I am scarred for life. I'll never look at a red head the same again.
I've gone from praying that Melisandre resurrects Jon Snow to hoping she just puts that damn choker back on.
I was at a party with five others watching this one. Okay, a fine start, and then...crap. Either extremely predictable (oh, and now THIS is obviously going to happen) or a continuance of terrible story lines:. Plus, starting out how they did, abandoning the story line until the end of the episode, and completely schmuck baiting it for next week, was oh so lame.They STILL can't write Dorne to save their lives
Universal agreement at the party was that this was immensely disappointing. At the half hour mark, my one friend said, "Oh look, it's halfway over and nothing's happened!"
The problem is there's still too much going on at once that the show is a bit stretched thin, and with only 10 episodes/season, it's tough to tie a bow around everything.
Dany w/ the Dothraki, Arya at Braavos, Tyrion at Mereen, Dorne, King's Landing/The Faith, Ramsay at Winterfell, Sansa and Theon on the run (thank God Brienne joined them), The Night's Watch drama, Whitewalkers, Wildlings, and Bran (who hasn't even been touched since Season 4)
I'm sure Dorne has its purpose later on, but it's easily the biggest throwaway plot on the show.
If Cerci somehow becomes a character fans root for like her brother did, it will be the biggest shocker of the series and a master's course in writing. I'm not saying that will happen, but if after so many seasons of detesting her, if that ill-will goes away, I will do a slow-clap.
This was absolutely a "bridge" episode that happens to be the premiere. Basically addresses ALL the storylines from the finale last season and pushes them in a direction.
Dorne needs to get way more interesting and fast, because that is now the most boring part of the show. I'm worried about the Daenarys stuff because she seems to be going further and further away from actually achieving her goal. You know, of invading and claiming Westeros.
But there was a lot of good stuff, led by the Brienne rescue of Sansa. Tyrion and Varys are always interesting to watch together. The whole Melisandre thing was fascinating--not exactly fun to watch, but fascinating. And Davos is such a great character. And perfect casting across the board. I also was very impressed by Lena Headey in this episode, and how she mourned Myrcella by acknowledging how petty she herself is. Good character moment for a character that isn't exactly the most likable in the show.
Who still thinks Red Women will bring Jon Snow back to life? I do!
If Cerci somehow becomes a character fans root for like her brother did, it will be the biggest shocker of the series and a master's course in writing. I'm not saying that will happen, but if after so many seasons of detesting her, if that ill-will goes away, I will do a slow-clap.
Do TV show fans root for Jaime the way book fans did after his redemption arc?
Show watchers saw him rescue Brienne, but haven't quite gotten the whole Riverlands story yet, which is where his redemption really showed, IMO.
From reading the book I got the impression that the Jamie <-> Cersei relation was pretty much dead since he met Brienne. Yet the series seems like it is intending to rekindle their bond...
It is kind of confusing.
Not really. Even though the TV show is derived from the book, they stand alone as mediums and are not expected to be conflated for discourse.
The same philosophy could be applied to the TV Shows thread and the Books thread here on ASFN.![]()
Pretty much everyone is complaining about Dorne. It feels like filler at this point.
I think there will be more to it now that the girls killed off the king and prince. BTW, how dumb was the prince to just turn his back on that women with the spear.![]()