Game 12 (ATL 29 AZ 18) Thoughts


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
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Wrentham, MA
How and why did this loss---a bad loss by any standard---happen?

The most simple answer is: the Falcons and HC Mike Smith were all-in on this game, while the Cardinals and HC Bruce Arians were not.

Football is a game of wills. Are the Falcons as bad as their record suggests? Probably not. Are the Cardinals as good as their record suggests? Probably not.

Which team looked like the 9-2 team yesterday?

Which team looked like the more motivated team?

Why did the Cardinals' defense---which has been superb the first 11 games---lay an egg on that first Falcons' possession?

First of all, the Falcons were very well amped and prepared for this game. Who would have ever thought that Stephen Jackson would suddenly go into beast mode (18/101/5.6/55 long)?

Who would have thought that the Falcons' WR corps minus Roddy White would boast two 100+ yard performances---one of which, by Julio Jones, was nearly 200 yards (10/189/1 TD), the other by slot WR Harry Douglas (9/116)--well, we learn after the game that the Falcons had actually changed some of their standard routes for this game---and we saw that Todd Bowles and the Cardinals' front seven were not generating the kind of pressure on Matt Ryan that would cause Ryan to throw off-balance or force passes into coverage.

It was way too easy---just ask defensive line coach Brentson Buckner who right from the get-go was blasting his unit for playing soft.

The first Falcons' drive---set up by a surprising 55 yard off tackle run by Stephen Jackson---tested the defense's resolve at the goal-line and the defense answered---but Mike Smith went for it on 4th down and had the guts to call a play action pass---and if one studies the Cardinals' defense in those situations they sell out for the run---as it is almost impossible to defend both the run and the pass.

Then---the Julio Jones show took over from there---and it was painful to watch CB Patrick Peterson who promoted and showcased this matchup all week in the press---get "torched" (as John Lynch so aptly termed it) by Jones. What was so bad about it was how passive Peterson was throughout the torching, electing in press situations to give Jones a free release and then let Jones twist him around on moves---or even when Jones was sitting alone as a safety valve to allow Jones to sit there uncovered and then whiff on him when caught the easy pass.

What was even worse than this and a telling thing about how passive the Cardinals' coaches were in this game---was that no adjustments at all were made at half-time. Clearly, Bowles should have either switched the taller, more experienced and more fundamentally sound Antonio Cromartie over to Jones---or at least---go back to Peterson playing LCB and Cromartie RCB where they could switch turns on Jones.

Instead---to the detriment of the team---Peterson was allowed to remain on Jones.

Same thing happened in reverse at Denver, where clearly Cromartie was no match for WR Demaryius Thomas and yet Cromartie remained on Thomas for most of the game.

The first quarter TD pass to Jones was tough to accept because Peterson played up in press position on Jones and yet decided not to jam him or touch him at all, which then caused Peterson to go into the chase mode where Peterson did not run as fast as he could to recover on Jones and with Jones having a step and a half on Peterson and being the taller player it was an easy fade catch turned into a TD.

Too too easy.

Thank goodness for Rashad Johnson making the big defensive play of the game on his perfect FS bracketing of Jones for a stunning 88 yard pick six, highlighted by some alert blocking by Jerraud Powers (who earlier switched and jumped a red zone slant route for Jones almost making an unbelievable interception and thus causing the Falcons to settle for a field goal)---or it could easily have been 24-0 Falcons early in the second quarter.

People can talk about the defense being gassed from the week before---but there's one way to combat being gassed and that is to force three and outs and come after the offense like full aggressors---the way ILB Larry Foote does week in and week out.

What may have been the most disappointing effort from the defense was following Chandler Catanzaro's 42 yard FG to make the score 17-10, and now having seized the momentum in the game, the defense allowed Matt Ryan and the Falcons easy open catches in their hurry-up, covering 12 plays and 68 yards. The opening TD drive and this drive here----even though the Falcons had to settle for a FG---were the difference in this game.

On offense, the game plan from the get-go was once again ultra-conservative and uninspiring---and even worse did not play to Drew Stanton's strengths. Look at the first play call---a sideways hitch pass to Michael Floyd?

While no one needs to make excuses for Stanton's handful of poor throws in this game---he did find a bit of a groove when the playbook and field was opened up for him. Too bad Michael Floyd was once again his skittish self with the ball over the middle, because it looked like Stanton was getting on a bit of a roll, thanks to 20 yard deep outs to Ted Ginn Jr. and John Carlson.

