Gambo says JJ is in the mix for McGrady

Joe Mama

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May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
John Gambadoro just said that he is "NBA sources" are telling him that the Phoenix Suns are including JJ along with Shawn Marion and the draft pick in trade talks with the Orlando Magic for Tracy McGrady. He is also expected to talk about the Suns possibly trading the draft pick somewhere else if they don't get T-Mac in a few minutes. I'll update.

Joe Mama

Joe Mama

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May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
Well, he's quoting that New York Times article right now. For all we know his "NBA sources" are the same guys who wrote stuff like this.

I guarantee this. If it was up to the Orlando Magic choosing between Steve Francis, Mobley, and Cato and this Phoenix Suns package they would definitely go with Phoenix. I think the issue is whether McGrady will agree to drop his player option to come to Phoenix in that trade. I'm hoping he won't.

Joe Mama


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Jun 28, 2002
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Hannover - Germany
I hope he is right.

I want an Amare/TMac duo even if we didn't have as many potential "star" players on the team and just role players around them with our capspace.

We could build a championship team around Amare and TMac and TMac is only 25.

It is not like this offseason has to make us immediate title favorites.


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Jun 28, 2002
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Hannover - Germany
If we weren't in the offseason you would probably love to give up Marion, Johnson and #7.

Otherwise we might be bitching about Marion not playing up to his contract again next season.
Johnson going back into his shell and being inconsistent when he can't be the man and worry about his big extension.

Joe Mama

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May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
OK, I can hardly stand listening to these clowns anymore. Ash thought that Howard had only one year left on his current contract. I mean honestly, how can you be a sports reporter, read all about these trades, and not know that? Ridiculous.

Joe Mama


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Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
I said a couple months after the trade I wouldn't be satisfied with anything less than Kobe or TMac. I agree JJ, Marion and the pick is a steep price, however if that is what it takes....

Assuming that Marion and either the pick or JJ was acceptable, I want you guys to answer me this:

Is there NO player in the FA market that could be had for near the MLE that would replace either the contributions of JJ or the #7?

I mean I am not a huge fan of Jamal Crawford, but couldn't he come in and do some good things? I would think he would contribute more than the #7 would.

It isn't like this team is stuck in stone after the trade. We will have a ton of money to use afterwards. People can be replaced. Like I said in another thread, if the Suns were going to get Kobe or TMac, they better have been looking into moving JJ anyways. I agree with Slin, there is no telling how he would play behind Amare and another star.


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Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
Joe Mama said:
OK, I can hardly stand listening to these clowns anymore. Ash thought that Howard had only one year left on his current contract. I mean honestly, how can you be a sports reporter, read all about these trades, and not know that? Ridiculous.

Joe Mama

He has been saying that for 3 days now. You would think SOMEONE would have corrected him by now.

Joe, isn't that your job btw?


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Jan 2, 2003
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thegrahamcrackr said:
I said a couple months after the trade I wouldn't be satisfied with anything less than Kobe or TMac. I agree JJ, Marion and the pick is a steep price, however if that is what it takes....

Assuming that Marion and either the pick or JJ was acceptable, I want you guys to answer me this:

Is there NO player in the FA market that could be had for near the MLE that would replace either the contributions of JJ or the #7?

I mean I am not a huge fan of Jamal Crawford, but couldn't he come in and do some good things? I would think he would contribute more than the #7 would.

It isn't like this team is stuck in stone after the trade. We will have a ton of money to use afterwards. People can be replaced. Like I said in another thread, if the Suns were going to get Kobe or TMac, they better have been looking into moving JJ anyways. I agree with Slin, there is no telling how he would play behind Amare and another star.

this makes a lot of sense.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2002
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I was just listening to the radio & John Gambadoro.

H.....l I know more about the players in this league and their salaries than he does. He thought Juwann Howard was still on his old contract and it ended this year.

I get frustrated listening to these guys because they do not know any more than the people on this board do by any means.

Although at this time I listen to get any news I can on trades etc. :p

He said that McGrady is an perenial all-star, and he is right.

I will also tell you that if you watched JJ last year and realize that he is a young player that has had 3 different head coaches and two teams in his short time in the NBA and that he was the suns best defender and at times can take over a game in the 4th quarter, you have to give this guy another year and watch him become and all-star in a couple years. He has it all, size, defense, smoooth player, young, can score etc. With another year I am convinced he will be a great player and will be able to take over a game when he wants to. He will also play 2nd to Amare when he has to, a great team player. :thumbup:

Oh by the way, I like JJ as a player.... :D


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Here's a thought

I wonder whether the Suns are waiting to see if one of their PG targets is available at #7. They've been talking for years about trying to make Johnson a point guard; back when the Bryant fantasy seemed somewhat realistic, we all assumed that Johnson would switch if Bryant came aboard.

