Green Names Warner his Starting QB


Registered User
Oct 1, 2002
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Portland, OR
swd1974 said:
Those living in the past of kendall, mccown, shipp, bryant, and the othe rmac boys must be about to jump off a bridge. They must think dooms day is upon us. 0-16!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I would like to see Shipp do well. BJ I thought looked pretty good last year.... all things considered.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
swd1974 said:
Those living in the past of kendall, mccown, shipp, bryant, and the othe rmac boys must be about to jump off a bridge. They must think dooms day is upon us. 0-16!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Judging by Denny's quotes in the Urban article, it's only a matter of time before Shipp is benched as well. I don't know what's worse, the fact that McCown and Shipp were once the starting backfield for this team or that there's a vocal minority that was clamoring these guys to be the starters this upcoming season. Apparently they have forgotten about 2003.


Registered User
Oct 1, 2002
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Portland, OR
List of players from the Mac era-

Neil Rackers
Scott Player
Josh McCown
Damien Anderson
Adrian Wilson
Quentin Harris
Marcel Shipp
Josh Scobey
Rhett Nelson
James Hodgins
Nathan Hodel
James Darling
Gerald Hayes
Reggie Wells
Leonard Davis
Fred Wakefield
Bryant Johnson
Anquan Boldin
Lawrence Hamilton
Wendell Bryant
Kenny King
Calvin Pace
Russell Davis

23 total


Registered User
Oct 1, 2002
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Portland, OR
MaoTosiFanClub said:
Judging by Denny's quotes in the Urban article, it's only a matter of time before Shipp is benched as well. I don't know what's worse, the fact that McCown and Shipp were once the starting backfield for this team or that there's a vocal minority that was clamoring these guys to be the starters this upcoming season. Apparently they have forgotten about 2003.

I do not think Shipp will be the starter but the 2003 season was a debacle from the get go. Sullivan as the OC was the dumbest thing ever (He couldn't even get the plays out on time). The 2003 team was poorly coached which could have a lot to do with the how the players looked.

Edit: A perfect example is Adrian Wilson. During 2003 we all were wondering if he was going to pan out as our SS. 2004 certainly changed our minds. At least it did for me.

Evil Ash

Henchman Supreme
Jun 26, 2003
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On a flying cocoon
Not surprised by the decision although I thought he'd wait until training camp. I hope that Warner returns to form but make no question about it we will need the backup QB sometime this season. A guy with a history of injury problems and well known for holding the ball for too long behind an Oline not known for its pass blocking is begging for trouble. I just hope the two youngins learn from him before that occurs (I hope it doesn't but there's a lot that points to something happening)

Oh and I'm glad to see the maturity is back on the board. Most of us (if not all of us) were NOT saying that McCown "would" have a Brees like year, we were saying that it was possible. Reading comprehension is evidently a skill lacking on this board.

I just thought the "he will never do anything EVER" comments were going a bit too far.


Jan 12, 2005
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I dont even think Brees himself will have a Brees-like year again this year, much less McCown.

Evil Ash said:
Not surprised by the decision although I thought he'd wait until training camp. I hope that Warner returns to form but make no question about it we will need the backup QB sometime this season. A guy with a history of injury problems and well known for holding the ball for too long behind an Oline not known for its pass blocking is begging for trouble. I just hope the two youngins learn from him before that occurs (I hope it doesn't but there's a lot that points to something happening)

Oh and I'm glad to see the maturity is back on the board. Most of us (if not all of us) were NOT saying that McCown "would" have a Brees like year, we were saying that it was possible. Reading comprehension is evidently a skill lacking on this board.

I just thought the "he will never do anything EVER" comments were going a bit too far.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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BigRedFan said:
I dont even think Brees himself will have a Brees-like year again this year, much less McCown.

Unless he changes his last name every year is a Brees year for him. But I agree with your point he may have had a career year although given how weak their WR's were last year that's hard to say.


Big Man Himself
Jul 11, 2002
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Fresno, CA
Brees will be an above average QB from here on out. It clicked for him his rookie year, then he regressed, but I expect last year was a little more around his abilities. Of course it helps that they have the best RB and TE in the league and an above average WR corps to boot.

I'm just amazed there was a press release about Warner. I figured everybody knew that already. That's like announcing Rolle will be a rookie this year.


Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ.
kerouac9 said:
So much for that Brees-type come-back season, huh, Josh-jockers?

Gimme a break K9. No one honestly thought Josh was gonna start, but some of us believe he can still be a good QB. You better wait till after the season starts before you start crowing or you might be eating some of that crow.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
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Can I change my name to Josh Jocker..... it's kinda catchy.