But this was really the first time since going up 14-0 on Detroit that Stanton was given some consistent chances to drive the ball down field.

A huge play in the game was the 3rd quarter non-call on Ted Ginn Jr.'s double move on 3rd and 2 just inside Falcons' territory. Great for BA to have the guts to call that play---but usually when one calls that play in that situation it means the team is in 4 down mode---and this is where BA, unlike his counterpart Mike Smith, did not challenge his own players. There was no reason at all to punt at that juncture of the game---particularly in a game where the defense was giving up over 500 yards of total offense. For all intents and purposes that punt ended any real chances the Cardinals still had in that game.

BA deserves tons of credit for teaching this team how to overcome adversity and how to win close games. But, these past two weeks have been very curious and anomalous to say the least...especially for a self-described "riverboat gambler" who by virtue of a three game lead was playing, for all intents and purposes, with house money. Plus---how could he miss Jones being out of bounds? He says they didn't see the replay? If we can see it at home how can't the coaches upstairs at least see it? Plus, Peterson was waving over for the challenge.

We can all put it on Stanton---that's the easy thing to do. Stanton made some boneheaded throws out there in situations where he did not have to force the ball. However, how is it that Stanton comes into the Rams game with the team behind (and with Palmer struggling in that game, to boot) and goes bam---bam---bam down the field and leads the team to a great come from behind win---and then comes out in attack mode versus the Lions---bam--bam---bam---and then suddenly after that is relegated into the ultra-conservative mode for 8-9 straight quarters.

We have seen enough of Stanton to know that his strength is driving the ball downfield---he's not a good dink and dunker---and if the coaches would move him around some to buy him some extra time and vision, the chances are he will be able to exploit defense where they hate to be exploited the most, either by the deep passes or by scrambles.

So, the silver lining in this game, is that moving forward---it further highlights the need for BA to open this offense up for Stanton and go all-out and all-in. There were some real positives in this game in that Jonathan Cooper got his first taste of extended playing time and played fairly well---Jaron Brown showed how mentally and physically tough he is (playing up Fitz's role)---and Jaron Brown can slip behind defenses too with his speed---and Marion Grice showed some good athletic ability and versatility (nice screen!) from the RB spot.

On defense Larry Foote was a dude was again---as was Rashad Johnson and Tyrann Mathieu (sure hope that he can wrap the thumb up and play because he is a key player)---as was Cromartie who even came up and made some good tackles---as was Jerraud Powers---and there were some good signs from Tommy Kelly, Alex Okafor, Sam Acho and Lorenzo Alexander. Even Glen Carson got some decent hits in late in the game.

As for STs---have you ever seen two punt cover tacklers run right by the return man (Hester) in tandem like that before? Was Hester the Invisible Man? Have to praise Butler, not only for working his butt off to make that play on Hester while getting held by the blocker, but for punting so well after that. Good to see Catanzaro get back on track.

One last thought on Patrick Peterson---it would be great for him to learn a lesson here---take a page out of Julio Jones' book and let the play on the field do all the talking. And as tough a game as this was for Peterson, who has been stellar in key wins versus the Cowboys (Dez Bryant) and the Lions (Calvin Johnson)...this actually was the first game all year the Cardinals lost with him playing poorly. So, we may want to keep that in perspective.
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Sep 5, 2009
Reaction score
mitch thank u for your great work as always about PP ) is not the first time this season p21 is playing poorly
i would like to know how many yards and tds he allowed till now

few weeks a go he was ranked as one of the worst cb in that category
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7 x 70
Dec 31, 2004
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While no one needs to make excuses for Stanton's handful of poor throws in this game---he did find a bit of a groove when the playbook and field was opened up for him. Too bad Michael Floyd was once again his skittish self with the ball over the middle, because it looked like Stanton was getting on a bit of a roll, thanks to 20 yard deep outs to Ted Ginn Jr. and John Carlson.

But this was really the first time since going up 14-0 on Detroit that Stanton was given some consistent chances to drive the ball down field.

