Green Names Warner his Starting QB


Sep 28, 2002
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jstadvl said:
we seem to be set. It does make a big difference going into camp.
Shipp/Arrington-will both get their carries, along with Hambrick and Hodgins.
Bryant johnson will be the difference maker for the receivers this year.
We all want to win. The baiting of people by backhanded insult, because they like what they've seen in a player is childish. SWD K-whine, c'mon. Can McCown help us? Yes. Being around Warner, and it seems they spend some time together, will be very good for him.
Can he step in and light it up? I've no doubt. Will he? sometimes I have doubts.
Will Warner be 80% of what he was? I'm hoping. Green made a good move so everyone can start getting used to each others nuances. There are little things each player does in every situation, that you have to know so you can protect each other. This is pee wee training. Know where the other guy has a tendency to go.
If we have a revolving door at O line again, Warner is in trouble.
My question to all of you that continue to slam McCown for no reason, this year, is why aren't you working in player evaluation for some NFL team? My own answer to that is you suck at it. Green wouldn't keep McCown if he thought the way some of you do.
Green has made mistakes with this team, including pulling McCown last year. His reason about the D was bogus, i talked to a couple of the D players and they said as much.
But, I don't think he's making a mistake naming some starters and puttting others on notice that he expects them to come in and make an impact.
This team is changing and for the better. Some of my favorite players, and some who are friends, aren't where I'd like them to be. But, they know and I know, it's about the team. Greens making decisions to put, what he sees right now, as the most competitive team he can on the field. I gotta go with him, until it's proven otherwise. I like McCown have been around him a bit, but, i want what's best for the team (and so does he). Greens doing the right thing right now.
What should happen is stopping the ******** backstabbing remarks to others for having a difference of opinion than you.
It's time to rise up, no matter who starts and fly with the Cardinals. We will win the division this year fellas.
:thewave: You the Man Devil, You the Man!


ASFN Lifer
May 19, 2003
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Norh Little Rock, Arkansas
kerouac9 said:
I think that the Josh McCown we saw last season, the one that stunk up the field, sulked, couldn't put points on the board, couldn't lead the team, and couldn't make a potentially dynamic offense run was the Josh McCown that's always going to be.
kerouac9 said:
Sulked??????? When did McCown sulk last year? He was clearly disappointed when Green benched him at the end of the falcons game but he did not sulk!!!! I would have been disappointed too and so would've you likely as well. He showed a lot of class cheering on King for both of the games he started and he was talking to and consulting with Navarre for his game against the Lions too. Josh showed a lot of class in all 3 of those instances last year. Especially considering he didn't know he wasn't going to start that 1st game of the 3 until the night before!!!! He could have had a huge chip on his shoulder because of the last minute nature of it all be he didn't!!! He held his head up and was a total team player!!! BTW he did not stink up the field at the end of the Dolphins game when he threw that winning TD pass to Fitz against the Dolphins and he tore up the Rams at SDS too. So there goes "your stunk up the field" argument!!!!


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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BigRedArk said:
kerouac9 said:
BTW he did not stink up the field at the end of the Dolphins game when he threw that winning TD pass to Fitz against the Dolphins and he tore up the Rams at SDS too. So there goes "your stunk up the field" argument!!!!

do you like exclamation points? The Ram game was a nice performance but the fact that you have that one game and another game where your crowing aboutleading an offense to 17 points and BARELY squeaking out a win against a team that won 3 games all season doesn't exactly throw out the "stunk up the field" argument. Our first TD pass was thrown by a RUNNING BACK in Game 4 - if that doesn't tell you something...

That being said - it should be a nice battle for the number 2 spot and either one of those guys is a hell of a lot better than what we've usually had back there as the back-up.


Herfin BIg Time
Apr 1, 2003
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In A Cigar Bar Near You
Russ Smith said:
He did bench him, he just didn't get rid of him yet like he did with the other guys he replaced.

Believe me I'm not saying Josh played well and I'm not saying Green doesn't think Josh had a lot to do with the offensive stinkfest, I'm convinced he does think that.

I just think Green figured it's pretty tough to replace all 3 QB's in one year and who knows how much longer Warner will be around, so he kept both Josh and Navarre for one more year just hoping one of them will blossom.

Sort of like how when you get a crappy hand in video poker you keep the card Jack or higher hoping you get lucky and get another one in the next draw.

Josh has a lot of improvement to show this year if he wants to play for us again next year.

Nicely put Russ. Another thing to concider is that Warner still has a lot of questions to be answered. I for one hope he blows up and leads us to the playoffs, but until then we need JM as a back up. JN is not ready to be an everyday starter IMO.


