How important is an offensive line ?

Cards Czar

The Bird is the Word
May 14, 2002
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Alton, Ill
Kerouac9 I have a question for you.

I have been here since the begining and I have never seen or heard you speak once anything good about the Cards?

Are you a Cardinal Fan?

If not, why are you here?

I am just curious that is all.

Navy Mike


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
Zona (Navy Mike), I wrote extensively about my tender feelings about the Cards in the thread I created titled "Why Do You Follow the Cardinals?" (Why Do You Follow the Cardinals?). Actually, I like the Cards, but I think that some of the people on this board get carried away about some things that, in comparison to the rest of the league, are just all right.

One of these things is saying that we have the best offensive line in the league, or a "dominant" offensive line. I have seen little evidence of this. At the beginning of the last two seasons, there has been talk about the Cards being a "power running team," "jamming the ball down the opposing D's throats," and "ball-control offense." The past two years, we've ended up throwing the ball over and over starting in the middle of the second quarter, with mixed results. This seems to be evidence, to me, that our line is good, but far from "dominant." They're talented, and have the potential to be dominant, but haven't performed to that level. Yet. And we still don't have a starting center.

Another is James Hodgins. It was a good signing, and an upgrade over Joel Mackovicka, but if Hodgins represents, as some on this board have asserted, the best acquisition of this offseason, then we're in for a long on-season, indeed. I don't think that anyone looked at the 2002 season and said, "You know, this team is a fullback away from postseason contention."

There's a lot to like about this team, despite the stumblings so far in the offseason. I'm excited to get a look at Levar Fisher, and see Adrian Wilson (hopefully) become one of the best players at his position. I'm interested in what happens with Blake and the passing game (though I'm skeptical about the results). I'm excited to see KVB live up to his billing, and see Calvin Pace try to win over Card fans with his performance on the field. I want to see Wendell Bryant become the second coming of Warren Sapp.

I've always been one to think that the real fan is one who can look at his team and see it for all it's flaws and still like it, but admit to it's shortcomings, not overlook or gloss over them. I cheer for the team on Sundays, and will call out players if I don't think they belong on the team, or in their place on the depth chart. If you don't think that's being a "fan," then I don't have a lot of respect for you. That's not being a fan, that's being a homer and a cheerleader. There's nothing wrong with that, just call it as it is.


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
Originally posted by Krangthebrain
Above average to good, missing 3 to 5 starters and never having the entire line healthy at the same time.

The line also had to face a lot of eight man fronts, since they had a QB that couldn't beat the blitz to save his life and a bunch of lame receivers the entire season. So the line was quite impressive last year, or at least imo.

I agree, it was impressive, but can you honestly look at the production (not the potential) from this line the past two years and say that they're dominant? The Cards probably have a Top 10 offensive line, and they'll probably need one if Blake is going to have much success here in 2003. But, I don't think, based on what I've seen from them the past two years, that it's a Top 3 to 5, dominant line. It has the potential to be such, but I don't see it being there yet.

I don't give injuries a lot of credit as an excuse for poor performance. I look at what the team has put on the field. If the backups are bad, that's a problem with the team, coaching, and scouting, and a variable that should be expected. Look at the Packers. They had just as many O-line injuries as we did, and went to the playoffs.


Captain of Team Murray
Jul 21, 2002
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Orange County, CA
Originally posted by kerouac9
I agree, it was impressive, but can you honestly look at the production (not the potential) from this line the past two years and say that they're dominant? The Cards probably have a Top 10 offensive line, and they'll probably need one if Blake is going to have much success here in 2003. But, I don't think, based on what I've seen from them the past two years, that it's a Top 3 to 5, dominant line. It has the potential to be such, but I don't see it being there yet.

I don't give injuries a lot of credit as an excuse for poor performance. I look at what the team has put on the field. If the backups are bad, that's a problem with the team, coaching, and scouting, and a variable that should be expected. Look at the Packers. They had just as many O-line injuries as we did, and went to the playoffs.

I don't put too much stock in injuries (unless very relevant). In the case of an offensive line, health is one of the main keys for being a dominant line.

Another key, is the play of skill players. If the skill players on offense (QB, RB, and WR) don't live up to their end of the bargain, the line looks bad for it. Our line played very well, considering all the injuries to it, and the injuries to many skill players and lack of performance from skill players (namely Plummer).


Sep 13, 2002
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IMO:.... A few years back when the Broncos won back to back bowls, their Oline was not dominating... as in BIG and Powerful; I can't think of a guy at the time that was considered Big or a Big name, yet they were considered one of the best Oline, because of their technique, teamwork, and great coaching... Our Oline is dominant as with being big and powerful, but I just don't think they have that technique and teamwork thing down yet, and until someone teaches it to them, all we have is potential.....


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
Originally posted by MadRob
IMO:.... A few years back when the Broncos won back to back bowls, their Oline was not dominating... as in BIG and Powerful; I can't think of a guy at the time that was considered Big or a Big name, yet they were considered one of the best Oline, because of their technique, teamwork, and great coaching... Our Oline is dominant as with being big and powerful, but I just don't think they have that technique and teamwork thing down yet, and until someone teaches it to them, all we have is potential.....

The Brocos O-Line has always been the exception to the rule, but only because they always somehow managed to cheat (cut blocks, etc) their way to dominance, without ever drawing a flag.


Oct 11, 2002
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Between the Pipes
Originally posted by kerouac9
The Brocos O-Line has always been the exception to the rule, but only because they always somehow managed to cheat (cut blocks, etc) their way to dominance, without ever drawing a flag.

amazing, isn't it?


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
Originally posted by SECTION 11
amazing, isn't it?

I don't know how it happened. The Broncs are notorious for cheating and playing dirty in the trenches.

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