Originally posted by Ed B
Tell us how this team is still going to make the playoffs.
Let's go bump some pre-season threads if you're running low on ideas.
Originally posted by bratwurst
Ed: Please post your excuse for being an cornholio here.
Originally posted by DRVNFAST
Well it's hard to argue with Ed on this one. WE SUCK .
Originally posted by ajcardfan
I think Ed has a brain tumor that has altered his personality. That's the only plausible explanation I can think of for what used to be a pretty good guy acting like a total jerk.
Originally posted by KingofCards
I was thinking the same thing.
Why this dude doesn't get banned is beyond me.
Originally posted by KingofCards
I was thinking the same thing.
Why this dude doesn't get banned is beyond me.
Originally posted by arthurracoon
I think the Cardinal curse has taken its toll on him, just like Frodo's ring.
He is still a fan, but has acknowledged the truth about this team.
Originally posted by arthurracoon
Lets all calm down.
I think we can all agree that the Cards are not playing well right now.
Lets move on and stop calling people names.
Originally posted by bratwurst
Another thing - how he didn't get banned after that **** he pulled a month or so back during a game at Ryan, is completely beyond me.
Originally posted by bratwurst
He actually used to have good takes, now he's about as bad a troll as the NEM himself.
Originally posted by bratwurst
******** - he isn't acknowledging crap about this team. He's calling out the people on this board who wanted to believe that their team might do something this year.
Its one thing for all of us to be pissed off that the team sucks balls right now - its another to come here and say "I told you so" like a whining little prick.
Originally posted by arthurracoon
BTW, in my sig, do I need to change FloridaCard to Assface?
Originally posted by Ed B
Tell us how this team is still going to make the playoffs.
Let's go bump some pre-season threads if you're running low on ideas.