So if they can get Gordon or even Harris at #7, maybe they'd be willing to let Johnson go in order to get McGrady. But if they don't have an appealing PG prospect left at #7, they keep Johnson and look for a cheaper SG in the free agent market.

Of course, this all assumes that they're working on a McGrady deal in which they keep the #7 pick, which is contrary to the current rumors...


Welcome to Amareca
Jun 28, 2002
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Hannover - Germany
The conclusion that the deal is on hold because TMac wouldn't accept an extension is premature.

If Phoenix was offering Marion, Johnson and #7 they couldn't complete the deal until after they picked the player at #7 because of the Barbosa trade.

Orlando or Phoenix might even say well we will see who is there at #7. If nobody is there that we like we tell Orlando we will offer Johnson , Marion and #7.
In that case Orlando tells Houston their deal is on hold for now.

The Suns are probably not as stupid and premature as the Rockets organization to report a deal as almost done before it isn't absolutely perfect.

Joe Mama

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May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
Everybody keeps saying that this is a good deal to get McGrady because they still have all of this money to spend in free agency. I am saying that I would rather have Shawn Marion, JJ, and the draft pick (or whatever they can get with the draft pick) and all of that money in free agency. I can't believe I'm listening to these fools right now, but like sunsfn I'm desperate for news.

Keep in mind that I have done a 180° turn on this topic. A few months ago I was all for McGrady even if it was going to cost them Shawn Marion , JJ, and possibly the draft pick. I really think Shawn Marion he's going to be improved next season. I think JJ will probably play the same way he did in the second half of last season. I think Amare Stoudemire is going to be a borderline superstar. I like that JJ and Shawn Marion understand that Amare is the first option.

If Tracy McGrady is going to stay healthy and put forth a full effort on both ends of the court most nights I would be fine with this trade. I just don't see that happening though.

BTW if the Phoenix Suns are really offering this package the holdup is McGrady. I'm positive the Orlando Magic would rather have this deal.

Joe Mama


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Jan 2, 2003
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thegrahamcrackr said:
I couldnt tell if this was sarcastic or not, but for my own satisfaction I will assume you agree with me :p

i agree with you.


Jan 6, 2004
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Queens, NY...soon to be PHX
Joe Mama said:
Everybody keeps saying that this is a good deal to get McGrady because they still have all of this money to spend in free agency. I am saying that I would rather have Shawn Marion, JJ, and the draft pick (or whatever they can get with the draft pick) and all of that money in free agency. I can't believe I'm listening to these fools right now, but like sunsfn I'm desperate for news.

Keep in mind that I have done a 180° turn on this topic. A few months ago I was all for McGrady even if it was going to cost them Shawn Marion , JJ, and possibly the draft pick. I really think Shawn Marion he's going to be improved next season. I think JJ will probably play the same way he did in the second half of last season. I think Amare Stoudemire is going to be a borderline superstar. I like that JJ and Shawn Marion understand that Amare is the first option.

If Tracy McGrady is going to stay healthy and put forth a full effort on both ends of the court most nights I would be fine with this trade. I just don't see that happening though.

BTW if the Phoenix Suns are really offering this package the holdup is McGrady. I'm positive the Orlando Magic would rather have this deal.

Joe Mama

I agree I think that is giving up way to much.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
I've decided

I don't want McGrady at this price. The team is just too decimated if they have to give up three quality players (Marion, Johnson, #7) for one. That's a huge price for a borderline superstar with a questionable attitude.

Iverson has won some scoring titles and even an MVP award. Does anyone think we should give up that much for him? Of course not. McGrady is better than Iverson, but there's more to the game than putting up big numbers on the offensive end.

If the Suns have their heart set on trading Marion (and I think they might), there has to be a better deal out there. They can use their cap room to take on a bad contract along with one or two really good players. I'd rather have Artest on this team than McGrady, for instance. (Marion and Eisley for Artest, Harrington, and Croshere? Just a thought.)


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Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
slinslin said:
Some Orlando fans are claiming that the Clippers offered Brand and #4?? Hard to believe.

Well if so, that should trump all the other offers.......

