Superbowl, Homeboy!
But since we don't know what they'll do, it's hard to conclude that it's NOT good planning.Translate: the plan is Oliver Ross.
No, I don't know as much as they do, and I don't for sure know what their plan is. It doesn't look good, whatever it is, is all I'm saying. We're entering a draft where we desperately need a few key guys to fall to us at positions that are weak in this draft. That's not good planning, IMO.
We don't know how Whiz rates the draft prospects. Is not far fetched to guess that Whiz and especially Grimm are drooling over Levi Brown's talent and leadership ability. Maybe they have Brown rated around #5-#6 overall and will take him at #5 if Thomas isn't there. I they rate him that high, then it's a good plan based on the rest of the off-season moves.
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