A huge play in the game was the 3rd quarter non-call on Ted Ginn Jr.'s double move on 3rd and 2 just inside Falcons' territory. Great for BA to have the guts to call that play---but usually when one calls that play in that situation it means the team is in 4 down mode---and this is where BA, unlike his counterpart Mike Smith, did not challenge his own players. There was no reason at all to punt at that juncture of the game---particularly in a game where the defense was giving up over 500 yards of total offense. For all intents and purposes that punt ended any real chances the Cardinals still had in that game.

BA deserves tons of credit for teaching this team how to overcome adversity and how to win close games. But, these past two weeks have been very curious and anomalous to say the least...especially for a self-described "riverboat gambler" who by virtue of a three game lead was playing, for all intents and purposes, with house money. Plus---how could he miss Jones being out of bounds? He says they didn't see the replay? If we can see it at home how can't the coaches upstairs at least see it? Plus, Peterson was waving over for the challenge.

We can all put it on Stanton---that's the easy thing to do. Stanton made some boneheaded throws out there in situations where he did not have to force the ball. However, how is it that Stanton comes into the Rams game with the team behind (and with Palmer struggling in that game, to boot) and goes bam---bam---bam down the field and leads the team to a great come from behind win---and then comes out in attack mode versus the Lions---bam--bam---bam---and then suddenly after that is relegated into the ultra-conservative mode for 8-9 straight quarters.

We have seen enough of Stanton to know that his strength is driving the ball downfield---he's not a good dink and dunker---and if the coaches would move him around some to buy him some extra time and vision, the chances are he will be able to exploit defense where they hate to be exploited the most, either by the deep passes or by scrambles.

How 'bout this... Let's all fully accept that Stanton has been and will always be a career back-up... and for good reason. While I appreciate BA's bravado when he says "we can win a Super Bowl with Drew", we all know the truth here - and I believe the players do as well.
Stanton, contrary to popular belief, does not excel at anything really. Is he Max Hall horrendous? Of course not. He has a NFL arm. He doesn't have a NFL mind. He has thrown a few nice deep balls, one that actually won us a game (Rams). However, now that he is a starter, Seattle and now the Falcons have proven the ability to properly scheme Stanton who is not capable of overcoming a properly schemed defense. He can't make the throws into tight windows. He can't perform properly at the line and make the proper pre-snap reads. His accuracy borders on the level of D-Wreck Anderson (better known as Scud). He can't look-off safeties and rather, he locks onto a single receiver... And I would argue that asking BA to "open it up" and go "all-in" with Stanton is a massive, colossal mistake! Amplified by the pure non-existence of a run threat! Asking Stanton to throw deep more often than he already does is asking a paratrooper to leap from a plane with a faulty chute! His inabilities, inadequacies and mistakes will only be exasperated.

What needs to happen is we all need to get on bended knee and pray that Michael Bush has some gas left in the tank. If so, BA then needs to design a playbook that doesn't ask too much of a back-up in Stanton. Use some play-action (if our run game improves) and let Stanton throw short to medium passes. When defenses are blitzing - which is often as they have ZERO fear that Stanton will beat man to man coverage - find a way to be more effective with screens to the RB and TE's. And rarely, but carefully, allow Stanton to take a shot downfield (over 20 yards).

In short, if we can't find a way to get our running game to produce 4 yards per carry, we are toast. And expecting a guy like Stanton to overcome this massive hole in our offense by being MORE aggressive and throwing even MORE downfield (more than 20 yards), is lunacy...


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
How 'bout this... Let's all fully accept that Stanton has been and will always be a career back-up... and for good reason. While I appreciate BA's bravado when he says "we can win a Super Bowl with Drew", we all know the truth here - and I believe the players do as well.
Stanton, contrary to popular belief, does not excel at anything really. Is he Max Hall horrendous? Of course not. He has a NFL arm. He doesn't have a NFL mind. He has thrown a few nice deep balls, one that actually won us a game (Rams). However, now that he is a starter, Seattle and now the Falcons have proven the ability to properly scheme Stanton who is not capable of overcoming a properly schemed defense. He can't make the throws into tight windows. He can't perform properly at the line and make the proper pre-snap reads. His accuracy borders on the level of D-Wreck Anderson (better known as Scud). He can't look-off safeties and rather, he locks onto a single receiver... And I would argue that asking BA to "open it up" and go "all-in" with Stanton is a massive, colossal mistake! Amplified by the pure non-existence of a run threat! Asking Stanton to throw deep more often than he already does is asking a paratrooper to leap from a plane with a faulty chute! His inabilities, inadequacies and mistakes will only be exasperated.

