rolleyes:

To me the death of women and children, regardless of their nationality, is a horrible atrocity. Regardless of whether you believe the war was right or wrong. You dont have to be American to be 'innocent' ya know?


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Feb 2, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ.
I dont think American troops killed innocent civilians on purpose. But the cost of war will claim innocent lives. Thats a fact!

Of course you could be one of the people that believe that "They deserved it" as do some on this board. :rolleyes:

To me the death of women and children, regardless of their nationality, is a horrible atrocity. Regardless of whether you believe the war was right or wrong. You dont have to be American to be 'innocent' ya know?

Why don't you tell that to the friends and relatives of the almost 3,000 people who died on 9-11?

BTW, since we are on killing innocent civilians, why don't you check out John Kerry's war record. Especially what Admiral Zumwalt said about him.
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In the league 20 years!
Mar 3, 2003
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dopleganger said:
Yea, when I was talking about Whackos, I was talking about people who want to believe all the death and destruction in Iraq was caused by psyco american president who started a war just for the fun of it.

If thats you then you are a WHACKO, I don't care who your paroting.

Whacko. :D

I dont think he started the war 'just for the fun of it', but even a die hard supporter like your self can surely see the inconsistinsies in the reasons for war right?

I agree that Hussein was a tyrant, but there are hundreds of tyrants ruling other countries around the world. Why didnt we go after them?

Heres how I see it. (and just for purposes of fairness I will say I am a Democrat who voted for Bush in 2000. The thought of Al Gotre as President prompted me to vote in this unprecedented way :D )

1. Bush needed to capitolize on the post 9-11 patriotism to have the leeway to go after a target that haunted his family for years. Yes there was a vendetta here and if you cant see that his father's failure to get Saddam in the Gulf War did play a part in his decision, then well, I guess we got nothing to talk about.

2. Bush was quick to flex his 'tough guy' muscles. Not only in war abroad but in his ability to pass 'tough laws' to save us all from terrorism (Namely the unconstitutional Patriot act), to go around a NATO vote when he didnt get what he needed, and to, Bypassed Congress on a Declaration of War, and I use this term loosley "stretch the truth" when selling us all on the fact that Hussein had WMD and was an immediate threat to the US. These were all lies or half-truths bent for his agenda so that he could have the freedom to do what he wanted.

Thats the way I see it, and I am very sure you will disagree, but all these lies are coming to the surface now and he wont be in office much longer. :thumbup:


In the league 20 years!
Mar 3, 2003
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40yearfan said:
Why don't you tell that to the friends and relatives of the almost 3,000 people who died on 9-11?

Well since I am one of them, I guess I will talk to myself even more than usual!

I guess all I can say to that is what does what tragedy have to do with another? Does it somehow make it right? To go into a country, kill innocent civilians on a vendetta for 9/11?

Hell we ould have saved a lot more money by invading Cuba and killing all those innocent civilians or hell Canada even. Why go half way around the world? :rolleyes:


Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ.
Well since I am one of them, I guess I will talk to myself even more than usual!

I guess all I can say to that is what does what tragedy have to do with another? Does it somehow make it right? To go into a country, kill innocent civilians on a vendetta for 9/11?

Hell we ould have saved a lot more money by invading Cuba and killing all those innocent civilians or hell Canada even. Why go half way around the world? :rolleyes:

Typical. You don't have an answer for a question, you circumvent the issue. :rolleyes:


In the league 20 years!
Mar 3, 2003
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40yearfan said:
Typical. You don't have an answer for a question, you circumvent the issue. :rolleyes:

Your question is 'why dont you tell that to the families of the 3000 killed in 9/11?'

My response was what does one have to do with another? Killing innocent civilians is wrong, regardless of what 'light' you try to shed on it. Sorry you feel its ok to do so, that seems to be a personal issue you might want to get addressed.

As far as Kerry? you must have edited that in later. The discussion was on a post you wrote about innocent civilians dieing in Iraq.

I am not here to debate Presidential elections with you. Try and get that Attention Deficent Disorder checked out and stay on topic! :D


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Oct 3, 2003
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Please move this thread to the Politics forum.



Jan 1, 2003
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Central Illinois
I dont think he started the war 'just for the fun of it', but even a die hard supporter like your self can surely see the inconsistinsies in the reasons for war right?

I agree that Hussein was a tyrant, but there are hundreds of tyrants ruling other countries around the world. Why didnt we go after them?

Heres how I see it. (and just for purposes of fairness I will say I am a Democrat who voted for Bush in 2000. The thought of Al Gotre as President prompted me to vote in this unprecedented way :D )

1. Bush needed to capitolize on the post 9-11 patriotism to have the leeway to go after a target that haunted his family for years. Yes there was a vendetta here and if you cant see that his father's failure to get Saddam in the Gulf War did play a part in his decision, then well, I guess we got nothing to talk about.

