Dumb Coach Whiz!!! Stand up for once and be accountable!!!


ASFN Addict
Nov 4, 2007
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Why doesn't someone really get in Whiz's face during his press conference and ask him to be *** Damn accountable....He came in here touting we would be diciplined and play smash mouth football. He can't get a play in without calling a timeout. If we were allowed unlimited timeouts...A Cardinal game would never end!!! We lead the league in penalities!!! Same BS penalities every week!!! Holy Crap how hard is it to teach these morons how to play a sport they have played for 20 years!!!!!!!!!!! Cowher never had penalties.....Someone should ask a question with a pissed voice saying take responsbility on this dribble you put on the field for the last 4 weeks when the SEASON is on the line.
I am sick and tired of hearing his low key demeanor like some DA talking about a high profile case. He is so boring and drab and never syays DAMN it it will be fixed. WHiz " Yea, we need to address that in practise this week...Yea it is unfortunate that we made those plays." "Yea we will look into that ...I'll have to see it on tape later" Listen you dumb **** head coach. It is called Football....ADDRESS the mistake 12 weeks ago!!!!!!!!!! Get your damn play book out of your ass and get the plays in before the clock hits 4 seconds left....Time outs are important...****ing use them wisely not so you could go through your notecards to figure out how to pick up 1 yd....Geez....This team made games closer and the record might be a little better...but Whiz is not a good coach!!!!! Period!!!! No time mangement, obviously doesn't work on mistakes at practise....Play scheme never gets changed to stop what burns us all game!!!!

In fact this is how dumb Whiz is....Tampa Bay started throwing little dump routes against us....and since than , every team did the dame thing....Go look at our threads, but every game after that, dump passes were wide open...Even SF embarrassed us with them. He is not HEAD COACH material...He should be OC and thats it...he is too confused trying to figure out who and what should be where, and call the play.

God we run the no huddle and move the ball every time, and yet we never run it unless we have to....We get momentum and he throws deep......Edge runs for 5 yd averages the last 2 games and he gets 30 total rushes????? We have 2nd and 20 and he runs JJ, we have 3 and 1 and he throws a bomb....we have 3rd and 3 at the 6 and he runs a trick play reverse with a guy who rarely gets in on offense...Well Duh, don't you think the Saints noticed the new guy! What an idiot! Kurt is a good QB but he must be put in positions to throw and throw alot!!! We should have run the no huddle ALOT more....He isn't use to throwing the ball away...He never has so why would he do it now!?!

Oh well this team is the same ol Cardinals except they lasted 2 weeks longer. They still got beat badly by 2 teams who really are not that good and both rely on the short dump passes.

When you let a QB complete 26 of 30 passes...ypou should be fired!!! I am sorry....If I owned the team..I would pay Cowher 30 million for 5 years to turn us into winners. We have the talent now!!! But we won't for long...trust me...if this happens next year....They all leave and you will see.
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ASFN Addict
Aug 17, 2004
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Phoenix, az
I agree with your sentiment, but I still think this team needs some major gutting. Let's face it.. we have some stupid players that need to get booted.


ASFN Addict
Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
Dude, I thought you quit being a Cardinal fan?

If you are that bored to read the post and then post this moron reply....You have issues....It is called being a fan!!! And getting pissed when the same dribble is forced fed to us every week. It is reactions like yours that makes us 6-8 and the Same ol Cards....You and Whiz both shrug your stupid shoulders and go eat cake....If you or Whiz had any Heart...you would be MAD...Damn mad..and fix it!!!!! So unless you have some better response...don't read my posts!!

Cbus cardsfan

Back to Back ASFN FFL Champion
May 14, 2002
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I have to agree with the original post. This was a poorly coahced team today and the staff made bad decision after bad decision. I know the Cards are playing shorthanded but Whiz definitely made some head scrathcing calls today.


An Army of One
May 10, 2003
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lat: 35.231 lon: -111.550
If you are that bored to read the post and then post this moron reply....You have issues....It is called being a fan!!! And getting pissed when the same dribble is forced fed to us every week. It is reactions like yours that makes us 6-8 and the Same ol Cards....You and Whiz both shrug your stupid shoulders and go eat cake....If you or Whiz had any Heart...you would be MAD...Damn mad..and fix it!!!!! So unless you have some better response...don't read my posts!!

Oh, I see. It's my fault. LOL!

You said you were going to root for another team, so just do it and spare us your tantrums.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
Kudos for killing my playoff hopes in December, October usually does that trick.