What needs to happen is we all need to get on bended knee and pray that Michael Bush has some gas left in the tank. If so, BA then needs to design a playbook that doesn't ask too much of a back-up in Stanton. Use some play-action (if our run game improves) and let Stanton throw short to medium passes. When defenses are blitzing - which is often as they have ZERO fear that Stanton will beat man to man coverage - find a way to be more effective with screens to the RB and TE's. And rarely, but carefully, allow Stanton to take a shot downfield (over 20 yards).

In short, if we can't find a way to get our running game to produce 4 yards per carry, we are toast. And expecting a guy like Stanton to overcome this massive hole in our offense by being MORE aggressive and throwing even MORE downfield (more than 20 yards), is lunacy...

I still think you are jumping to conclusions too soon on Stanton.

I think with Stanton we need to do the opposite---we need to pass to set up the run. Plus, our running schemes are so poor versus base defenses, it won't matter who is running the ball. Stanton needs to put pressure on defenses in the intermediate and deep zones and, like you said, slip some screens (the one he threw to Grice was excellent!) and (I will add) some scrambles in there.


7 x 70
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
I still think you are jumping to conclusions too soon on Stanton.

I think with Stanton we need to do the opposite---we need to pass to set up the run. Plus, our running schemes are so poor versus base defenses, it won't matter who is running the ball. Stanton needs to put pressure on defenses in the intermediate and deep zones and, like you said, slip some screens (the one he threw to Grice was excellent!) and (I will add) some scrambles in there.

Mitch, I respect your views and your football acumen, but in all seriousness, exactly what do you see in Stanton that leads you to believe he would be effective by throwing deeper more often?? Surely you understand the complexities associated with throwing 15+ yard passes? And for a QB like Stanton who has shown zero ability to properly read and react, zero ability to look-off defenders and someone who literally laser-locks onto a receiver, along with his accuracy issues (that pass he threw to Ginn where you believe Ginn was interfered with was grossly underthrown for example... along with a large number of other poorly thrown balls), what am I missing??
You're asking a single-A baseball player to start in the bigs and get you 7 scoreless innings... It ain't happening.
I strongly believe BA needs to re-think the playbook and take into account the clear limitations we have with Stanton.


A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
They ran a lot of stretch plays and kickout runs that took CC and Dumpster Dan out of the run game, then played that up with great screen plays. That signficantly damaged our defense, IMO.

I thought the Falcons called a very good game offensively, and then executed it.


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
Mitch, I respect your views and your football acumen, but in all seriousness, exactly what do you see in Stanton that leads you to believe he would be effective by throwing deeper more often?? Surely you understand the complexities associated with throwing 15+ yard passes? And for a QB like Stanton who has shown zero ability to properly read and react, zero ability to look-off defenders and someone who literally laser-locks onto a receiver, along with his accuracy issues (that pass he threw to Ginn where you believe Ginn was interfered with was grossly underthrown for example... along with a large number of other poorly thrown balls), what am I missing??
You're asking a single-A baseball player to start in the bigs and get you 7 scoreless innings... It ain't happening.
I strongly believe BA needs to re-think the playbook and take into account the clear limitations we have with Stanton.

I see a QB who can drive the ball on a rope downfield (the TD pass to John Brown versus the Rams) and at times put some air under it when need be (the TD pass to Michael Floyd versus the Lions). I also love his arm on the deep out passes---he put them right on Ginn Jr. and Carlson in a hurry and on a dime---

Where he struggles in in 3rd down situations---but, 82, if you recall, so did Carson Palmer last year. In BA's offense---this takes time---which is why I think BA should flip the run to set up the pass philosophy to pass to set up the run.

The thing that many people may not realize is some times on his overthrows over the middle, the WR has come father under the coverage than expected, like Michael Floyd did on his very shallow drag...sometimes...I kid you not...the WRs do not have the depth they have in practice, because of getting knocked off their route initially---and this takes time to adjust to for QBs who lack experience, as Stanton does.

It's trickier than people think.


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
They ran a lot of stretch plays and kickout runs that took CC and Dumpster Dan out of the run game, then played that up with great screen plays. That signficantly damaged our defense, IMO.

I thought the Falcons called a very good game offensively, and then executed it.