Okafor(even though they will mess up and take howard), Brand and say Gordon. Not a bad way to build a team.

Evil Ash

Henchman Supreme
Jun 26, 2003
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On a flying cocoon
thegrahamcrackr said:
I said a couple months after the trade I wouldn't be satisfied with anything less than Kobe or TMac. I agree JJ, Marion and the pick is a steep price, however if that is what it takes....

Assuming that Marion and either the pick or JJ was acceptable, I want you guys to answer me this:

Is there NO player in the FA market that could be had for near the MLE that would replace either the contributions of JJ or the #7?

I mean I am not a huge fan of Jamal Crawford, but couldn't he come in and do some good things? I would think he would contribute more than the #7 would.

It isn't like this team is stuck in stone after the trade. We will have a ton of money to use afterwards. People can be replaced. Like I said in another thread, if the Suns were going to get Kobe or TMac, they better have been looking into moving JJ anyways. I agree with Slin, there is no telling how he would play behind Amare and another star.

Agreed. If getting Tmac is the only thing that we were going to do this offseason we would once again be stuck in neutral, but he's not. For some reason people keep looking at the potential of JJ (which I agree has tons of), the problem though is he hasn't shown consistency on the floor yet.

I think trading a good player, a potentially good player, and a draft pick in a year that the prospects aren't considered all that great is worth a superstar to me.

Oh and as far as far as Tmac's back injury goes, when he comes to town we'll have him see Randy Johnson's trainer/chiropractor. Remember people said he would never be the same due to his back and they were very WRONG! I know its a different sport but the point is still valid


Welcome to Amareca
Jun 28, 2002
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Hannover - Germany
elindholm said:
I don't want McGrady at this price. The team is just too decimated if they have to give up three quality players (Marion, Johnson, #7) for one. That's a huge price for a borderline superstar with a questionable attitude.


Who were the other players before TMac to score 60+ in a game?

I think we could get more depth around Amare and TMac than people are realizing and if Barbosa is really having such a great summer we will be in good shape at PG with just a cheap backup or Vujanic.
Especially since TMac will be the motor on the perimeter anyway and our PGs most important qualities would be making open shots, spacing the floor and defending.

At SF/SG we would need another player with TMac/Jacobsen/Zarko. Preferably a starter.

Our big man situation hasn't changed at all. Might even get Juwan Howard for Howard Eisley maybe in that trade?

18M$ capspace We would have to get 4 role players out of our capspace to have some nice depth.

Resign Dice/Voshkul/Lampe
Barbosa/Cheap FA (Vujanic)

Joe Mama

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May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
Let me say this. I don't think this trade is going to go down. I don't think it will go down because I don't think Tracy McGrady will agree to waive his option with the Phoenix Suns if they have to give up that much to get him. I guarantee that if the Suns have really need this offer, which is far from a surety, Orlando is willing to take it. If this trade is really on the table to hold up is McGrady.

Let me also say that I don't want to hear a bunch of whining and negatively from those of you willing to make this trade when McGrady is sitting on the bench with a back injury next April while JJ, Shawn Marion, and the draft pick are playing a big part in Orlando's playoff appearance. Well, I'm not so sure about Orlando's playoff appearance. It seems they are going to take Howard instead of Okafor. That's a huge mistake in my opinion.

Joe Mama


Dec 14, 2002
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elindholm said:
I don't want McGrady at this price. The team is just too decimated if they have to give up three quality players (Marion, Johnson, #7) for one. That's a huge price for a borderline superstar with a questionable attitude.

Iverson has won some scoring titles and even an MVP award. Does anyone think we should give up that much for him? Of course not. McGrady is better than Iverson, but there's more to the game than putting up big numbers on the offensive end.

If the Suns have their heart set on trading Marion (and I think they might), there has to be a better deal out there. They can use their cap room to take on a bad contract along with one or two really good players. I'd rather have Artest on this team than McGrady, for instance. (Marion and Eisley for Artest, Harrington, and Croshere? Just a thought.)

I don't think many people would do Marion for Artest, much less that kind of deal.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Who were the other players before TMac to score 60+ in a game?

Delk scored 53. Does that make him close to a superstar? 53 isn't that much less than 60.

If the deal included Howard for Eisley I would feel better about it. Without that, though, the Suns have basically two quality players and a huge number of question marks. Basically they would look like the "Lakers lite" of this past year:

Stoudemire < O'Neal
McGrady < Bryant
bunch of inexperienced scrubs < bunch of experienced scrubs

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