Seriously most of us defending the guy simply pointed out that others expecting miracles with last years team configured as it was were delusional.

Put Warner on that team and the media is still writing about him much the same as they did after his year with the Giants and all those Warner, root for he latest QB yet to play a down for us, ergo Johnny come lately etc etc. Ergo Navarre nuzzlers would have been screaming for the next contestant on YOU CAN"T WIN!

Josh is alright by me, pushed into starting because we had to draft you know who, held up alright for a kid and I'm glad he's on the team.

I agree Warner should start though and never thought it was going to be a legit competition from the start.

Warner could get hurt though, and if he dosen't win DG is going to start doing rain dances on the sideline.


Jan 12, 2005
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Josh is a solid backup, he has a full year of experience, will benefit from a veteran, and can step in and play without throwing a lot of picks. Just what you want from a backup, someone that wont lose the game for you.

conraddobler said:
Can I change my name to Josh Jocker..... it's kinda catchy.

Seriously most of us defending the guy simply pointed out that others expecting miracles with last years team configured as it was were delusional.

Put Warner on that team and the media is still writing about him much the same as they did after his year with the Giants and all those Warner, root for he latest QB yet to play a down for us, ergo Johnny come lately etc etc. Ergo Navarre nuzzlers would have been screaming for the next contestant on YOU CAN"T WIN!

Josh is alright by me, pushed into starting because we had to draft you know who, held up alright for a kid and I'm glad he's on the team.

I agree Warner should start though and never thought it was going to be a legit competition from the start.

Warner could get hurt though, and if he dosen't win DG is going to start doing rain dances on the sideline.


Sep 28, 2002
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I think that what makes this a great move by DG is that he has now put the focus for the upcoming camp back on the TEAM rather than the Qb battle or the running back battle. It really is a smart and necessary move for a team poised to make a leap into the playoffs. Leadership is a key ingredient that the team lacked last season on the offensive side of the ball. Emmitt did all he could but we need it from the Qb position. Josh McCown can learn alot from Kurt Warner and I would expect him to. The Wr leaders can now go about there jobs rather than have to worry about being the guy everyone turns to to be a vocal leader. Kurt can do it. Josh was not prepared for that last season and it showed in close games. He went so many games trying not to make a mistake that it cost us games. A seasoned Kurt Warner won't do that he will know at what point in a game he has to take chances and at what point he has to pull back and go conservative. If we had picked up one of the other Qb in FA I would not be as happy with this move. But with Kurt Warner...his resume speaks for itself....when he is healthy he is the guy you want running your team. Josh can backup and come in if and when Kurt is hurt. If Kurt is over his multiple concusions then he should at least get off to a good start behind our new line. They better block for him better than they did for Josh last season or we are in a pit again. I think they will. Go Cards!!


Feb 21, 2004
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McCown will start more games than Warner in 2005. No need for your comments now. Let's revisit this in December. McCown will prove to be a much improved QB this year. Good NFL QB's are not made overnight.


Cap Casualty
Aug 12, 2003
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If Warner puts up pro bowl numbers this year, he'll have 30 teams to chose from in 2006-2007. If Warner starts looking fantastic, I hope the Cards try to sign him to a longer deal.

But if he sucks, Graves should have Darnell kick his ass. :mad:


Cap Casualty
Aug 12, 2003
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Toro said:
McCown will start more games than Warner in 2005. No need for your comments now. Let's revisit this in December. McCown will prove to be a much improved QB this year. Good NFL QB's are not made overnight.

And crappy QBs stay crappy over time, too. It's too easy to tell for Josh, but as of last year there were a whole bunch of NFL QBs that were better than him.


R U gonna B My Girl
Oct 21, 2002
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Chandler AZ.
I'm glad

we seem to be set. It does make a big difference going into camp.
Shipp/Arrington-will both get their carries, along with Hambrick and Hodgins.
Bryant johnson will be the difference maker for the receivers this year.
We all want to win. The baiting of people by backhanded insult, because they like what they've seen in a player is childish. SWD K-whine, c'mon. Can McCown help us? Yes. Being around Warner, and it seems they spend some time together, will be very good for him.
Can he step in and light it up? I've no doubt. Will he? sometimes I have doubts.
Will Warner be 80% of what he was? I'm hoping. Green made a good move so everyone can start getting used to each others nuances. There are little things each player does in every situation, that you have to know so you can protect each other. This is pee wee training. Know where the other guy has a tendency to go.
If we have a revolving door at O line again, Warner is in trouble.
My question to all of you that continue to slam McCown for no reason, this year, is why aren't you working in player evaluation for some NFL team? My own answer to that is you suck at it. Green wouldn't keep McCown if he thought the way some of you do.
Green has made mistakes with this team, including pulling McCown last year. His reason about the D was bogus, i talked to a couple of the D players and they said as much.
But, I don't think he's making a mistake naming some starters and puttting others on notice that he expects them to come in and make an impact.
This team is changing and for the better. Some of my favorite players, and some who are friends, aren't where I'd like them to be. But, they know and I know, it's about the team. Greens making decisions to put, what he sees right now, as the most competitive team he can on the field. I gotta go with him, until it's proven otherwise. I like McCown have been around him a bit, but, i want what's best for the team (and so does he). Greens doing the right thing right now.
What should happen is stopping the ******** backstabbing remarks to others for having a difference of opinion than you.
It's time to rise up, no matter who starts and fly with the Cardinals. We will win the division this year fellas.