Apr 16, 2004
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Evil Ash said:
Not surprised by the decision although I thought he'd wait until training camp. I hope that Warner returns to form but make no question about it we will need the backup QB sometime this season. A guy with a history of injury problems and well known for holding the ball for too long behind an Oline not known for its pass blocking is begging for trouble. I just hope the two youngins learn from him before that occurs (I hope it doesn't but there's a lot that points to something happening)

Oh and I'm glad to see the maturity is back on the board. Most of us (if not all of us) were NOT saying that McCown "would" have a Brees like year, we were saying that it was possible. Reading comprehension is evidently a skill lacking on this board.

I just thought the "he will never do anything EVER" comments were going a bit too far.

Why do you feel the need to insult people who have an opinion different than your own? It would be a boring world if everybody had the same opinion. There is more than enough meanness going around this country without you adding more.
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Apr 16, 2004
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You know it is nice to have my opinion confimed soon after I made this same point by an article where Green says Warner is the starter. I said the competition was Warner showing up for camp and not being injured during camp.

I also said the Cardinals have a revenue problem and that was disputed. There is another article saying the Cardinals revenue was 100 million less than the Redskins. That has to effect the product on the field. Bidwill or any owner just cant absorb that kind of difference without it effecting operations.
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Nov 15, 2002
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SE Valley
I really don't understand why this continues to be such a hot button topic.

Warner has proven that he is a better QB than McCown; not only based on past performances, but apparently also in the limited training sessions held so far this year... Warner is the Cardinals starting QB, no one is surprised and everyone of us should be excited at the prospect. This guy has been the league MVP!!! That doesn't happen by accident, and I for one don't believe that he is washed-up. If the Cardinals have decent OL performance, Warner will have a great year!

McCown, on the other hand, will be excellent as the backup! He may never be more than a solid #2 guy, but what the heck is wrong with that??? Josh wants to be a starter (Would you want it any other way?); but he will accept his role and give it everything he's got, to support the team. And he will learn from Warner!

I've got a question for those "talent evaluators" who believe McCown sucks. Why didn't the Cards give him the lowest tender offer? I mean it is so obvious that he sucks, no other team would give McCown the time of day, right?

I suggest letting this topic rest until the games begin, or at least until camp begins in Flagstaff. The 2005 Cardinals have a stronger QB lineup, top to bottom, than at anytime since Neil Lomax played!


I'm saying you ARE stuck in Wichita
Mar 20, 2003
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CardLogic said:
I really don't understand why this continues to be such a hot button topic.

Warner has proven that he is a better QB than McCown; not only based on past performances, but apparently also in the limited training sessions held so far this year... Warner is the Cardinals starting QB, no one is surprised and everyone of us should be excited at the prospect. This guy has been the league MVP!!! That doesn't happen by accident, and I for one don't believe that he is washed-up. If the Cardinals have decent OL performance, Warner will have a great year!

McCown, on the other hand, will be excellent as the backup! He may never be more than a solid #2 guy, but what the heck is wrong with that??? Josh wants to be a starter (Would you want it any other way?); but he will accept his role and give it everything he's got, to support the team. And he will learn from Warner!

I've got a question for those "talent evaluators" who believe McCown sucks. Why didn't the Cards give him the lowest tender offer? I mean it is so obvious that he sucks, no other team would give McCown the time of day, right?

I suggest letting this topic rest until the games begin, or at least until camp begins in Flagstaff. The 2005 Cardinals have a stronger QB lineup, top to bottom, than at anytime since Neil Lomax played!

I concur 110%...why anyone is surprised or anti anybody is beyond me. Josh can learn from Kurt and is a solid back-up, I'm comfortable with that...


Superbowl, Homeboy!
May 14, 2002
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Expat in Kuala Lumpur
CardLogic said:
I really don't understand why this continues to be such a hot button topic.

Warner has proven that he is a better QB than McCown; not only based on past performances, but apparently also in the limited training sessions held so far this year... Warner is the Cardinals starting QB, no one is surprised and everyone of us should be excited at the prospect. This guy has been the league MVP!!! That doesn't happen by accident, and I for one don't believe that he is washed-up. If the Cardinals have decent OL performance, Warner will have a great year!

McCown, on the other hand, will be excellent as the backup! He may never be more than a solid #2 guy, but what the heck is wrong with that??? Josh wants to be a starter (Would you want it any other way?); but he will accept his role and give it everything he's got, to support the team. And he will learn from Warner!

I've got a question for those "talent evaluators" who believe McCown sucks. Why didn't the Cards give him the lowest tender offer? I mean it is so obvious that he sucks, no other team would give McCown the time of day, right?