I like our coaching staff so far, progress was made, lot's of things to work on but I at least feel the ship is now steaming in the shipping lanes instead of circling the artic running into icebergs.

I'll be interested in seeing what changes are made in the offseason, tired of the same mistakes, if they are still making them next year I'll give up on Whiz, cause no one can be that stupid and be effective as a head coach.

Hopefully he won't let me down on that.

A certain front office person moving on would probably be too much to ask for, don't want to strain Santa.


Hoist the Lombardi Trophy
Nov 11, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Coaches can only put the players into place to play. The players are the ones making mistakes. The timeout are in my opinion a problem because you have a head coach that was a coordinator wanting input, and a offensive coordinator putting his stamp on the offense. Look for Coach Wiz to give up the play calling duties next season. While I would like to run the ball more, the game plan seems to be geared toward our strengths, passing the ball to our great wideouts. A double edged sword. Would you compain that Q and Fitz aren't getting the ball enough if we ran it more and were still losing.?


ASFN Addict
Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
Oh, I see. It's my fault. LOL!

You said you were going to root for another team, so just do it and spare us your tantrums.

LOL....why does it bother you...DON'T READ IT...Jesus you guys that bash us fans who get mad...Makes no sense!!!!! What do you do when the Cards play??? Clap and smile and say" Gosh darn....we sure will get him next time....Say Beav...had me another ICE Tea" ....This is the NFL...which means Not For Long...So Whiz doesn't have much time to fix this!


May 15, 2002
Reaction score
York, PA
Everyone is entitled to their opinions & losing just adds to the frustration, but Whisenhunt has done a good job in year 1. You cannot change EVERYTHING in one year. Injuries have decimated this team & we weren't good enough to overcome them. We played competetive football all year long, which is something this franchise hasn't seen since '98. This team still hasn't quit & is definitely a much tougher bunch than what we're accustomed to. There is still much to do & I trust that we will continue to improve. In year 2, Whiz will definitely clean out more human debris. We will win either 7 or 8 games, which is just about where I thought we'd be. And don't forget that with a real NFL kicker, we would have 8 or 9 wins right now.

red desert

ASFN Addict
Mar 4, 2003
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A.B.Q. in da house
Oh, I see. It's my fault. LOL!

You said you were going to root for another team, so just do it and spare us your tantrums.

Why? Let the guy vent.

It's his team as much as it is yours, and mine... and everyone else that chooses to root for the cards.

And he makes some very solid points, IMO.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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I'm a firm believer in giving a coach at least two years to judge him, especially first timers, but I'll admit that it's pathetic to have a team that keeps amassing the amount of penalties, not to mention not being able to get plays in on time at this point in the season.

red desert

ASFN Addict
Mar 4, 2003
Reaction score
A.B.Q. in da house
Everyone is entitled to their opinions & losing just adds to the frustration, but Whisenhunt has done a good job in year 1. You cannot change EVERYTHING in one year. Injuries have decimated this team & we weren't good enough to overcome them. We played competetive football all year long, which is something this franchise hasn't seen since '98. This team still hasn't quit & is definitely a much tougher bunch than what we're accustomed to. There is still much to do & I trust that we will continue to improve. In year 2, Whiz will definitely clean out more human debris. We will win either 7 or 8 games, which is just about where I thought we'd be. And don't forget that with a real NFL kicker, we would have 8 or 9 wins right now.

He's done a good job, yes, I'll give you that. Still, I can't help but believe that he could have have taken this team so much higher with just a little better preparation and play calling.

That said, I honestly believe the tone for the season was set when we lost our opener at SF. That endzone play haunted us all season long. IMO.

It's karma, it's mental, it's cosmic, it's whatever the heck you want to call it, but it was very real.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
Whis has gotta win these last two games or the entire Graves/Whisenhunt Era loses all credibility. Teams that have a good coaching show growth in Year 1, 6-10 is not an improvement over last year.


Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
The offensive and defensive playcalling was disgusting today. Everytime we were at 2nd and long we would call a draw play for no gain. then throw a 5 yard pass to set up for the punt. The draw play has not worked for us all year, and we still try to use it. It was pathetic watching that. The defense let a special teamer run all over them like he was back in highschool. Not to mention we cant cover tight ends, let alone receivers. Our secondary is a disaster without a-wil and eric green. The way we are playing we will lose out. I dont see us stopping stephen jackson, and i would hope we could beat the falcons, but i have no confidence in this team anymore. Draft day couldnt come any sooner

It is officially that time of year to say "Same old f-ing cardinals"


Hall of Famer
Nov 26, 2007
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If this team ends the season 1-2 or worse against the Saints, Rams, and Falcons, you really have to wonder about this team going into next season. Teams that get off to a hot start generally are carrying momentum from the previous year.