I agree 100%. They outfoxed the Cardinals. Give them credit.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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I see a QB who can drive the ball on a rope downfield (the TD pass to John Brown versus the Rams) and at times put some air under it when need be (the TD pass to Michael Floyd versus the Lions). I also love his arm on the deep out passes---he put them right on Ginn Jr. and Carlson in a hurry and on a dime---

Where he struggles in in 3rd down situations---but, 82, if you recall, so did Carson Palmer last year. In BA's offense---this takes time---which is why I think BA should flip the run to set up the pass philosophy to pass to set up the run.

The thing that many people may not realize is some times on his overthrows over the middle, the WR has come father under the coverage than expected, like Michael Floyd did on his very shallow drag...sometimes...I kid you not...the WRs do not have the depth they have in practice, because of getting knocked off their route initially---and this takes time to adjust to for QBs who lack experience, as Stanton does.

It's trickier than people think.

He's not really accurate but one thing where I think Stanton, and Arians, are being "held back" is that with Palmer out the backup is now Logan Thomas. The way the Falcons kept bringing pressure off the edge from safeties you'd think a guy who can run a bit like Stanton, you run a few bootlegs and move the pocket plays to sort of try and keep the Falcons from doing that. The problem is, we're one big hit away from Logan Thomas(or Lindley) so no coach in his right mind is going to call too many plays where he moves his QB and risks him getting hit.

Stanton is certainly not Russell Wilson, but he can move around, but he has to be really careful because of the backup situation, which limits play calls.

Palmer can beat you in the pocket, Stanton's not nearly as good at that.

I totally agreed on the 3rd and 2 long ball, I didn't like the call precisely because why go for the home run on 3rd down if you don't intend to go on 4th down? Just didn't make any sense to me.


Hoist the Lombardi Trophy
Nov 11, 2002
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Dallas, TX
Good read Mitch.

I agree BA said earlier in the year he would use all his bullets & not call a differant game with Stanton in the lineup. Well the last 2 games the play calling has been playing not to lose instead of attacking the opposition. It's time BA loads his gun full of TNT & let it fly or go down with the ship. The last 4 games has to have a differant approach & try to win 11 games or this team will have had a monumental & historical meltdown!!!

Now or never!!!

Paso Fino

May 1, 2004
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Scottsdale & Flagstaff
I still don't understand why BA thought he could continue to use Ellington as a power runner. He is best used as a finesse running back complimenting a power runner and as a receiver. He has been way over used and its not surprising he was injured.


7 x 70
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
I see a QB who can drive the ball on a rope downfield (the TD pass to John Brown versus the Rams) and at times put some air under it when need be (the TD pass to Michael Floyd versus the Lions). I also love his arm on the deep out passes---he put them right on Ginn Jr. and Carlson in a hurry and on a dime---

Where he struggles in in 3rd down situations---but, 82, if you recall, so did Carson Palmer last year. In BA's offense---this takes time---which is why I think BA should flip the run to set up the pass philosophy to pass to set up the run.

The thing that many people may not realize is some times on his overthrows over the middle, the WR has come father under the coverage than expected, like Michael Floyd did on his very shallow drag...sometimes...I kid you not...the WRs do not have the depth they have in practice, because of getting knocked off their route initially---and this takes time to adjust to for QBs who lack experience, as Stanton does.

It's trickier than people think.

I dunno... I guess if I close my eyes and wish really hard, I can get where you are. And Lord knows I really, really want to believe that Stanton is as qualified as you make him out to be.
Look, I believe Drew is better than a large number of other back-ups. But he's still a back-up, always will be, with many crucial limitations.
I think you're being way too flowery in several areas with him. Including his deep ball ability. Palmer threw a sweet, one of the best in the business deep balls. Stanton is nowhere near Palmer's capability there. In fact, I have seen on plenty of occasions Stanton's deep ball loses steam and/or flutters in wounded-duck fashion.

I'll be there on Sunday and will hope & pray that Stanton steps up and gives us a chance. Who knows, maybe our defense will score a TD or two and along with Stanton producing the obligatory TD, our defense at home might be able to thoroughly shut down Smith and the KC offense...


I see you.
Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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Every team lays at least one huge egg every season. I kept saying this game scared me all week in the lead up to it as it had all the signs it would be our time to be flat: 1. Win streak over 2. Team with bad record. 3. Team with bad record with great shot to play home playoff game highly motivated to win. 4. Road game to East Coast. 5. Game on holiday weekend, players would have family stuff during week.