I suggest letting this topic rest until the games begin, or at least until camp begins in Flagstaff. The 2005 Cardinals have a stronger QB lineup, top to bottom, than at anytime since Neil Lomax played!

Ahh, a voice of reason....

"Our" Warner will probably not be as good as the MVP Warner, but he's not washed up yet. He was pretty good for the Giants last year in a system that wasn't really that good a fit for him behind a terrible pass-blocking OL and without quality WRs. Warner is still better than anybody that started for us in years (basicly since Stoney...)

McCown was not ready to start last year - at least not for such an inexperienced team. As the season went along and both Josh and the team matured he was a lot better. He still has some way to go until he's a quality starter, but who knows how much he'll improved during this off-season with more experince and Warner there. I still think Josh could be the long term answer for us.

P.S. There's a joke hidden in there...


Sep 28, 2002
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BigRedMO said:
Why do you feel the need to insult people who have an opinion different than your own? It would be a boring world if everybody had the same opinion. There is more than enough meanness going around this country without you adding more.
Evil hasn't responded but I will, because he and others of us were called out, and called Josh Jockers, Mcoolaiders, by guys that said JM wouldn't be on the team and would be selling insurance this season. I don't see that his response was any different than the minority that believe JM is not an NFL QB. There responses were just as snide. I for one am glad we tendered him at the high level and he will be on the team. We will need him if Kurt is hurt. I think that the anti Josh crowd wouldn't know Qb skills(which Josh and Kurt have) if it hit them in the eye. There the same ones that did not want Kurt Warner on the team because of his injury history but now champion him. All I can say to that is " Whatever". I have clammed up for the most part on this issue because I respect Kurt and I am glad he is here. But if called out as we were we will voice our opinion. Like it dislike it....really doesn't come into the equation. As long as it is civil.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
Rats said:
Evil hasn't responded but I will, because he and others of us were called out, and called Josh Jockers, Mcoolaiders, by guys that said JM wouldn't be on the team and would be selling insurance this season. I don't see that his response was any different than the minority that believe JM is not an NFL QB. There responses were just as snide. I for one am glad we tendered him at the high level and he will be on the team. We will need him if Kurt is hurt. I think that the anti Josh crowd wouldn't know Qb skills(which Josh and Kurt have) if it hit them in the eye. There the same ones that did not want Kurt Warner on the team because of his injury history but now champion him. All I can say to that is " Whatever". I have clammed up for the most part on this issue because I respect Kurt and I am glad he is here. But if called out as we were we will voice our opinion. Like it dislike it....really doesn't come into the equation. As long as it is civil.
Sorry about that, I didn't know you and the rest of the Josh McCown Fan Club had drawn a line in the sand. I'll be sure not to call you out anymore for being horribly wrong for the past six months.



Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
Rats said:
There the same ones that did not want Kurt Warner on the team because of his injury history but now champion him.

I don't know who here is "championing" Kurt Warner that also wanted to bury Josh McCown. I think that it's a testament to how horrible McCown is/was that an old, broken-down Kurt Warner could come in and replace him basically as soon as he came to town. Find where I or even Mao crowed about Warner's MVP trophies. He's the ultimate system QB.


I'm saying you ARE stuck in Wichita
Mar 20, 2003
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Rats said:
Evil hasn't responded but I will, because he and others of us were called out, and called Josh Jockers, Mcoolaiders, by guys that said JM wouldn't be on the team and would be selling insurance this season. I don't see that his response was any different than the minority that believe JM is not an NFL QB. There responses were just as snide. I for one am glad we tendered him at the high level and he will be on the team. We will need him if Kurt is hurt. I think that the anti Josh crowd wouldn't know Qb skills(which Josh and Kurt have) if it hit them in the eye. There the same ones that did not want Kurt Warner on the team because of his injury history but now champion him. All I can say to that is " Whatever". I have clammed up for the most part on this issue because I respect Kurt and I am glad he is here. But if called out as we were we will voice our opinion. Like it dislike it....really doesn't come into the equation. As long as it is civil.

I'm assuming you mean minority when speaking about the board and not the rest of the NFL world cuz when I talk to ANYONE from anyhwere other than AZ they either don't know who McCowm is or say "Oh yeah, that guy" with a chuckle...


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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ugh - I can't believe you guys are still talking about this...


I'm saying you ARE stuck in Wichita
Mar 20, 2003
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cheesebeef said:
ugh - I can't believe you guys are still talking about this...

