NFL players have no excuse for getting caught with Ephedra in their system. Corey Stringer died in part due to his taking this PERFORMANCE-ENHANCING DRUG. Then Julius Peppers, the most productive rookie in 2002 was suspended for the last 4 games of 2002 because he had Ephedra in his system. The players have been briefed IN DEPTH about avoiding anything with ephedra. Peppers I think drunk a Red Bull or something and came up positive.
Anabolic steriods are legal substances. They're easy to get, just ask 60% of the 5A high school football players. My grandma takes some every year when her allergies get bad. Because the availability of these drugs is so high, the league cracks down hard on players who take them. The league has massive concern about these performance-enhancers because it drastically increases the risk of players DYING on the field, in training camp, or during practices, to say nothing of some 'roid raging role player making the vet minimum taking out Derrick Brooks' knees, or something.
If a player is caught with dope, or is tested positive for it, there is a process agreed to by both the league and the player's union, and a parallel process through the legal system. Because this is more of a "league image" thing, the penalties (within the league) are less severe, and are mirrored with other "negative image" policies, like spousal abuse.
Garcia talked with his trainers about NyQuil, why couldn't he have called them about his wife's cold medicine? I'm sorry that he was feeling bad, but this is your career. Pick up the phone.