-- Our hopes of making the playoffs are shot.
-- Warrick brings excitement, scoring and some rebounding into the game.
-- I expect that Siler will play solid defense and rebounding when given the chance.
-- Lopez has already had a mega-chance to show what he can do.
-- We'll have somewhat of an idea prior to next season of each player on our current roster. Siler is the only one who has been confined to just a few minutes of garbage time.
I don't know what your background is, but I question your personal insult to start the post. I have over thirty years of management experience, which includes taking chances on developing people to see their capabilities. That mindset is part of every post I've done.
It is amazing that you are still criticizing, despite my "mission" of talking up getting Gortat and Dudley into our starting lineup and now Gentry has finally come around to it.
Management of people, especially of millionaires (which I didn't manage) is an art. You have to look below the surface and be willing to take some chances to rise above mediocrity.
Wow, lighten up. I guess the smiley face isn't enough. None of us are qualified at running an NBA team, and yes, I also include you and your impeccable credentials. Apologies for making you so upset.
You are a well-spoken, intelligent guy BC, yet you post pretty much the same thing over and over and over and over. You always have, and it's pretty endearing in its way. Endearing, and tiresome.
And kudos for throwing Dudley in your paragraph above. Considering today is the first time you've advocated it, I don't think it is the same thing as consistently pushing for Gortat to start for months on end.
But if you think Siler will produce anything other than a few quick fouls, I don't know what else to tell you. You may be great at managing people, but it's not that difficult to see that while Siler has SOME talent, it certainly isn't enough to be a second center on an NBA team. I can't even see him as a starter on an NBDL team.
But, like you said, we haven't seen a lot of him, and I have no problem giving him some minutes, I just don't think we'll see anything out of him. He won't be better than Lopez, but then again, he might not be any worse either. I don't think playing him will help us in any way. We need to start looking at what we do for next season and I frankly don't see Siler in those plans--at least, not in a larger capacity than he is now.