I know, why am I still posting???? Shoot me...shoot me now!:trout:


Apr 16, 2004
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Rats said:
Evil hasn't responded but I will, because he and others of us were called out, and called Josh Jockers, Mcoolaiders, by guys that said JM wouldn't be on the team and would be selling insurance this season. I don't see that his response was any different than the minority that believe JM is not an NFL QB. There responses were just as snide. I for one am glad we tendered him at the high level and he will be on the team. We will need him if Kurt is hurt. I think that the anti Josh crowd wouldn't know Qb skills(which Josh and Kurt have) if it hit them in the eye. There the same ones that did not want Kurt Warner on the team because of his injury history but now champion him. All I can say to that is " Whatever". I have clammed up for the most part on this issue because I respect Kurt and I am glad he is here. But if called out as we were we will voice our opinion. Like it dislike it....really doesn't come into the equation. As long as it is civil.

Here goes my Dudley Doright or Mr Rogers impression:
Calling someone a nickname like those referred to is in my opinion not the same as questioning posters maturity and reading comprehension. I just see the names as funny and not really insulting. I was and am a Plummer fan and dont get offended by being said to be on Plummer coolaid. However, it seems to me that if the names offend you why dont you ask the person to not do it. I think this place would be much more civil that way. We are all Cardinals fans. We may disagree about the means but we all agree on the end goal. How others behave on this is not any of my business so I will try not to comment again on civility. I would just like for this place to reamin civil and a place for the discussion of ideas and not a place for personal attacks. We have enough of that all over the tv and radio.
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Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Stout said:
Yet you're still reading ze thread. Very enterestingk. Vould you like to lay on ze couch, mestar cheezebeef?

Stout - you been sucking back on grandpa's old cough medicine, have ya?

Evil Ash

Henchman Supreme
Jun 26, 2003
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On a flying cocoon
cheesebeef said:
ugh - I can't believe you guys are still talking about this...

and you wonder why I wanted this subject to go away until training camp?

Same regurgitated crap over again ... Bidwill is cheap, Warner will return to MVP form, Josh sucks and will never amount to anything, blah, blah, blah. The simple fact is we don't really know whats going on in Green's mind in terms of the QB position or the direction of the team for that matter. We are simply giving speculation and opinion and IT GOES NOWHERE.

I prefer to just go with it and see what happens. I just hate when people use terms like "never"


I'm saying you ARE stuck in Wichita
Mar 20, 2003
Reaction score
Evil Ash said:
and you wonder why I wanted this subject to go away until training camp?

I prefer to just go with it and see whathappens. I just hate when people use terms like "never"

Yeah but what if it's used in a sentence, say like "I will NEVER like the Cowboys"...?:)

Evil Ash

Henchman Supreme
Jun 26, 2003
Reaction score
On a flying cocoon
blindseyed said:
Yeah but what if it's used in a sentence, say like "I will NEVER like the Cowboys"...?:)

Oooo got me on that one. Maybe I should change it to not using the term "never" when it comes to a prospect's future.

Better? ;)


ASFN Lifer
May 19, 2003
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Norh Little Rock, Arkansas
cheesebeef said:
do you like exclamation points? The Ram game was a nice performance but the fact that you have that one game and another game where your crowing aboutleading an offense to 17 points and BARELY squeaking out a win against a team that won 3 games all season doesn't exactly throw out the "stunk up the field" argument. Our first TD pass was thrown by a RUNNING BACK in Game 4 - if that doesn't tell you something...

That being said - it should be a nice battle for the number 2 spot and either one of those guys is a hell of a lot better than what we've usually had back there as the back-up.

Me like exclamation points?????? How did you arrive at that cheesy? :D Those sorry Dolphins just happened to beat the world champ Pats last year too cheese. Maybe the Dolphin D had something to do with that barely squeaking out a win huh? Besides the pass to Fitz right before the TD and then the TD to Fitz negates what happened prior. The ends justifies the means!!!!!!!!!


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
cheesebeef said:
Stout - you been sucking back on grandpa's old cough medicine, have ya?

You'd better not taste it to make won't like it.

Now tell me what movie I just referenced, mister smartie pants :p


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Stout said:
You'd better not taste it to make won't like it.

Now tell me what movie I just referenced, mister smartie pants :p

MOCK - Yeah - ING - Yeah - BIRD - Yeah - Yeah - YEAH!

Did you mean to ask what movie was I referencing there Stout my lad?

Between the COP in Dumb and Dumber and the hitchhiker in Mary - Harlan Williams gives the Farrely Brothers their best moments on film.

SEVEN! You know, seven sevens, sevn elevenm, seven chipmunks, twirling a branch, eating lots of sunflowers on my unlce's ranch. You remember that old children's tale from the SEA! It's like your talking gorgonzola when it's clearly BREE TIME BABY. Step into my office...