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Hermoine isn't legal yet.
12.5 days left
We're finishing up Order on the audiobooks...
My six year old daughter loves them...we just picked up HBP at the library. we have about 20 hours of Potter to go to get her caught up. Then I think my wife is going to read book 7 to her (she's read the first four to her) after she is finished reading it for herself first, of course.
Going to try to go to the movie on opening night, but want to finish Order first...hadn't read that one in a while.
My first year of college, I was a pothead. Now I'm a Potthead.
Just pre-ordered this on Amazon...they are guaranteeing delivery on the 21st for standard shipping, or it's free.
Just finished Spinners End (chapter two) of book 6...coming home from work and listening to it as we get dinner ready, then sitting on the couch and relaxing with our 6 year old daughter while the 4 year old boy plays with toys (not interested).
I walked out of the house this morning with my ipod on and my daughter says in horror "Daddy! Don't listen to Harry Potter without me!" and I laughed and said no, we'll do that when I get home. She then walks me to the door talking about Snape and Malfoy and what Voldemort wants Malfoy to do, etc. She's a riot...she follows everything so closely and gets it all. I'm a little surprised...we pause it and ask her questions, and she gets it all right all the time.
We've got 9 days to finish 16 more discs. Hopefully this weekend we can knock off a bunch of them.
If Harry Potter dies one book after Dumbledore, I will curse JK's ancestors.I am terrified someone I really like is going to get snuffed in this book.
I can deal with it if it's Harry...only because plot wise it would be necessary if it plays out the way I think it might.
Ron...I'd be kind of upset. Hagrid too.
If JK kills off Hermione though, I will be incredibly sad. I'm worried she might, and I don't know why. Having re-read these last few books, and working on 6 right now I realize that she is completely my favorite character of the lot.
Awesome interview with Jim Dale, who does the audiobooks. If you have never heard them, the guy is simply amazing...an incredible reader for the series.
DD, a friend of mine has a two year old who watched the movie and then proceeded to wait by the window calling for Harry, Ron, and Hermione to come visit him.
D-Dogg's daughter put an expecto patronum spell on me when she was two.
was it a corporeal patronous?
if so, what form did it take?