If you polled 100, or 1,000 or 10,000 NBA basketball fans (outside of L.A. or Chicago) asking for their one vote -- Michael or Kobe -- Kobe would be lucky to get 20% of the vote.
It is not like Chamberlain vs. Russell. Or Magic vs. Bird.
Michael could win the championship with one good teammate, a role-playing Center and two scrubs. Kobe, never. Look at the quality of players the Lakers have surrounded him with over the years.
Completely agree! MJ and Kobe isn't even close. In Bryant's mind, he may overtake MJ for number of championships won. But it's more accurate to compare him to Pippen (no shame in that, one of the greatest ever!).
MJ was the dominant player on each of his six championship teams. No question. Kobe won only ("only" compared to MJ) two Finals MVP and a single Season MVP to MJ's five. The first three titles were thanks to Shaq and the inability of Portland to keep a 20+ point lead paired with referees beating Sacramento. When things were bad (remeber the choking and no show against Phoenix in GAME SEVEN?) Bryant demanded a trade. Quite similar to LeBron James, he was ready to jump ship before Gasol came along.
Another thing that strikes me as ridiculous is comparing Kobe to Mike in crunch time. Percentage aside, Jordan knew when to pass to a better positioned team mate if required. Kobe would never surrender a chance of being the match winner (but he's lost multiple games this way, then handily blaming his team mates...).
Thinking about it, I don't even want to compare Kobe to Pip. Scottie was the ultimate team player. Bryant is a symbol for selfishness.