You might want to watch out on the sexual comments. If I am not mistaken, that was why your other name was banned (although that was a much worse case). Just givin' you a heads up, you might want to edit that out
You know, I honestly have no problem with what Joe Mama said. If it wasn't directed at me, all things being equal I would've thought it was pretty funny. The only thing I really have a problem with is the way he half-appologized for it, even though you could tell even in his apology that he wasn't sorry for saying it. My opinion is that the only reason he appologized for it at all was because he didn't want to seem like a hypocrit, banning people for sexual comments and then using them as well.
I'm not a person who is easily offended. Everybody here gets wriled up about the Suns, and it's only natural to displace that anger towards others. Sometimes people say things they don't mean, and sometimes they feel like saying things they mean, but oftentimes wouldn't say unless they're mad. Have I done anything at all to warrant such disdain? No, of course not.
I think it'd do some people a world of good if they looked over my posts and then looked over their own. Yeah, I bash Joe Johnson, but if you're a starting shooting guard shooting 35% from the field, you should pretty much expect it. Nevertheless, I have not once bashed anybody on these boards. I say Joe Johnson sucks, and somebody says I'm an idiot, that I don't contribute anything positive to the boards, that I, well, you know.. And so what if I don't like some of the crap games Joe Johnson plays, is it any different than some of you guys who say stuff about Penny Hardaway? How about Tom Gugliota? The guy fought back from the worst knee injury in NBA history in 8 months, and all you guys can do is criticize him because he's not the player he once was. What do you expect? How do you think the guy feels? He's gone through the a near-fatal freak siezure, one of the worst knee injuries in league history inflicted by his own teamate, the death of his mother, foot surgery, a divorce, and now the one thing he loves to do, his own main escape from it all, he is being told he can't do anymore. Am I saying you guys can't say it? No. Am I saying it's wrong? No. But does that "contribute anything positive to the boards?"
Is THAT positive?
Yeah, real positive.