I think we will certainly play better this week and until the end of the season, but it might not matter given the opponents we play.


Nov 18, 2008
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Cave Creek
You nailed it in the second sentence, Mitch. Mike Smith wanted this game.

And one reason is January 3, 2009 when the Arizona "Stick a Fork in 'Em They're Done" Cardinals beat the Falcons in the Wild Card playoff game. Three games later... we were playing in the Super Bowl.

And he was sitting at home watching the game from his recliner. Coaches like Smith don't forget how that felt.
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I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
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He's not really accurate but one thing where I think Stanton, and Arians, are being "held back" is that with Palmer out the backup is now Logan Thomas. The way the Falcons kept bringing pressure off the edge from safeties you'd think a guy who can run a bit like Stanton, you run a few bootlegs and move the pocket plays to sort of try and keep the Falcons from doing that. The problem is, we're one big hit away from Logan Thomas(or Lindley) so no coach in his right mind is going to call too many plays where he moves his QB and risks him getting hit.

Stanton is certainly not Russell Wilson, but he can move around, but he has to be really careful because of the backup situation, which limits play calls.

Palmer can beat you in the pocket, Stanton's not nearly as good at that.

I totally agreed on the 3rd and 2 long ball, I didn't like the call precisely because why go for the home run on 3rd down if you don't intend to go on 4th down? Just didn't make any sense to me.

When you are down to your backup QB you pretty much either pack in the season or take all the risk filters off and let it fly because being patient and protecting your backup when the results are as they are pretty much sums up why you don't worry about your backups health.

It's not like we're risking Tom Brady or something I'd let him play however he wanted to play and pray it was enough.


Aug 10, 2004
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ASFN Addict
Nov 4, 2007
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Hey Mitch. Good write up as always. I was thinking and it dawned on me after reading your post. I thought in the Seatle game BA tanked the game but now I don't. What I think is happening after watching this game and reading your post. I think BA is playing not to get Stanton hurt! No roll
Outs. No deep passes where he is in the pocket longer than need be. I think BA is playing conservative to keep Stanton healthy which in all reality is letting us lose. I think he thinks the defense will keep is in the game and he can pull it out at the end. But I agree. He needs to let Stanton to play aggressive. Hopefully he will because we need
To win 2 more games. In fact win the next 2 and we can still win the number 1 seed.


Have a Nice Day!
Mar 14, 2003
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Monroe NC
Hey Mitch. Good write up as always. I was thinking and it dawned on me after reading your post. I thought in the Seatle game BA tanked the game but now I don't. What I think is happening after watching this game and reading your post. I think BA is playing not to get Stanton hurt! No roll
Outs. No deep passes where he is in the pocket longer than need be. I think BA is playing conservative to keep Stanton healthy which in all reality is letting us lose. I think he thinks the defense will keep is in the game and he can pull it out at the end. But I agree. He needs to let Stanton to play aggressive. Hopefully he will because we need
To win 2 more games. In fact win the next 2 and we can still win the number 1 seed.

Agree as I said in another post if this is how you are going to play then you are playing to lose. Mitch, not sure airing out the ball is a good thing. I was left with the impression that Atlanta played a lot of cover 3 which would take away the deep pass which is the one thing Stanton does decently. They pretty much said if you are going to beat us you have to do it completing passes you are not good at throwing.


ASFN Addict
Nov 4, 2007
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Also if we had Fitz. Stanton would look better. Fitz makes a lot of bad throws catches. So Stanton gets bailed out. And if you think about it. The ball the Ja Brown hit his fingertips and was intercepted. Fitz probably catches. Which in turn could have reversed 10-14 points. Which maybe we win. The INT led to points for them. And took away any points possibly from us. So Fitz is a huge key to us winning with Stanton in there


Yogi n da Bear
Mar 20, 2004
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The Sonoran Jungle - West
ATL HAD to have that game. They go into Lambo Field next week. Those chances aren't high.

To have ANY chance this season they had to have that W.

Stanton, Peterson and co. obliged well. It wasn't the coaching.

Losing Ellington and his durability concerns since the start of the year have to be addressed next season AGAIN. They thought it was this year with Dwyer and it probably would have if he had his head on right.

Now B/U RB and mtl QB will have to be addressed again.

I'm not confident that Palmer OR Ellington can endure the 16 game grinds. AT ALL!

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