Herfin BIg Time
Apr 1, 2003
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In A Cigar Bar Near You
jstadvl said:
we seem to be set. It does make a big difference going into camp.
Shipp/Arrington-will both get their carries, along with Hambrick and Hodgins.
Bryant johnson will be the difference maker for the receivers this year.
We all want to win. The baiting of people by backhanded insult, because they like what they've seen in a player is childish. SWD K-whine, c'mon. Can McCown help us? Yes. Being around Warner, and it seems they spend some time together, will be very good for him.
Can he step in and light it up? I've no doubt. Will he? sometimes I have doubts.
Will Warner be 80% of what he was? I'm hoping. Green made a good move so everyone can start getting used to each others nuances. There are little things each player does in every situation, that you have to know so you can protect each other. This is pee wee training. Know where the other guy has a tendency to go.
If we have a revolving door at O line again, Warner is in trouble.
My question to all of you that continue to slam McCown for no reason, this year, is why aren't you working in player evaluation for some NFL team? My own answer to that is you suck at it. Green wouldn't keep McCown if he thought the way some of you do.
Green has made mistakes with this team, including pulling McCown last year. His reason about the D was bogus, i talked to a couple of the D players and they said as much.
But, I don't think he's making a mistake naming some starters and puttting others on notice that he expects them to come in and make an impact.
This team is changing and for the better. Some of my favorite players, and some who are friends, aren't where I'd like them to be. But, they know and I know, it's about the team. Greens making decisions to put, what he sees right now, as the most competitive team he can on the field. I gotta go with him, until it's proven otherwise. I like McCown have been around him a bit, but, i want what's best for the team (and so does he). Greens doing the right thing right now.
What should happen is stopping the ******** backstabbing remarks to others for having a difference of opinion than you.
It's time to rise up, no matter who starts and fly with the Cardinals. We will win the division this year fellas.

:thumbup: Nice post


ASFN Addict
Aug 11, 2002
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Scarsdale, NY
Starting RB

With Warner being named as the starting QB, the starting RB better be able to block. Shipp, who has the size to be a good blocker, was not that good a couple of years back. Has he improved? Arrington, from what I've read, is a willing but not an accomplished blocker. Hambrick has the size but I don't know if he's considered an accomplished blocker. One thing in Arrington's favor might be the threat he represents (draw play) in passing situations. At any rate pass blocking in training camp and the preseason games will probably go a long way in determing the starter.

Crazy Canuck

May 14, 2002
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swd1974 said:
Those living in the past of kendall, mccown, shipp, bryant, and the othe rmac boys must be about to jump off a bridge. They must think dooms day is upon us. 0-16!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The last living member of that group was Tango... now, figuratively, deceased.

We are all "Greenites"

Move on. :)


May 14, 2002
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Holmdel, NJ
Secondly, what happened to letting them be decided in camp?
I like the way this move has evolved.

Contrary to a couple of opinions, I don't think that Warner being a starter was a slam dunk when we signed him. I believe that Green was genuine when - at the time - he said the competition for starting QB would be wide open. But I also believe Dennis was hoping strongly that Warner would step up and win the job.

From the first minute he set foot on AZ soil, Warner recognized he had a golden opportunity, seized the day and assumed a leadership position from the gitgo. And apparently, he's been throwing well enough to convince Green that he's the man.

One of my favorite sayings is that - "when you open your front door and find a tiger standing out there, you don't need to develop a marketing plan to tell you that you're about to be eaten and you'd better take action pretty fast." To Dennis' credit, once he realized that Warner had made a convincing case on the field and in the huddle that he should be the starter, he didn't let any grass grow under his feet.

That said - knowing Green's previous MO: Just because you've been anointed "starter" doesn't mean you've been anointed for life. Dennis Green will make any move at any time that will, in his opinion, improve this football team - because, as they say: "he can." The starting job is Kurt's - until it isn't.