ASFN Addict
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Whis has gotta win these last two games or the entire Graves/Whisenhunt Era loses all credibility. Teams that have a good coaching show growth in Year 1, 6-10 is not an improvement over last year.

Big time, the playoffs may be over for the team, but the season isn't.

IF they pack it in from here we'll have learned something pretty valuable.


Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
Sparta, NJ
Campos, totally agree with your summation. The play calling on the offensive side of the ball was simply odd. We're running the ball well and passing at will and Whis calls a "flee-flicker", a reverse in the red zone, middle draws. I don't understand the thinking.

But the biggest problem, are the bone-headed penalties. By the same players week after week. This game just shows the weaknesses of this ball club. Continuing the upgrade of the offensive line is a must. Faneca must be signed to become the leader on the field.

I do agree on your criticism of Whisenhunt. The past 4 games have been managed very poorly. At one point in the 4th quarter, when the play did not get in on time and Warner call a timeout, it looked like Whisenhunt and Haley wwere both calling a different play. Just too many mistakes.

I do believe that the Cards have talent and can improve this talent with just a couple of free agent and a good draft.


ASFN Addict
Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
Campos, totally agree with your summation. The play calling on the offensive side of the ball was simply odd. We're running the ball well and passing at will and Whis calls a "flee-flicker", a reverse in the red zone, middle draws. I don't understand the thinking.

But the biggest problem, are the bone-headed penalties. By the same players week after week. This game just shows the weaknesses of this ball club. Continuing the upgrade of the offensive line is a must. Faneca must be signed to become the leader on the field.

I do agree on your criticism of Whisenhunt. The past 4 games have been managed very poorly. At one point in the 4th quarter, when the play did not get in on time and Warner call a timeout, it looked like Whisenhunt and Haley wwere both calling a different play. Just too many mistakes.

I do believe that the Cards have talent and can improve this talent with just a couple of free agent and a good draft.

Thx :) I am just frustrated too....I love the Cards but every week...we seem to make the same mistakes and lose a game we really should have won.


A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
I will not bash any Coach until late in his third year.

With that said, Coach Whis has got a lot of stuff to work on in the offseason and to correct next year. Overall I think he's gonna be a good coach. Currently I think it's clear he's a bit overwhelmed by the breadth of the job.

red desert

ASFN Addict
Mar 4, 2003
Reaction score
A.B.Q. in da house
I will not bash any Coach until late in his third year.

With that said, Coach Whis has got a lot of stuff to work on in the offseason and to correct next year. Overall I think he's gonna be a good coach. Currently I think it's clear he's a bit overwhelmed by the breadth of the job.

Geez, you drive me crazy with your "glass if half-full" posts.

Reading your post, I almost want to go give Wiz a hug, and whisper in his ear that I support him. God bless you for your positive outlook. I mean that. You are a better man than I for sticking with the positive program. Good for you.

Myself, I'll pop another shot of Patron (my last one for the evening) and start looking forward to the draft. So, as I lift my glass, I hope the teams in our vicinity of wins and losses run the table and allow us a better slot in the draft.

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Crimson Warrior

Dangerous Murray Zealot
Oct 27, 2002
Reaction score
Home of the Thunder
The offensive and defensive playcalling was disgusting today. Everytime we were at 2nd and long we would call a draw play for no gain. then throw a 5 yard pass to set up for the punt. The draw play has not worked for us all year, and we still try to use it. It was pathetic watching that. The defense let a special teamer run all over them like he was back in highschool. Not to mention we cant cover tight ends, let alone receivers. Our secondary is a disaster without a-wil and eric green. The way we are playing we will lose out. I dont see us stopping stephen jackson, and i would hope we could beat the falcons, but i have no confidence in this team anymore. Draft day couldnt come any sooner

It is officially that time of year to say "Same old f-ing cardinals"

There were at least two GREAT play calls in this game:

1. The fake punt
2. Going for it on fourth a goal from the 1 yard line.

I agree that things have looked a little shaky the past few games though.

Still this is a better team than it was last year, and I'm hopefull for next year.


(Formerly offset) i have a special purpose
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Rookie coach, tons of injuries. 8-8 would be acceptable. Wish it was 9-6 and we were in the playoffs, but i wish a lot of things were different in this world.