I'm glad
we seem to be set. It does make a big difference going into camp.
Shipp/Arrington-will both get their carries, along with Hambrick and Hodgins.
Bryant johnson will be the difference maker for the receivers this year.
We all want to win. The baiting of people by backhanded insult, because they like what they've seen in a player is childish. SWD K-whine, c'mon. Can McCown help us? Yes. Being around Warner, and it seems they spend some time together, will be very good for him.
Can he step in and light it up? I've no doubt. Will he? sometimes I have doubts.
Will Warner be 80% of what he was? I'm hoping. Green made a good move so everyone can start getting used to each others nuances. There are little things each player does in every situation, that you have to know so you can protect each other. This is pee wee training. Know where the other guy has a tendency to go.
If we have a revolving door at O line again, Warner is in trouble.
My question to all of you that continue to slam McCown for no reason, this year, is why aren't you working in player evaluation for some NFL team? My own answer to that is you suck at it. Green wouldn't keep McCown if he thought the way some of you do.
Green has made mistakes with this team, including pulling McCown last year. His reason about the D was bogus, i talked to a couple of the D players and they said as much.
But, I don't think he's making a mistake naming some starters and puttting others on notice that he expects them to come in and make an impact.
This team is changing and for the better. Some of my favorite players, and some who are friends, aren't where I'd like them to be. But, they know and I know, it's about the team. Greens making decisions to put, what he sees right now, as the most competitive team he can on the field. I gotta go with him, until it's proven otherwise. I like McCown have been around him a bit, but, i want what's best for the team (and so does he). Greens doing the right thing right now.
What should happen is stopping the ******** backstabbing remarks to others for having a difference of opinion than you.
It's time to rise up, no matter who starts and fly with the Cardinals. We will win the division this year fellas.