2. Bush was quick to flex his 'tough guy' muscles. Not only in war abroad but in his ability to pass 'tough laws' to save us all from terrorism (Namely the unconstitutional Patriot act), to go around a NATO vote when he didnt get what he needed, and to, Bypassed Congress on a Declaration of War, and I use this term loosley "stretch the truth" when selling us all on the fact that Hussein had WMD and was an immediate threat to the US. These were all lies or half-truths bent for his agenda so that he could have the freedom to do what he wanted.

Thats the way I see it, and I am very sure you will disagree, but all these lies are coming to the surface now and he wont be in office much longer. :thumbup:

Looks to me like you are one of those guys that believes war is always wrong no matter what. War never solves anything but rather just creates more suffering etc, etc, etc.

I understand that point of view and can simpathize with it, even though obviously I disagree with it.

As for the vendeta becouse of his father. Dude the vendeta is cause Sadam was an avoud enemy of the United States and an avid supporter of terrorism. Just ask Bill Clinton. I have no doubt there were existing plans and desires to attack Iraq, Bill had em too. And when something like 9/11 happens the first people you look at are all the usual suspects. That includes Usama and Sadam.

Ok back to football.


Captain of Team Murray
Jul 21, 2002
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Orange County, CA
dopleganger said:
an avid supporter of terrorism.

You have any proof of this? There is no proof that he was an "avid" supporter of terrorism.

We found exactly ONE terrorist training facility in Iraq. It was in the Northern "No fly zone" an area that was controled by us and the Kurds...

Admins: Send this thread where it belongs! :wave:


ASFN Lifer
Jan 18, 2004
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Ah maybe Clinton did not do enough but Reagan and Bush's dad created Bin Laden and Hussein. THEY CREATED THESE GUYS POWER BASES! Hello!
And Bush also didn't do enough. There is one theory that the attacks Clinton did launch angered them more. Anyway the persons really responsible were Reagen and Bush Sr! Don't forget Rumsfield's company also!

War might be justifiable sometimes. But it was not in this case.

1. Hussein was not a threat. He did everything he could to maintain his wealth he was not going to jeopardize it. He destroyed his WMDs.
The whole reason d etre for the war was fake.
THE FACTS ARE ALL THERE. Read "WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION" he and Bin Laden were enemies.
That is the reason why the war was fought. If there was no threat to America then it was a phoney war.

Now the dude who actually did do terrorism was Gaddafi and look how Bush and him are buddy buddy. Look at Bush' supporting the genocide occuring in Colombia with funding and military support. Look at N Korea they actually have WMDs.

If Iraq had WMDs would Bush have attacked? Think about it. The lesson from this is get WMDs do terrorism. That is the lesson Bush teaches.

If another country had done the things Bush did that country would have been attacked by the UN. What Bush did was the EXACT same thing that Hussein did to Kuwait.

You cannot have countries invading other countries and taking control of their oil, putting them in debt, and getting business for the VPs company in rebuilding the country after they destroy.

Innocents have been killed in Iraq. Many many innocents. Remember the little boy without arms! Every American killed in Iraq is innocent!

2. I saw a stat that something like 70% of people supporting the war thought the Hussein was responsible for 9/11. An uninformed public can get fooled very easily. People need to become aware of the facts. The media is not doing a good job with facts. Remember Arnett getting fired. Its like 50s McCarthy-ism group think. Two reporters were fired for criticizing Bush. The press is the only protection people have against this thing and through fear and self interest the press did a terrible job informing the public. But the info still got through when Powell was presenting phoney evidence at the UN AT THE TIME it was reported as phoney evidence. This is the greatest con job ever pulled on the American People. The American media has deteriorated to a terrible level. The go off on a guy for adultery but a guy can cause death for phoney reasons and he gets off the hook. This society is going to Hell it is more concerned with adultery then fabricating wars.
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Jan 1, 2003
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Central Illinois
Krangthebrain said:
You have any proof of this? There is no proof that he was an "avid" supporter of terrorism.

We found exactly ONE terrorist training facility in Iraq. It was in the Northern "No fly zone" an area that was controled by us and the Kurds...

Admins: Send this thread where it belongs! :wave:

There were three. Two were just outside Bagdad.

And none of them were controlled by the Kurds or us.

And he offered money to those that would blow themselves up in Israel.

I'm done - back to football.


Jan 1, 2003
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Central Illinois
vikesfan said:
Ah maybe Clinton did not do enough but Reagan and Bush's dad created Bin Laden and Hussein. THEY CREATED THESE GUYS POWER BASES! Hello!
And Bush also didn't do enough. There is one theory that the attacks Clinton did launch angered them more. Anyway the persons really responsible were Reagen and Bush Sr! Don't forget Rumsfield's company also!

War might be justifiable sometimes. But it was not in this case.

1. Hussein was not a threat. He did everything he could to maintain his wealth he was not going to jeopardize it. He destroyed his WMDs.
The whole reason d etre for the war was fake.
THE FACTS ARE ALL THERE. Read "WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION" he and Bin Laden were enemies.
That is the reason why the war was fought. If there was no threat to America then it was a phoney war.

Now the dude who actually did do terrorism was Gaddafi and look how Bush and him are buddy buddy. Look at Bush' supporting the genocide occuring in Colombia with funding and military support. Look at N Korea they actually have WMDs.

If Iraq had WMDs would Bush have attacked? Think about it. The lesson from this is get WMDs do terrorism. That is the lesson Bush teaches.

If another country had done the things Bush did that country would have been attacked by the UN. What Bush did was the EXACT same thing that Hussein did to Kuwait.

You cannot have countries invading other countries and taking control of their oil, putting them in debt, and getting business for the VPs company in rebuilding the country after they destroy.

Innocents have been killed in Iraq. Many many innocents. Remember the little boy without arms! Every American killed in Iraq is innocent!

2. I saw a stat that something like 70% of people supporting the war thought the Hussein was responsible for 9/11. An uninformed public can get fooled very easily. People need to become aware of the facts. The media is not doing a good job with facts. Remember Arnett getting fired. Its like 50s McCarthy-ism group think. Two reporters were fired for criticizing Bush. The press is the only protection people have against this thing and through fear and self interest the press did a terrible job informing the public. But the info still got through when Powell was presenting phoney evidence at the UN AT THE TIME it was reported as phoney evidence. This is the greatest con job ever pulled on the American People. The American media has deteriorated to a terrible level. The go off on a guy for adultery but a guy can cause death for phoney reasons and he gets off the hook. This society is going to Hell it is more concerned with adultery then fabricating wars.

The only thing I am going to say about this tirade is in reference to the poll. I don't know how the poll was worded or who they asked but 70% of the people supporting the war did not believe Hussein was responsible. Just that he had a hand in it some how, probably. If he didn't it was only because he wasn't asked. The enemy of my enemy is my freind.

Again back to football - Whacko. :D


ASFN Lifer
Jan 18, 2004
Reaction score
Well then Israel should have attacked him!
The USA makes friends with Gaddafi who ACTUALLY LAUNCHED STATE TERRORIST ATTACKS unlike Hussein.


Next NY Gov
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May 14, 2002
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vikesfan said:
Nope this isnt true. TO got a job (at least 2 teams wanted him) Darrell Russell is back. Nothing a player does short of murder will prevent him from getting a job in the NFL - because it's all about the RING. And people will do anything to get that ring.

"ahhhhh my precious....."


Registered User
Oct 11, 2002
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Glendale, Arizona
dopleganger said:
Here is a piece of advice for you and all the rest of the democrats (and wackos) on this forum.

Wackos??? Who and the heck are you calling anyone a Wacko??? This is a free country to feel an speak your mind. Not to Just insult as most of you Republicans have done in the past and now in the present.

dopleganger said:
Clinton lied and we don't know how many people have died. If he had started the war on terror 4 to 6 years earlier we may never have had 9/11.

Clinton lied about having sex with an intern which should have been only between him and his family. Clinton did more to prevent terrorism than anyother president either before or after him to date. "GHB- WJC- GWB.

dopleganger said:
Yes thats the truth, he was chasing skirts and when he should have been chasing the bombers of the Cole,the two embisies in Africa, etc, etc etc. That is sickening.

No that is not true. The FBI and CIA did not give the Clinton administration any intelligence that UBL and his gang was involved before he left office. After the two embises in Africa were bombed the Clinton Adminstration Launched 62 tommahawk Missle in to UBL's camp in Afganisatan. Missed UBL by two hours (2), this is according to the CIA.

After that bombing Republican Sen.'s and Rep's started to say That Clinton wanted to start a make believe war in Afdganistan. Ie. "WAG THE DOG" was their war cry against Bill Clinton. Here is are two Sen's. names " Trent Lott, and Allen Simpson here are two (2)Rep's names Dick Armey, andTom Delay.

This is all apart of the Congressional record.

dopleganger said:
If you don't want politics on this board (and I don't) you shouldn't stick in your tag lines.

Allan :shrug: :stupid:
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